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Mom Adventures

Some News

9 weeks along
8 serious discussions about whether or not we can commit to buying a minivan (yes, it’s the smartest solution…no, we just can’t do it. We have to, it’s so practical for 3…no, we just can’t do it. You’re a soccer mom, let’s embrace the stage of life we’re in…technically the girls don’t play soccer…)
7 times I’ve cried for no apparent reason and then suddenly felt enraged over something like Kenny putting down a Coke Zero can with no coaster
6 Claussen pickles I ate for lunch yesterday…followed by 6 Starburts for dessert
5 weeks of being sick and tired of being so sick… and tired
4 different shirts I tried on before finding something to wear to dinner with friends the other night
3 years of convincing Kenny that this is a good idea
2 very excited soon-to-be big sisters
all because…
1 baby is on the way

I’m pregnant. Kenny caved. I’m good at that – getting Kenny to cave. It’s the reason we live on the West Coast instead of the East, the reason we own season passes to Disneyland, and the reason the majority of our money goes to home decor and matching clothes for the girls. It’s also now the reason we will have 3 kids instead of 2. Really though, now that I’m pregnant and it is real, Kenny is thrilled. The girls are thrilled. And as for me, well…while I’m not excited to look like this again:

{May 2006 – the night before I delivered Addison. Watermelon is coming to mind. Short people so get the crappy end of the pregnancy stick}

I am VERY excited for this:
And this:
And this:

Due April 10th. Lots to look forward to. :)
xoxo, Erin
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57 thoughts on “Some News

  1. We are thrilled at our house. It can’t come fast enough for me! Besides, you are so darling when you are pregnant Erin. I say, let the shopping begin!
    Can’t wait to see you this weekend.

  2. Yeah!!! I’m so excited for you guys! I just asked Trisha and Sarah the other day if you were going to have a third. :) I don’t know why I thought they would know except maybe if you’d mentioned it at some get together! Good luck with the pregnancy! Being the mother of 3 is CRAZY and WONDERFUL all at the same time!

  3. AAUUGGGHHHH, congrats Erin. I am SO excited for you guys. I totalyl vote for the minivan… I’ve had both Tahoe… and now Honda Odyssey… the van is so much more convenient when it comes to babies. Not to put a vote in the wrong direction.. haha!! Hope you get feeling better soon and the pregnancy goes well.

  4. YEA!!!! I am so happy for you guys!!! I have to say that #3 was my easiest. Maybe because our youngest was 3 1/2. And as for the mini van? That’s why I own a Tahoe…. 9 seat belts!!! CONGRATS!!!!

  5. Congratulations! The mini van comments made me laugh… Jake is always trying to convince me that I want one, but I don’t (although I’m sure I do). I hope the sick phase ends soon. April is the BEST month (aim for the 3rd – best day of the year)!

    Yay babies!!P.S. I have 6 weeks to go!

  6. I love that my last comment to you was that I thought another one was in the works!! So excited for you..well not for the sickness! But how exciting to have another one!

  7. ERIN!!!!! I can’t believe it! Ok, well really I can, we SO knew this was coming! I’m sitting here thinking 9 weeks, 4 weeks to find out…how many weeks ago where they here and we were having the “baby discussion”. again. ??? So, really, Kenny is thrilled??!! THAT, I was not expecting! Good for you Kenny! And April is the perfect time for having a baby. And I am so proud of you for being excited for a baby though, I would be dreading it! GOOD LUCK!!! I hope you get feeling better soon. LOVE YOU!

    p.s. – sorry Kenny, no news for us. Except that we have decided that even if I wanted another one, we can’t afford it. (We had to sell our cars and get, well lets just say, crappy ones. My pilot is gone. Sniff.)

    p.p.s. – I think you could get away with keeping the pilot. Ellie is big enough to buckle herself in, she can climb in the back just fine.

  8. Soooo funny, I was reading your comments and thought to myself, “how funny, Gretchen wrote the same exact thing I did” and then realized my computer was signed in to HER!! That was MY comment!! I’m such an air-head!

  9. a million congratulations to you both. i stand firm that although 3 is tough it has been the best baby stage for me. i so hope you feel better soon. what a fun post!

    p.s. we caved, got the van and should i be so ashamed to say i love it? i mean really love it. embrace the soccer mom within!

  10. a million congratulations to you both. i stand firm that although 3 is tough it has been the best baby stage for me. i so hope you feel better soon. what a fun post!

    p.s. we caved, got the van and should i be so ashamed to say i love it? i mean really love it. embrace the soccer mom within!

  11. HAHAHAHAHAH! This is the best official announcement, “I’m pregnant. Kenny caved. I’m good at that – getting Kenny to cave”. I just LOVE you! So many congrats! Get some professional belly pics done. It always makes you feel pretty.

  12. Yippee!!! First of all, looking THAT cute the day before you deliver is sinful…you might have to have a couple more after THIS one since you are such a cute pregnant person! (I know…that’s jumping the gun after you just spend weeks puking!) Congratulations! Babies are awesome. Being pregnant is miraculous. (except for the puking parts). I’m so excited for you! Good job with the “breaking the husband down” part. I’m good at that too. Had to do it everytime.

  13. Wow! Erin!!! So happy to hear the great news! You look amazing the night before you delivered! Lucky Lucky girl! Sorry about the sickies though.

  14. That’ so fun-who can’t love a baby!! CONGRATS!!

    It’s hard giving into the minivan idea, but I really do like mine. I have a Honda- it has tons of cargo space- I can walk straight to the back row without folding seats etc. Automatic doors and leather are totally worth it too.

  15. CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU!! I am glad to realize that you were already expecting when all of your posters thought it their place to counsel you on family planning. About the minivan? One of those things I would never, ever do…8 year later. It’s easier but its frumpier…go figure. We bought ours right before leaving UT to move to CA. I asked the salesguy if the denim dress came with it.

  16. Congrats, even though I thought we were all together on holding off at two. Despite my disappointment, the happiness is just to overwhelming. And a good luck to you Kenny for a little boy.

  17. Congrats! We are very exicted for you…even if I am a little bit jealous. Tell Kenny thanks for giving me a little bit of hope :-) And I am sure Sam’s message to kenny would be something more like “Thanks a lot!” :-)

  18. Darling way to announce! I think you are very cute 9 months along!!! I looked like a blob!

    How late did you guys stay at Disney? I am anxious to talk!

  19. CONGRATS!!!! what fabulous news! I am so thrilled for you guys. really, this is so great. good job at being brave and going for #3. you are a wonderful mom & will do an amazing job with three (just like with everything else you do). we look forward to going along on the journey with you. oh, and i’m with shari…sorry i can’t join in on the fun. three kids under three years old would make me insane. ;)

  20. CONGRATS! just when you started moving Addison’s room into your crafting room…but a baby room is so much more fun and exciting! April babies are the best, I am one of them! are you going to find out what you are having?

  21. I am so very happy for you guys! I will tell you that this does not come as a shock at all…you probably won’t stop until you have six little darlings running around! Definitely go with the mini-van…it’s so much easier with three kids. Plus, you are a darling soccer mom!! XOXOXO

  22. I’m so excited for you guys! This was such a fun BLOG post to find today. We have loved having our #3. And, there are plenty of alternatives to the minivan! Best of luck to you and I can’t wait for April 10!

  23. CONGRATS!! Hoping that your next addition will be another little girl! Having three, little girls is something sooooo special… something I can’t explain! There’s just something wonderful about 3 sisters! So happy for you! -Kassi

  24. Hooray for #3! Can’t wait to see you tomorrow and hear all about it! Now we have even more of an excuse to eat our faces off!! Well, I have no excuse, but I would never let a sister of mine eat her emotions without supporting her step by step, brownie by brownie. Pack light!

  25. Hey Erin…quick question…when you first uploaded Picassa, did you then lose the ability to upload pictures into Photobucket? Picassa changed some settings on my computer and I can’t figure out what?

  26. Holy Crap you have a loyal following. You are so loved and so is that new baby. Grandparents must be happy. Does this mean so much for office space?
    Congratulations. Hope you feel well.

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