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Christmas Highlights…


My parents came to us this year for Christmas and it was great being with family in our own little home. On Christmas Eve my mom always makes our traditional Christmas cinnamon roll to eat Christmas morning. This year the girls decided they wanted to make their own to leave out for Santa.

Ellie set up her cinnamon roll along with milk and cheese (cheese is for Santa Mouse – a favorite Christmas story) and also made a tower for Santa out of her blocks. When she started laying it all out on the floor by the fireplace I asked her what she was doing and told her to set it on the table. She said “Mom! Santa comes down the chimney. This is where he will see it first!” Oh yeah….duh.

Just after Santa arrived!

Addison when she first saw everything Santa left…AND Addison after she tried on her Barbie Diamond Castle dress and decided it wasn’t long enough. Always a little drama when my two year old is involved!

feeling much better

Ellie was so excited about her castle and Tinkerbell dolls she just wanted to play instead of open more presents.

That’s a wrap!

A few days after Christmas we headed to Utah to spend time with more family and friends…

Heading out the door. Girls always do lots of shopping while the boys…

watch lots of football. My husband and brother during the Charger/Bronco game. Can you guess which team won? :)

Fun with family (new coats for Christmas!)

Fun with friends (we always enjoying hanging out with the Robisons!)

And of course our traditional 84765 Christmas lunch get-together. These are my best friends from High School or I should say from my entire childhood (minus Liz and Mern…missed you two!). We Santa Clara girls all grew up together and will always be close friends. Now that we’ve scattered and live far away from each other we make sure to get together each year after Christmas to catch up. We somehow manage to pick up right where we left off and laugh at how we haven’t changed a bit over the years. Except for our hairstyles. :) Love you guys!

Happy New Year Everyone! Bring on 2009!!!

xoxo, Erin
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10 thoughts on “Christmas Highlights…

  1. Love the 87465 (?) girl group!! I know got that wrong but you know what I mean! Caroline would LOVE to play with Ellie and her new princess house! Pitch it on the plane next time. :) Happy new Year!

  2. I loved lunch. It was a ton of fun seeing everyone again. I love addisons drama on christmas morning, she just does what most of us feel like doing.

  3. I will say it again and I’m sure I’ll say it again…but your girls are so much like mine it’s comical!! So dang cute.
    So fun to see the pic of all your Santa Clara girls…might I add that you all looked fabulous too!!
    We’re heading to Legoland in February…any suggestions on nicer/cheaper hotels by it?

  4. You did such a great job putting so much into one blog! I’m so stressed out about how behind I am!

    So glad you’re home. (You are home right?)

    We need to get together soon so we can catch up!

  5. So sad that Addie’s dress was not long enough–that was so funny :-) Loved the pictures of all the fam-especially the recent ones of Austin and Dayna. And Austin…sorry your team lost. :-(

  6. Looks like it was a wonderful time. Was Kenny trying to comfort your brother by putting his hand on his leg or was he getting fresh? Love the coats, especially Miss Trend Setter Carly. I’m glad you guys make time to get together to hang out with your old farm friends. Everyone looks the same. Seems like you were in lovely company. What restaurant were you at? It didn’t look familiar. Thanks for sharing.

    PS Austin’s wife is a total model. What a babe!

    PSS If Mat does plastics for the eye, he can easily get certified to plastics for the chest and tummy. I’ll make him…what’s another year to our 14! That equals mega 2 4 1 discount boddy makeovers, although I’m seeing that you don’t need any so you can just send your money to my fund.

  7. Oh, forgot to add that I’m so glad Bonnie was there to add some ‘homemade’ treats to the festivities. ;) And, how cute do you look on Christmas morning??

    Heehee, you need to go read my recent posts to see how I looked. Blek!

  8. ola irmão! poxa que saudades de você!! como vc esta tudo bem? ei, fui na casa da irmã cruza e o alex. eles receberam um cartão seu..nossa fiquei feliz!! por que nem fiquei com teu e-mail.nem telefone?? nada??
    nossa! estou trabalhando direto fazendo cursos. mostrando meu trabalho as pessoas aqui em belé, feliz natal a sua familia e um ano repleto de saúde.desculpe por só agora lhe escrever. mas nem tinha teu endereço.parabéns pelo seu blog.
    se tiver tempo. acesse meu blog
    é( meu e-mail ([email protected])
    por favor me mande noticiais ok amigo. vc tem orkut?? aguardo sua resposta.


    Rosinaldo Pinheiro ( saudades. muito obrigado por tudo que fez por mim, sou grato ao pai por conhece-lo )

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