{Last Day of Pre-School}
Ellie and her best friend on their last day of school. Doing what they do best – acting silly. :)

A few things I want to remember about this day:
-Ellie insisted on wearing her hair all down (I usually don’t give in, especially when I know it will be hot and I know it will be in her face…but it was HER day).
-Kenny and I were some of the first people there to insure the best seats in the house.
-While most kids walked across the bridge, Ellie bounced the whole way and everyone laughed and clapped.
-The kids all sang and signed a song with these words “may there always be sunshine, may there always be blue skies, may there always be mama’s, may there always be me” It was incredibly sweet.
-After the ceremony everyone ate rainbow cake and took pictures with teachers and friends.
-I didn’t cry until we got in the car to leave.
-We took the girls for yogurt afterwords to celebrate.
-I was happy knowing Addison will be there in the Fall. Not quite ready to say good-bye to this school and these teachers. It has been a huge part of our lives for the last three years.
-Ellie was beaming and I was so proud of the sweet little girl she is turning into.
-It was a great day :)
xoxo, Erin
What a sweetheart Ellie is in her darling sun dress. I can just see her bouncing across that bridge! I agree….that Pre-School is amazing and I am so happy she got to spend her most important early years there. Also Very Happy that Addie will get the same experience too….plus, I know already know where to exit to pick her up….and how to parallel PARK your car! Sweet pictures of Ellie.
How sweet! I love how you let her choose her hair and she picked to have it down. I wish Avery would pick down. She always wants a ponytail or a braid. Congrats little Ellie!
So sweet & exciting! Yeah for kindergarten!
Cute pictures! What a doll she is. Glad it was a fun day. Soon you’ll wake up one moring and it will be kindergarten graduation! Then you’ll really cry!
Wow Erin,
I wish I was there to hug Ellie and you. It makes me emotional just to think of it! I know when I’m in your shoes and my little Rachel is ready for Kindergarten, there will be many tears shed. That really was the sweetest post. I sure love our little Ellie. Will you tell her I’m SO proud of her!! Hey, I will tell her myself, when are you coming home? Let’s party.
Only in freaking sunny Southern California, is there a graduation with a little girl crosing a bridge in a sun dress with bamboo huts in the background, and gorgeously tan/ model teachers. That. Is the way it should be done.
What a sweetie…hard, hard to let them grow, I think.
Ellie is glowing with excitement! I love it ~ She is so ready for Kindergarten and all the new adventures!
Congrats Ellie! Grandma loves you!
She is so adorable. She looks just like you. Now for Kindergareten, how fun. How do you get your pictures so big and make them four at a time. Let me know.