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home decor 2

Must have a newborn

My kitchen that usually looks like this:

Now looks like this:

My bed that usually looks like this:

Now looks like this:

Organized drawers that usually look like this:

Now look like this:

My snap dragons that used to look like this:

Now look like this:

Must have a newborn.

Clearly things aren’t running quite as smoothly around here as they usually do! BUT – it’s Thursday. Almost through the week and we are all still alive and for the most part, pretty happy. That’s all I hoped for. :)

Gotta run.

Endless laundry and this little guy are waiting for me.

xoxo, Erin
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38 thoughts on “Must have a newborn

  1. You’re sounding like your old self again – hooray! Bear in mind that your house in its worst shape is still miles better than the average person’s household! Lower those standards and enjoy that perfect little guy – perfect aside from peeing in his mom’s face that is.

  2. Hi! I am a new reader of your blog!

    My house looks like that and I don’t have a newborn! Just four older kids and a toddler who is I think you’re doing great – you will get back into the swing of things soon enough! Hang in there and enjoy that newborn smell and all those sweet snuggles =)

  3. So true- I am totally picky about my house and have such a hard time when things get messy, but it’s all temporary!! I tell myself that constantly. But what’s better than snuggling a baby? Even I can over look messy counters for that- well, for a little while anyway.

  4. Carly is right! I don’t have a new baby and I have several areas that feel out of control! I’m glad you are surviving the week! And I’m sure you’ll survive MANY more!! Love you!

  5. Look at you Erin!!! Whipping up a cute AND funny post while in the middle of all that laundry! You are totally doing it! I think you are doing amazing! My kitchen looks like that most of the time, it’s so lovely to get it all cleaned up and for some reason it just doesn’t last more than 30 minutes! Remember: don’t worry about the house, it’s fine. (a little sad about the snap dragons though, darn it.)

    Madi is looking at “Ellie and Addie’s house” with me, and I told her 2 more months until we get to see Baby Kole! She squealed with delight and said, “and we can see his tiny toes?!” Clearly we are very excited to see the Rollins again. We love and miss you all and can’t wait to meet that Baby Kole!

  6. OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!! I was just saying that to my sister!!! I don’t get ANYTHING done anymore!!!! Glad I’m not alone!!!

  7. Oh…what’s a little mess? It’s not going to hurt anyone! Don’t let it get to you. Just work on getting your energy back and taking care of those cute kids! Then everyone is so much happier!

  8. You really are sounding and looking more and more like yourself and how selfish is it of me to take delight in seeing your house out of order???? :)

    I had to laugh at the picture of the snapdragons. That was kind of funny.

    It’s the Year of the Baby! But something tells me you will have those drawers organized way before then.

    Loved visiting with you at the park. How about we do that again next Wed??

  9. I love it when people post messy house pics! Makes me feel not so bad. I am like you in that I love to organize, but with 6 kids it doesn’t stay that way for very long! I love that picture of your baby by the laundry…sooooo sweet. And I’m sure that’s where he will hang out while you do it. A lot of my memories are of me sitting on the floor folding clothes with a baby laying there next to me…

  10. This post brought back a lot of memories for me! I remember my house and laundry in the same shape after having Jake!!!

    I was so happy to hear that Katy and I were wrong in our doctors analysis! How often am I glad I was wrong? ha ha! Thank you for sweet msg-I feel same! xoxo

  11. I bet it’s tough…Type A’s like us letting go of the control that we pride ourselves on. Knowing you, you’ll have it back in no time.

    I bet it’s fun to air your dirty laundry too.

    Enjoy these days with that sweet baby boy. <3 Kami

  12. Your house in its ‘worst shape’ is beautiful. Glad you are continuing to improve and feel better and enjoy your beautiful family. We will be in San Diego next week for Adam’s graduation.

  13. I’m with Carly. Lower your standards and move forward. Congrats on making it the first full week alone. Seeing that darling baby lying on the floor makes me want another chance at enjoying the newborn phase.

  14. No worries, the laundry will be waiting for you tomorrow along with the dishes, beds and counter. With the third you just have to learn to let go. Hard to do, but possible. Glad you made it through your first week. Your awesome!

  15. Ditto to all of the other comments!! You will have to lower your standards to get through the next couple of months!! And really…who cares!! NO ONE is going to judge what your house looks like! Just remember…your house can wait…but these baby times can’t!! Take in every minute with that sweet little guy, especially since he is your last…LOVE every minute!

  16. i am just happy that you are dojng well…a little mess may drive you a bit crazy but it is no big deal. you have a lovely home & 3 kids, so please don’t worry! and yes, the laundry will be endless..maybe hubby will do a load or two for you over the weekend?

  17. What does it mean when I don’t have a newborn and my house looks like that…yikes! SO glad to hear your are making it through the week. Things will be back to normal real soon. Love your bedding btw!

  18. I am so thrilled that I found you a month ago! You are too funny, and how I wish that we could be real life friends. :o) Loved the letter to yourself, kind of reminds me of the Brad Paisley song “Letter to Me.”

    Your sweet, precious, snuggly-pie is darling. My grandma always told me that when babies smile when they’re sleeping, it’s because they are dreaming of angels. :o) Trust, that you are being cared for, I know you’ll make it through. And if you need an ear, I can stop in my madness at home with 3 kids under 4 to listen. Call me! ;-)

  19. I am right there with you. I had things “good to go” about 2 weeks ago when we thought this baby was coming and now I am already tired of the upkeep. Not sure how it will be when #4 arrives. Take care and I hope you have a great weekend!

  20. Hi Erin, so glad to see you post. Very glad to see that your house does get messy too. Hey dont sweat the small stuff at least you are here with us all and in time you will be able to have your home back to normal. Right now just take the time to heal and maintain ONE DAY AT A TIME. Love your blog. My house usually looks like the messy pictures of yours and I don’t have children of my own just Daycare. Keep the posts coming when you can and keep smiling. I could just eat Kole up he is so darn cute. Donna

  21. It is so hard to have your house out of order…it just makes me crazy! But with a newborn, you just have to lower the standards for a while. :)

    But your house still looks great, really!

    Go snuggle with that cute boy of yours. The kitchen can wait.

  22. Oh no. The snapdragons made me laugh, I’m sorry!

    I know I must have heard this a million times in the last 10 months (my 3rd will be 10 months next weekend) but it will go by so FAST!

    Enjoy that sweet newborn while he’s newborn. Enjoy those girlies playing in your bed. :)

  23. love it! You’re house doesn’t even look bad. That’s my house on a normal day…so you should feel good about it, or I should feel really bad. :) ha I love you Erin and I’m so happy you enjoyed our flowers. Hope things are on the up and up for you!

  24. Is he really that big already? He looks so big on that blanket! NO! Stop him…make him stay tiny forever!
    You should see my house right now…and what excuse do I have?

  25. Hi, I discovered your blog through clover lane. I have two little girlies too that are one and four…so I instantly began “blog stalking” you guys!:) I love your organization posts…it’s contagious! Question…where/how do you organize all the babies, stuff animals, and dress up clothes that comes with girls!? I have not figured it out and thought you might have an idea to share!
    I’ve been praying for you and your family! Just remember…this season will be over in a blink of an eye so just take it moment by moment! Survive is always my motto in the first few months!:)

    [email protected]

  26. I love this post. I have a newborn at the moment and I am having to really ‘let it go.’ My older kids are on school holidays so there is no down time to clean or organise. Gotta go newborn is fussing :)

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