K – I’m having a hard time with this whole boy thing. I’m excited about having a boy, but not having much fun shopping for one. I went to the mall last week in an attempt to get some sleepers/clothes for our little guy and came home with these:
matching tutu skirts and flower headbands for the girls. A little Valentines Day surprise – cute…right? Anyway, this isn’t the first time this has happened. I venture to the stores on a mission to buy stuff for Kole and come home with more stuff for the girls. I hope I’m a good ‘boy mom’ because so far I’m failing miserably.
So here’s my dilemma. I’m having the hardest time finding new crib bedding I love. After Addison moved out I turned half of the nursery into my scrapbook room. I’m not willing to give that up.

The other half of the room still looks like this:
Nice and girly. I don’t want to change my green paint because I love it and I’m not buying new crib furniture for my last baby so I just want to find some cute boy bedding that has green in it and will go ok with the rest of the girl looking room. I know. Poor third kid. We’re hoping to be in a bigger home within a year or two though and when we are, I’ll go all out with an all boy room – no scrapbook supplies included. But until then, I just need some boyish crib bedding he can sleep in for now. He should have something that looks like it was meant for him since he’ll be playing in a pink playroom and sharing a pink and green butterfly bathroom with his sisters (and wearing pink tutu skirts if I can’t get my act together).
I’ve looked around in a few stores here and on-line at a few places, but I’m not finding anything I love with green in it. Everything has too much blue and will clash with the paint. This one from Pottery Barn Kids will work…

but I’m not in love with it. So my question to you is: do any of you know of any websites with cute boy bedding? Any San Diego stores I might be missing? Your help will be much appreciated!
(especially by Kole) :)
xoxo, Erin
Well it won’t come as a surprise that I am NO help with the decorating but I just wanted to reassure you that Kole will not care where he is sleeping or what his bedding looks like so don’t stress….to much. :)
When we moved into our house, all of the paint colors were horrible. I was determined to paint every room by myself. The last room was my boys’ room and it was a horrific army green. We were out of time, and I was out of motivation. We chose to leave it “as is” and went with a “Where the Wild THings Are” theme…you know the book by Maurice Sendak. We kept the green walls, purchased the over-sized wall leaves from IKEA. I painted a few other leaves up the walls and onto the ceiling. Tall grasses bordered around the floor boards all the way aorund the base of the room. I framed giant posters off Ebay that read “Let the WIld Rumpus start”…and the bedding was a hodge podge of greens from Target and IKEA. I wish I had pictures to send you, but sadly I don’t. They have outgrown that room, but it was by far my favorite…
CUTE stuff at this site:
have fun!
poshtots.com has come cute boy bedding with green. Some I thought were cute were Avery, Retro Toys, Hudson, Monkey Business, and Finn.
Baby Gap has some boys bedding with green in it, there’s a turle one with green and blue and white, or a jungle one with greens and browns. I know finding cute boy stuff is hard, I have 2!
The beauty of boys is they don’t really care to much what their room looks like. (At least my boys anyway!)
I also have to admit when I go to the store to buy my boys clothes, I mostly come home with a lot for Addie! It’s a problem. Have you notice all the boys clothes look pretty much the same? Ya, good luck! :)
Don’t stress too much because he really won’t know the difference. But I know that target has a lot of crib sets that are super cute- there are more online than in the store. Land of Nod is cute and so is the Company Store (both of those are online too). I actually just looked at target and there are some that have green in them.
I like this one from the Land of Nod: http://www.landofnod.com/family.aspx?c=167&f=633
Erin, you crack me up! Cute skirts for the girls though! Trust me, there ARE actually cute boy clothes out there. No, it’s not as much fun, but there really are cute boy things! I’m sure once you get into it you’ll fall in love with little polo shirts and sweater vests.
Good luck with the bedding. We were too poor at the time, so Pierson never even got matching bedding, oh wait he still doesn’t have matching bedding. Ya, I’m no help. I’ll keep my eye out for you though.
Okay, I know I already commented, but I just remembered something. When I had Brendan, I wanted new crib stuff, even though I had already had two boys, but I couldn’t find what I wanted. I found a twin size quilt I really liked so I just bought plain bumbers and sheets to match and the quilt I kept folded over the end of the crib. I loved that I did that because he still uses it. The quilt is just plaids and stripes so it has worked with different themes and decor and I didn’t have to buy all new bedding for him. I really wished I would have done that with my girls. Anyway just a thought.
modpeapod.com. THE cutest bedding ever!! Look through all of them, it will take a while! I’m sure when your done, you will want to buy 10 different sets!
Also, keep in mind if you don’t find anything you like you can see all her fabric samples and make up your own bedding. That’s what I did! It’s unbelievable baby bedding I LOVE my daughters!! Good luck :0)
I LOVE the tutus!!!! And as for boy bedding, GOOD LUCK!!!!!! Girls are so much funner to shop for, thank goodness most boys don’t care!!!!
Glad someone else mentioned the cute bumper pad I saw at the Gap.
You have some fun web pages to look at…Something will click.
The skirts are darling! The girls will look darling in their skirts and red bows…I miss them!
you are so funny! I don’t even have girls, but I would find myself in the baby girl section when I was trying to get boy stuff. I got my bedding on babysupermall.com I found it on a bunch of sites, but that was the cheapest one. Weird, but JCPenney had some cute stuff too. I’ll be on the lookout for you if I see anything cute.
Aiden’s bedding is from Gap. It would work with the green. Good luck with the only seeing pink thing. Just move up on the color wheel and start seeing red. ;)
I just recently started reading your blog, and think you and your family are so dang adorable that I’ve continued :) Don’t worry – I’m not a creepy stalker! I just wanted to let you know about one site/blog that I love for design inspiration: http://designdazzle.blogspot.com/
Check it out – there are SO many fun ideas on it! Good luck decorating for a boy. I have 2 of them, and I absolutely LOVE having boys. They are SO much fun!!
By the way – you are such a beautiful pregnant woman!
I was going to leave one more link for you and I forgot… bedding specifically for little boys:
I know you now have a ton of shopping suggestions but hey, here’s another one. (I mean really, can you have too many places/reasons to shop?) I love love love Serena and Lily and think that the Blake or Henry collections may work. (www.serenaandlily.com)
As for other boy shopping, I promise you will get into it. I love shopping for my boys as everything is cute, mix and match and requires less upkeep on accessories. And for your third, I promise you less is more! :)
i got jonathans bedding at serenaandlily.com. i love their bedding! we werent going to paint but when the bedding came it clashed with the walls so i made jake paint. and now the nursery is darling! good luck. (sorry for the poor punctuation… holding baby).
I don’t have a clue where you’d find it – (I’m Canadian) but I loved the Classic Winnie the Pooh (not the modern) – it’s primarily soft yellow with green grass adn the varying characters. We used that for our son.
I enjoyed your previous post – I am now 32 weeks pregnant with our third (gender unknown – we have a 7yr old boy adn a 5 year old girl and a 19 year old foster daughter with sp needs)and feeling a lot of what you are. We have a c-section planned for March 22nd. All the best!
Just came across your blog via Jessica Turner’s blog. Turns out we both live in S.D…fun! I like the green walls. For my son’s nursery, we did sage green, cream and a chocolate brown. The colors are beautiful together and turned out to be perfect for a little boy!