I called Ellie to come downstairs because it was time to leave for gymnastics Tuesday morning and this is what appeared in the kitchen ready to go. :)
She wears the hat all the time! She even slept in it the other night.
Listening to Christmas music (especially the
Chipmunks…I love the Chipmunks). I took the picture above yesterday. Addie was down for a nap so Ellie and I turned on the Christmas music and I cleaned and decorated while she colored Christmas pictures. Such a
fun afternoon.
A nap with football on (isn’t football the best thing to nap to?)
Conversations with my husband. Kenny is the king of sarcasm and it seems we rarely have serious conversations with each other. Typical conversation…
Kenny: “Erin you have got to watch your Verizon minutes…do you know how long you’ve talked on the phone this month!? 1700 minutes. That’s about 30 hours you’ve wasted on the phone!”
Erin: “Sorry babe. I was talking to my boyfriend in Spain. He loves my voice and just can’t seem to get enough of it.”
Kenny: “He better be a Verizon user so I’m not paying for those minutes.”
Staples. I love Staples. All kinds of school supplies and organizers. Such a fun store.
Just the last few days it has finally cooled off a little and we turned our heater on. YEA! Heaters smell like Christmas. I love the smell and sound of the heater. Hopefully San Diego will stay in the 60’s for awhile and I can pull out my turtleneck and boots I’ve been dying to wear. It finally feels like Christmas in San Diego. Lights are on all the Palm Trees. :)
Speaking of lights…our outside lights are up and the yard screams Christmas! We put so many up this year (in addition to our big Frosty, Candy Canes, Rudolph, reindeer, and sleigh) that our house lights up our whole street! Kenny was such a good sport to help me – he doesn’t share my enthusiasm for outdoor lights. Thanks again babe. The girls and I get so happy when it gets dark and we can check out our lights.
New Christmas tree this year! It doesn’t look too much different than our old tree but there is a big difference in the amount of time we spent putting it up! Our old tree (which used to be my parents’ tree) was such a pain! We had to put it together branch by branch and the thing was HUGE. The girls would get all excited to decorate the tree and then six hours later we’d finally have it assembled with lights. By then we were all so sick of it we weren’t in the mood to decorate. Well not this year! First thing on my December to-do list was to buy a new tree and we found this one at Costco that I loved. Just the right size, branches are attached, lights already strung. So much easier to put together! Next year…time to buy new decorations? The snowman decorations I’m using are also old ones of my moms, but I don’t know if I can part with them. They remind me of too many
Christmases growing up. Good memories. :)
Family movie night! Watched Barbie’s Christmas Carol all together in the play room. The girls loved having Kenny and me watch the whole thing with them. Of course half way through the movie they started playing with toys and it was Kenny and me who were glued to the tube. We’re suckers for any feel good Christmas movie…even Barbie apparently. Can’t wait to watch our favorite (aside from It’s A Wonderful Life of course)…The Family Man. If you haven’t seen it, it’s a must see for December!
Speaking of good movies…went to Twilight last weekend with friends. It wasn’t as good as the book (what movie ever is?), but I still loved it. I really liked Edward and Bella in it. Some of the Cullen family I wasn’t as sold on (Rosalie and Jasper???), but overall they did a great job sticking to the story. Now I want to go re-read the books, but I can’t let myself get sucked into that world again. It’s a world where nothing else exists and my family suffers. Fun to see it on the big screen though!
My girls came down the stairs like this a few days ago. They told me they were off on a picnic with Rudolph and had to get away from all the bears and hot lava that was coming (once again). These nightgowns (courtesy of grandma) are their new outfit of choice when we’re hanging at home.
Gilmore Girls re-runs. Man I miss that show.
LOVE Weiman
Stainless Steel Wipes! Makes cleaning Stainless Steel appliances such a breeze. Great for all those little fingerprints. :)

Got my
first Christmas present of the season!
My cute friend Ann brought over a bucket of treats with the movie Elf. Her husband dressed up like Elf for Halloween and I felt so out of the loop because I hadn’t seen the movie yet. She made sure to fix that. :) We watched the movie and loved the treats. Thanks Ann! Such a great gift – made for a
fun December night with my husband.

(Ann and her husband and little boy for Halloween. How cute are they!?)
I love Ellie’s pre-school! Before I sent Ellie to pre-school a couple of years ago I spent forever researching schools to find the best fit for her. I absolutely love the one I chose. It is such a fun, cozy environment with great teachers and amazing learning opportunities. I feel so good sending her there and can’t wait for Addison to start next year. I took this picture in front of a house Ellie’s pre-K group built when they were doing a unit on architecture. They are always working on something fun and have been doing a lot of neat holiday projects. Good times. Love Ellie’s pre-school. Love my girls. Love this time of year. Lots of good things!
I secretly just want to be a fly on your wall to hear all of your giddiness about Christmas. In fact, I might even send you a Christmas card since I assume you love them as much as I do.
Glad you mentioned the Gilmore girls. This girl said I acted like Laura Lei and because I didn’t know the show I would ask around to see who I was being compared and they would say, “She’s a free spirit who sleeps around.” That caught my attention enough to watch it! I’m on season 5 now and loving it. Mat likes it too! Rory’s hooking up with Logan and Laura Lei’s finally with Luke. And, she doesn’t sleep around.
Anyway, carry on!
Great post Erin. Elf is great isn’t it???
I love these “Great Things” posts from you….I’m like you . I million things to do and instead I’m sitting here reading blogs!!
What a FUN post! I haven’t blogged forever because I have a million things to do, but when I saw that you had posted, OF COURSE I had to take the time to check out what you were up to!!! Miss you!
So many fun things to comment on! I was really laughing at your conversation with Kenny. I can just picture both of you! So funny!
The pictures of Ellie as a baby made me sad-and she’s not even my baby! It seems like just yesterday I was your VT and you were preg!
So happy you watched Elf!!!! I’m warning you, the more you watch it, the more addictive it becomes!
Great post!
LOVE the pictures of the Baby’s first Christmas hat…I remember it so clearly when she was a baby. I love Addie in her drawer. Carly used to climb in my dryer! I can’t wait to see your house decked out in Christmas lights…and I am so happy you got a new tree! You were soooo over due.
Keep all the snowman decorations. They will be fun memories for your girls…They may use them someday.
Can’t wait to see your sweet family. I am counting the Days!
LOVE Ellie’s excitement and Santa hat! So cute!
AHH Erin… so good to have an Erin fix!
Thanks for always brightening my days. I love to read your blog. Can’t wait for your Christmas card this year.
SO, my goal is to check face book more often.. we’ll see how that goes!