who had a little curl, right in the middle of her forehead. When she was good, she was very very good…

xoxo, Erin
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Hillarious and so clever! Did you have to ask her to frown or was that for real???
Oh Dear! I think I shall duck.
Thanks for the comic relief! Heaven help you.
She looks MAD! Addison can actually be quite sweet….when she wants to be. :) She is my little pookins now matter how she acts!
hahah.. i love it erin! i love reading your bolg. I just had to catch up .. you’re so clever in your posts and pictures. You’re a doll!
The REAL scoop with Christian ins’t that different than i wrote on my blog. We talk about ever week or every other week and we have fun when we’re together but it’s a little difficult because he lives clear up in provo. I might convince him to go to dixie.. haha. we’ll see how that works out. and i’ll be sure to let you know if anything else happens. :)
ahh, looks like i’m signed in as my mom.
It’s Haylee. not jenn.. ;)
What a great pic, I am still laughing. Good thing you caught that moment.
That was so dang funny! What a little cutie!
How cute are you. I love it.
I love it! Taking after Kenny, of course!
Ohh watch out girlfriend, where did she learn that evil eye?
Love it! :0) Does she get that look from you or Kenny?