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Food and Cooking...or lack thereof

Scenes from the backyard

Yea! Our first tangerine.

Lemons are out of control, as always. This tree produces year round.

Lucky for me I have an amazing lemon picker. And he has two amazing assistants.

While Addie enjoys sorting and studying the lemons…

Ellie likes to take the funky looking ones and make homes for snails.

As for me, I just use them to decorate. :)

Last time I did a post on my lemon tree it was because my mom and I made Pioneer Woman’s lemon pasta, but it reminded me that I don’t love the taste of lemon. I do, however, love my lemon tree. And I love lemonade. I’m thinking I may have to give that a go. Too bad I don’t have a tree that produces rootbeer year round.
xoxo, Erin
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14 thoughts on “Scenes from the backyard

  1. I am reading this post and saying to Ryan, “why didn’t we bring some of their lemons home with us?!” Next time. I’ll load on of your Target bags and take some off your hands.:)

    And nice that I just finished blogging about our trip down, and you’ve done like 6 posts since. Ya, I can’t keep up with you, even when you’re pregnant.

  2. Hi Erin, I will just say I would take your backyard over mine any day. Mine is waist deep snow cover right now. MMMMM would love that Lemon Tree to. Donna in ND

  3. So I officially suck at texting- sorry I never got back to you the other day. I was too busy collecting my pee! (just did a post about that)

    Anyways, I feel like it’s been ages since we’ve talked. And with babies coming soon I’m sure it won’t get any better.

    We love you! And we miss you! San Diego is too far away!

  4. Last week Matt and I were in the airport in SLC waiting for a flight home to St. George. A call to board a San Diego plane came right before ours boarded. It took so much will power to not run onto the SD flight. And this is why. Ugh…want spring, want it NOW!

  5. Ok, you have to share some lemons with me!!! My kids are always begging to make lemonade which is wierd because I never buy fresh lemons. Anyway, think you could spare a few???

    Love your yard, its so green.

    Missed you yesterday.

  6. I am sooo jealous of all the green in your backyard- that’s one of the worst things about living in Vegas-it’s just not very green. Corey would be really jealous of your lemons- he really wants to grow lemons here.

  7. Are you purposefully trying to torture me? As we get hit with our 2nd snowstorm in a week and I’m DYING here in the freezing midwest? It looks heavenly over there.

  8. Oh I so need a vacation! Your backyard is beautiful! My mom is the biggest lemon lover! I really love them too. You should make that hummus that I made with them, or lemon curd and use it in a tifle with pound cake and fresh berries…YUM! You are so lucky!

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