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A little space for me…

Ever since Addison moved out of the nursery and into her “big girl bed” with Ellie I’ve been slowly taking over her room…one drawer at a time.

Now even though it is still part nursery, it is also a little space for me. Finally some room to scrapbook! I’ve dreamed of having my own scrapbooking room my whole life and while this isn’t exactly the dream room I have designed in my head, it will definitely do for now. So for the few hours on the few days a week that Addison is in pre-school, this is where you will find me.

Frantically, but happily trying to catch up on our books. This space is way too clean. I can’t wait to jump in and mess it up!
xoxo, Erin
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13 thoughts on “A little space for me…

  1. Wow! You might even inspire me…a very reluctant hiding in the back of the scrapbook closet kind of scrapper. I am so very, very behind. Love the room:)

  2. As cute as that is… The best day of my life is when I converted to digital scrap booking for many reasons.. It’s SOO nice and you only have the space and mess of your computer.. My husband LOVES that fact!

  3. Wow Erin! I am so impressed with a) how CUTE the room is, and b) how organized your scrapbook stuff is! It looks so cute and fun! Now if I could just get my desk cleaned off so I could scrapbook…you’d be so ashamed of me.

  4. Still as perfect as it was when I saw it. Yeh girl, mess it up a bit. Those are the photo’s I want to see. Then post some scrapper’s tips.

  5. I don’t know, from what I heard…you are so organized that it probably won’t stay messy! But it really is a cute scrapbook room! I am taking note though that you’re not taking the crib down, any reason for that?? He He!!

  6. How fun! What a great space. I love the way you used the shelf so functional and decorative. That color green is so cute! I hope you enjoy the space!

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