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The Complete Book of Home Organization

Happy Thursday friends!  Oh my word.  I have had SO much fun reading your survey answers!  I can’t thank you all enough for taking a minute to answer my 5 question survey.  I have seriously loved your responses!  Really great feedback and I’m going to share the results and address some of your comments/questions/suggestions in my next post.  {If you haven’t taken the survey yet I’d love to hear from you!  You can find the link here.}

K.  The real reason for today’s quick post.  Eek!  I’m excited.  I’ve had my hands on the BEST book the past few days and I can’t wait to tell you all about it!  Do you all read Toni’s blog A Bowl Full of Lemons?  If you don’t already and you love to organize, you are in for a treat!  Toni is an organizing expert and her blog has been a major source of inspiration for me for years.  When I got an e-mail from her a couple of weeks before Christmas asking if I’d help with her new book launch I think I might have squealed out loud!  After I picked my jaw up off the floor.  I had no doubt her book would be fabulous and friends.. I was right!

Screen Shot 2016-01-06 at 10.21.55 PM
It’s The Complete Book of Home Organization (just released!) and I haven’t been able to put it down!  I was hoping to take some of my own pictures today but we have been having massive rain here in California (Hello El Nino!) with flash floods and all sorts of  craziness so I have been a bit distracted and it has been too dark for pictures.  Here are a couple of pictures I found on-line just to show you a peek inside..
81nmsY4SWIL Toni goes through each space in our homes room by room and explains in detail how to get things cleaned out and organized.  She offers weekly challenges and checklists so it’s easy to follow along and really apply all of her suggestions.  She also shares a lot of quick tips that are simple but brilliant!  I can’t begin to tell you how motivated I am after reading this book!  I seriously want to clean out and organize every single inch of my home!  So get ready.  Coming soon to a blog near you.  :)
Isn’t Toni’s home beautiful!?  The book is full of her own pictures and real life solutions.  Very inspiring and just what I needed to feel motivated to completely organize my home in 2016!  You can order Toni’s new book here.

Ready for more fun news?  I have a copy to giveaway to one of you!  YEA!  Just leave a comment with your name and tell me one space you’d love to get organized this year.  Toni will mail one of you her new book!  I’m also giving away a copy on Instagram as part of a fun new series I’m doing with a few blog friends called #justorganizeit so play along of you are interested!

I’ll be back soon with survey talk followed by LOTS of organizing.  Are you ready to get completely organized in 2016?  I am!  Let’s do this.  :)

*affiliate links used


xoxo, Erin
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336 thoughts on “The Complete Book of Home Organization

  1. I Love the Look oft this Book! It wild really help me Organize my tiny new kitchen. I just can’t fit all of our stuff into it After our Recent Move.

  2. Wow, That would be perfect book for me, but….I’m so Far Far Away…maybe by Amazon
    My goal is to get the whole garage/workshop/ storage organized this year and get my hubby keep it organised ;)
    Happy this new year!!! <3

  3. I would love to organise my kitchen for good this year. I have so many appliances, and kitchen ‘stuff’ but very little space.

  4. I need to organize our spice cabinet. I was thinking maybe by color of the spice. Would love a copy of the book, we are beginning a whole house organization and remodel.

  5. We moved to a new house in June so there are LOTS of areas that I’m working on getting organized! :) But my top priority is my office. I’m sick of it being such a mess and I can’t wait to get a handle on all the papers that end up piled up around here.

  6. We are selling and building a new home on a large local lake! I needelp organizing ALL spaces before we go to declutter while we are on the market! I would lovto have Toni’s book to guide me through the process!

  7. I need this book!! I’m trying to organize my closet and the kitchen with no success… Will be great to win it!!
    Have a great 2016!!

  8. I would LOVE this book! I try to keep up the mantra of “everything has a place” but it’s not something that comes easy or naturally to me.

  9. I need her book so bad! lol. I need help organizing my kitchen cabinets and pantry. It is that one area in our home that never seems to stay organized no matter what I do. PLEASE HELP! :)

  10. Oh wow! First of all….hope you guys are okay there with all that rain that is pouring down. I know you desperately need rain, just not all at once. I know how bad it can get having lived through a few El Nino years out in California. Good luck staying dry! Second…congrats to your friend on having a book published. Sounds like a winner for sure. How nice to be able to give a copy away. Is my whole house considered a space? LOL No? How about my kitchen, then?. That’d be nice to have completely organized. Thanks for the chance to win! :)

  11. I am at the point where little by little, everything has gotten disorganized and I have stopped making decisions about things and started piling things up….I will pick 2 places though, my entry/laundry area and my craft room! (But, believe me when I say my list could go on and on and on…..)

  12. Hi ! Thanks for this contest ! I would love to have this book and this year I’d like to get my daughter’s room organized and this book sounds perfect !
    Thank you so much !
    PS: I’m french so I hope I can apply to win the book – Thanks :-)

  13. I need to organize the kiddo(s)’s rooms. We’ll be adding #2 in April. So turning the guest room into a big boy room and relocating all that “stuff” we kept stored in that closet is going to be a challenge. And should probably happen sooner rather than later. I heard babies don’t wait for their rooms to be done before they come :)

  14. Do I ever need this book for inspiration! While I’m grateful to have a large walk in master bedroom closet…you need a map to navigate around in it!! I need help to get it organized!

  15. I really need to get my craft room/dumping ground for all homeless things in my house organized. I love all the great ideas online – now to implement them! Thanks for the chance to win this book and for all the wonderful posts.

  16. We are currently renting a townhome and would love to reorganize everything! However, I think my daughter’s room and kitchen are tied. Our master closet would definitely be a close second. :) Thanks so much for the giveaway!! :)

  17. I’d love to organize our “bonus room” this year – a room that is being treated as a closet. Photos (both printed and digital) would be my top priority!

  18. We just moved houses the week of Thanksgiving, but are pretty much all settled in already. I consider myself quite organized and I’ve moved so many times that I have it down to a science. However (there’s always a however though, right?!), there are still a few areas that need tweaked and finessed. I would love to get my hands on a copy of this book! I’ve been reading her blog as well as yours for a few years now and love you both. The one space I would most like to get organized this year would be my basement. Our old house didn’t have one, and right now we have boxes and bins on shelving but without any particular rhyme or reason to how it’s organized.

  19. I would love to organize my home office! No matter what I do, the junk drawer seems to get worse and all of my office supplies and papers need a better system!


  20. This year I really want to get a handle on the dining room which has now turned into my husbands office space. It needs serious organization and attention!!

  21. I need to get my kitchen under control. I have tried so many times but there is still so much clutter! Help!

  22. I need to organize my basement! It serves as my office, kids playroom, rec room. It’s huge and wide open and I need to define the floor space. Help!

  23. I would love to get a handle on my basement organization. It houses everything that is too big or out of season and all my craft stuff. It’s a mess down there!

  24. I would loooove to win — my goal this year is to clean out and deep clean and completely organize one room every month — I think it can be totally do-able but I’d love a little help from Toni!

  25. This book looks fantastic, I will definitely check it out! My main goal this year is to get our kitchen better organized.

  26. The biggest area I need to organize this year is my basement. It has been become the dumping ground as I organized the remainder of the house during 2015. Now to deal with the mountains I created down in the basement!

  27. Hard to chose just ONE space :) The space that needs the most HELP is our home office (spare bedroom/catch all space/cluttered mess :) Thanks! I’d love the book & hope to win! If not will probably purchase this good read. Thanks!!

  28. I so need this as we just moved into a new house right before Christmas and I’m stumped as to how to best organize it! I’m living in chaos it seems and it’s overwhelming to start from “scratch” so to speak. But I suppose my first room would be the kids’ playroom. So many toys, so much chaos!

    1. I know exactly how you feel Kim! SO overwhelming when you move. We’ve been in our house over two years and there are closets I haven’t touched since we moved in. I always remind myself “one space at a time.” :)

  29. Hey Erin! I love organizing so I’m I excited to read your upcoming posts. I just started homeschooling my children this week. Our craft/play room is now pulling double duty serving as our homeschool room and craft room at the same time. This is the room that I would like to get organized this year as we now have school books mixed in with all of our craft supplies, which is driving me nuts!
    Love your blog!

    1. Oh my word Ashley.. getting that room in shape is a must if you are homeschooling! I’m working on my office/craft room too so good luck to both of us! :) xo

  30. This book looks so great! We had some flooding in our basement last summer and had to remove a bunch of bookshelves- and I STILL haven’t replaced them yet! That’s the space I most want to get organized this year.

  31. Good morning from soggy NorCal! The area I want to tackle this year/month/week/hour is my bedroom closet. I had it nicely trimmed down and manageable then went back to work AND lost weight and the clothes seemed to multiply in the dark. I need a good idea of how to pair down, stay creative with what is left, and keep everything visible so it gets remembered. Thank you for a great blog–I am itching to bring some sunniness up here!

  32. I am so excited for this book! Decluttering and organizing are huge 2016 goals for me as we hope to sell our house this year and move out of state. I’m kicking things off in my closet, curating my wardrobe to pieces I truly love and then organizing them in a way that shows all of the options I actually have, and Toni’s book would be a great tool in getting that started. I’m excited to see what you do with her tips and tricks as well!

  33. I really would like to organize my guest room closets and sewing room closet this year! Thanks for this offer, love your blog.

  34. I would love to organize my laundry room–it’s ok, and functional-ish, but I think there is a lot more I could do to make it more organized and pretty!

  35. Hi Erin…
    Thanks for the sneak peak into Toni’s home organization book! Definitely a must read for me! I am forever switching up my organizing, trying to find that “perfect, forever” solution. My biggest challenge has been to find a way to store table linens…especially runners and place mats. Just can’t seem to hit on the perfect home for these items! Any helpful hints would be greatly appreciated! In the meantime, happy organizing!

  36. We moved a year ago and while most spaces are organized, I need to make them more functional. I’d like to start in the kitchen!

  37. I would really like to work on our master bedroom this year. I feel like it always falls last in line to get cleaned and organized and I want to change that! And also our craft/laundry room which ends up being a great place to dump stuff that doesn’t have a home! But then the whole purpose of the room is lost!

  38. Wow! Her home looks amazing as does the book. I would love to organize our master closet and bathroom and our kitchen. Thank you for the giveaway!

  39. I would love this book!! What an inspiration. I have a closet that has become a big mess. I use it as a coat/cleaning/paper good etc. closet. Every time I go in it, I cringe knowing I have to move 5 things to get what I need. It is a great space that has a lot of potential, just needs some TLC and organizing tips!

  40. Erin, we are remodeling right now!! We have had all of our ceramic tile floors torn out and replaced with new ceramic tile (18″ square). We had our formica countertops removed and had quartz countertops, new sink, and new faucet installed. Our kitchen cabinets are going to be painted next week. Our covered patio is becoming a new room in our house – with built-ins at one end, large windows, hardwood floors, an orb light fixture similar to yours in your stairwell (they vaulted the ceiling) and new furniture! Needless to say, we are living in a dust bowl right now. For the work in our kitchen, we had to take everything out of our kitchen cabinets, so I took the opportunity to get rid of so much stuff! We have donated so much already and still have more to go. Because of reading your blog for the past few years, I have gotten so many ideas from you and your new home!! I would like Toni’s book to help me organize our master bathroom closet and our other bedroom closets. Also, our garage! I look forward to each and every one of your blog posts!! Love to your sweet family!!

    1. Jane! Remodeling? How exciting! And stressful! Yikes! :) Oh my word.. good luck with the dust bowl.. the process is hard but so worth it. Hang in there! And send me some pics when it’s finished! xo

  41. After nearly 3 years of living in my house, I’ve finally decided to organize it, and I’ve been on my organizing kick for about 2 months, and going strong. I recently re-organized every single drawer and cabinet (including moving just about everything to a new location), and it feels awesome! My next goal is the catchall guest bedroom and closet.

  42. Hi Erin! This book is beautiful! I want to get my master closet in order. I organize it and then the holidays hit and it become a disaster again. Hopefully Tony has some tips on KEEPING order in her book, too. :)

  43. We have a really nice and big master closet that is truly such a dream. Unfortunately it is a horrible mess, and catch all sort of space since no one really ever sees it :) It would be wonderful to finally get some ideas, and get it working for us!

  44. Hello Erin! I am hopeful of organizing several spaces in our home this year. My office, school room, and sewing room. This book looks like a great way to get motivated! Thanks for your blog, Anna

  45. I love organizing. My husband and friends think I am crazy! lol. Next I want to take on the bathroom drawers and under the sinks. They need some help!! Thanks Erin.

  46. I usually reorganize on a weekly basis; my family calls it “puttering!” I would like to make all our spaces functional with the often changing needs of my family. My biggest challenge is the pantry; I want to make it pretty, be able to store items even when the container I have for them is too small, and to be inspired to create healthy, easy meals!!! Is that too much to ask? :)

  47. Tina V.
    I would love to finally get my home office/scrapbook/crafting space fully organized this year!

    Thanks, Erin!

  48. I love an organized space (and crave it!). One space that needs some TLC is our master closet. Although there isn’t a bunch of extra “stuff” in there, and it is overall organized, I feel like the space could be so much better utilized! Shoes and jewelry, in particular, are my issues! Would love to read this book…fingers crossed for my own copy!

  49. I ask a lot of my guest room closet, because it has lots of random stuff in no particular order. It needs an intervention.

  50. Her book looks amazing! How do I narrow it down to one area?! With two boys under the age of 3, I think just about every room and closet in my house needs to be reorganized lol Top priority right now is probably my closet – jam packed with clothes, but I wear the same mom clothes every day, yikes :)

  51. I would love to organize my kitchen! Between my husband and three boys I feel like it is the most used place in our house.

  52. My computer room is always in need of that certain ‘something’ but since I’ve recently started sewing again, I think I’d really like to organize a nice sewing space.
    I have already ordered this book for myself but would love to win one to give to my daughter-in-law.
    Thanks for the chance!

  53. Master closet for the win! The book looks beautiful. Now to get my closet up to speed, preferably without having to install expensive built-ins. That would be a game changer! Thanks for the chance.

  54. I need to get my tiny computer room organized as it is the catch all place for everything that doesn’t have a home! ;) Thanks for the chance to win this book! :)

  55. There’s so much in my house I need to organize. But one place for sure that needs help is my hallway closet which holds linens,medicines and cleaning products. I would love a copy of her new book.

  56. I absolutely love organizing things and books on organizing is a better read to me than a mystery novel! The rooms I have the most difficulty with are our master bedroom & bath. I would love to get a copy of Toni’s book!

    Warm hugs,

  57. I love the book already. I need to organize my kitchen cabinets and guest room closets in anticipation of getting a new family member soon.

  58. I would love to win!!!!!!!!:) wouldn’t we all? Lol. The space I most need to organize is my kids playroom.

  59. Office area…it’s always the office area. In this digital age, how is it that we still have so much paper to deal with?

  60. This book sounds amazing! I’d love to tackle my closet. Now that I’m a SAHM, I need to re-organize my closet so that it makes sense. The suits, dresses and heels no longer need to be in the front!

  61. oh my word. I have so many areas to organize! I think I would start with my youngest daughter’s room. Next would be our homework, color, create area. It needs a whole lotta love! Hope I win?

  62. I would love to get my office organized!! It always winds up as a dumping zone and it gets so bad my husband and I hate going in there!

  63. This book sounds absolutely amazing to have in my life! My husband and I are going on 14 years of marriage in May and we have 4 boys!! We can use all the help with being organized!! But the toys are out of control!! We need a better system for sure with that aspect! And also, ALL of my arts and crafts! With having 4 boys, I need a little fun, girlie outlet and that’s where crafting comes into play! I would love•love•love this book in my life!!

  64. I would love to have this book! Since having my first baby, I have wanted nothing more than to get my craft room set up and organized! I am so ready to scrapbook every special moment! I would absolutely like to organize my craft room/guest room and would love to get ideas from this book.

  65. My mudroom needs help! I keep eyeing yours to see what I can change to make the tiny space more functional for 3 boys and all the sports stuff that goes with them!

  66. This looks so amazing! We are going to be remodeling our kitchen soon and this book would be so helpful in organizing my kitchen once it’s done. Also, our master bedroom is in serious need of help in the organizing department.

  67. i have tons of depression glass i inherited from my parents. i would love to categorize, organize and edit my collection. this also entails reorganizing my china cabinets and putting some of these gems on display throughout my home. a secondary area is my craft stash under the basement stairs. i’m dreading it, but it is calling me… thanks for the opportunity. ❤️???

  68. What a beautiful book! I’m really looking forward to getting my kitchen organized this year. Every winter and summer I go through my entire house and sort. I feel so much better letting go of things I don’t need use or want. But for some reason I always pass over the kitchen. This year it’s a deep organization. Everything is getting sorted through ?

  69. As a military spouse, I’ve moved 4 times in less than 4 years. With three little ones, I’ve lost my organizing mojo and need it now more than ever….especially with another potential move in less than 6 months! ? LOVE your blog, BTW. I’ve been following you for years! ❤️

  70. I would absolutely love to tackle my home office/craft room this year. This book looks like the perfect companion!

  71. This book looks so good… I love things organized but lately my pantry/closet is not looking to great so I’d like to tackle that pretty soon. And would love to win this book ?

  72. I definitely need to tackle our mudroom… This book is totally what I need to get motivated and start this New Year off organized and simplified!!! Soooo excited to check it out!!!

  73. CLOSETS!! I want to get my closets and also our storage room tidied up a bit. We moved into our home Jan 2015, but some things have ended up where they really do not belong!! Ha!! Thanks for the chance to win!! Sara

  74. 2016 is my year to organize the whole house. New baby is arriving in March so organizing kid closets, bedrooms and toys are priority.

  75. Hi, Erin,

    Thank you so very much for your inspiring Pinterest, Instagram and blog posts. I’m in the process of trying my hand in it so I’m grateful for those from which I may get inspired.

    I am always an organizer (my family calls it perfection while I call it “I just want no clutter!”). I would use this book in every area of my small home (though we’ll soon be moving into a “new” one). If I had to truly pick, I’d say this book would be used for my closet.

  76. Our closets seem to get unorganized very quickly. Even right after I organize they seem to get messed up quickly. The kids closets are the worse. I can’t wait to start this book. Thanks.

  77. Love both you and Toni. I’ve been following you both since I was on maternity leave with my now 5 year old. Would love to get my hands on a copy of her book.

  78. The book looks wonderful. I need to organize the garage my husband and I have clean it several times and we always let it get messy again. It looks like a junk yard the only part that clear is the area where I park my car.
    Also my office closet is the place where everything goes a total mess.

  79. I’m really working on organizing my kitchen better this year…I find myself holding on to things I don’t use and I am constantly trying to figure out what to do with the baby stuff!

  80. Hmm, hard to choose just one! I’d say the garage is my number one priority for organizing this year – it’s been a very long, ongoing project, as I organize inside, the garage gets more unorganized and I’m forever in there tidying it up! Truth be told, this year my goal is to have every space, drawer, nook & cranny organized (lots already are, but I want to take it to another level! ) this year!

  81. Looks like a book I would LoVE!! Would love to organize my office space! As well we are finishing our basement and would like to have a great system for that once finished.

  82. I have more than a few rooms that need to be seriously organized haha since I’m not a very organized person to begin with! If I had to pick one area though it would be our kids play area. Right now things are piled on top of each other because I have no idea what to do with all of the toys and books lol.

  83. We need to tackle our master closet and our home office. I don’t know which is more urgent! Both are pretty bad…

  84. My kitchen could really use some organizing. The book looks beautiful and incredibly helpful – thanks for sharing!

  85. I recently ran into your IG and blog and at the most opportune moment! See, I moved into a new (older) home with my boyfriend and over the past two years, I’ve been pulling out my hair trying to figure out how to manage this new life of ours. I came into the home with my one daughter and he has…FOUR boys. So, I went from being a single mom with one child to now a blended family of seven. Ahhh. I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Our dinner table conversations are always exciting and there’s never a dull moment. What I desperately need is help with organizing my home. It’s clean and I have a chore chart that works wonders, but we have a lot is stuff from the twin’s Legos to my boyfriend’s tools in the garage to our necessary girlie things. This book looks like exactly what we need. I’m so happy to have found your blog and thank you for posting your advice for all us to benefit from.

  86. I would love to organize my fabric stash… And our spare room closet where apparently all my good intentions have gone to die. :p

  87. My kitchen desperately needs help–my whole house, but kitchen is a great starting point, followed by kids rooms. :) Love your blog.

  88. This book looks AMAZING! I am inspired to organize my entire home this year, starting with my home office. Happy New Year!

  89. This book looks amazing! Oh man, I have so many spaces to organize, but number one is the playroom! I have piles of Christmas toys in the hall, I just can bring myself to add their new things to the mess.

  90. I would love to win this book!!! I have a walk in closet that I need help with organizing. I don’t even know where to begin! It’s overwhelming to tackle it.

  91. I would love to get my bedroom organized. Right now it is the catch-all room for stuff that doesn’t have a home. ?

  92. I would LOVE to win this book! My tiny master closet is the thing that needs the most organization in my home right now.

  93. Oh where to start. First of all, Erin, I love, love love your site and feed. Um, I would like to purge and organize my storage room so I can make space for my hubby’s hunting gear so that I can wishfully get my upstairs linen closet back.
    I can’t wait to start Toni’s weekly challenges. Last year was fantastic.
    Thanks for hosting the giveaway. Crossing fingers.

    1. Thank you so much Lisa! That’s how organizing works, right? One space leads to another.. I can’t wait to get started too. I’m tackling my kitchen tomorrow! Good luck to both of us! :) xo

  94. I need help with my filing system. I just keep buying filing cabinets and need to purge a bunch of stuff in them because I hardly ever look at any of it. But, I hate dealing with it, so I don’t. :/ I would love to read this book.?

  95. This book looks great! I would love to organize our linen closet and the bedroom for our twin girls. They are moving to big girl beds this weekend!

  96. I would love to get a start on organizing our unfinished basement and my kids room’s closets…….and many more places.
    Thanks you very much Erin!

  97. My closet!!! It’s a disaster zone… Like so bad I haven’t hung up any clothes in months. Did I just admit that?! I’m too busy with my 3 littles and putting their clothes away to worry about mine. But that’s going to change this year!

  98. I love organizing, however my closet is one thing that is a disaster right now! I would love to organize that!

  99. I have spent the past week in my 9 year old’s room trying to tame the clutter! I am almost done with that and will move on to my other child’s room. This book would definitely be helpful. Thanks for the chance!

  100. Ok. If only I could send you a picture of my master closet. But then you would be horrified and I would be humiliated, haha! Seriously. It is bad. It is the dumping ground for everything not related to a closet. Makes my husband grumpy ;) With 6 kiddos, I need some serious organizational help!

  101. This book looks amazing! Our office is in dire need of some organization. Deciding what paperwork to keep hard copies versus electronic copies is a struggle! Thanks for the wonderful recommendation!!

  102. My office/craft/make-up room is all in one! I need to organize each section and make it workable without the stress of just a clutter room!

  103. I really need to organize our home office and figure out what to do with all the kids paperwork and artwork. Thanks for sharing this book!

  104. Oh, how I would love this book. I would use this as an inspiration to organize my office. Right now it’s a dumping ground for unfiled papers, crafts, toys – a hodge podge of everything.

  105. The playroom-no the kitchen…the playroom-the kitchen–both need systems that work to stay organized for good!!

  106. The space I’d like to get organized is my bedroom / sitting room. This should be a place of calm and relaxation but it is certainly cluttered with way too many clothes , extra seasonal linens , and other family members clutter when they clean out their rooms. This is definitely a goal for 2016!

  107. We’ve just moved into our brand new house so I want it all to be organized but I think at this very moment I want the garage to be organized so we can park our cars in it ?

  108. I know this will sound strange, but I want to tackle my unfinished basement. With all the holiday parties the past few months so many things have been stashed down there. It is pretty scary down there and now I am having a hard time finding things. A lot of it probably needs to go, but I’m sure there are a few things I would like to keep around a little longer and they need to be organized!

  109. I want to organize the basement. It serves as our laundry room, storage space for furniture and outdoor supplies (we don’t have a garage). The past few years, it’s become a dumping ground and it’s so overwhelming that I just run down, put in some laundry, and run back up. But this year is the year I donate and throw out what we don’t need and get it organized and pretty!

  110. I’d love this book! My whole home needs organizing :) but my goals for this year are the basement (where all the toys are stored) and my bedroom closet!
    it’s desperate :)

    Thanks erin!
    love you blog!


  111. I love to organize and the sense of calm and control it gives me about a space. I would love to better organize my fabric stash to make it more dreamy. Been thinking about a postal cubbies….

  112. I just moved into a new house and need to desperately organize my basement! Any tips on how to get your husband on board would be greatly appreciated too! ?

  113. This year I would like to get my desk space/ paperwork organized! Thanks Erin for this giveaway! I love your blog and Instagram acct!

  114. Already inspired just from the cover !
    After 5 yrs in our “not so new ” home and my youngest officially in elementary school my mission for 2016 is to de-clutter my home of all things “toddler” and set up our kitchen space to be efficient, organized and beautiful !
    Fingers crossed !

  115. I am so excited with the new year, to organize my home office/craft room;) this includes a whole new fit out as at the moment it is a concrete floor and unfinished plaster walls! I need Toni’s help;) thank you for the chance to win ?

  116. I would love to organize our play/bonus room, especially since we moved two months ago and it is a hodgepodge of items right now!

  117. Whole house! We are moving into our new home hopefully in the spring and I would use it for every room!!! <3

  118. I would love to organize a newly created space by our fireplace – used for play space during the days and cozy evenings!

  119. Hi Erin,
    So excited for this giveaway! I have several rooms that really need to be organised. I have two small kids so life is hectic most of the time and some spaces in my home are tragic! If I had to choose one room to organise it would have to be my laundry. It is a small, awkward space but needs to store a heap of stuff and with the amount of washing that goes through that room, it gets disorganised quickly. I desperately need some new systems in place in there to make it more functional.

  120. This book looks amazing. I currently live in a small apartment with my husband and 10 month old and while I’ve got a head start on organizing and decluttering for the new year I’d really love to read something that will help me continue the purge and give me great tips that will help me continue to do so for the rest of my life ??

  121. Hands down it would have to be my Master Bedroom. It should be a sanctuary and instead it is chaos. Thank you for sharing your home with us on your blog. It is stunning!

  122. I am on an organizing mission in 2016 so this book would be great. Our home office and garage need the most help,

  123. How fun! The book looks beautiful!
    I need to organize my kitchen drawers. I feel like my drawers are too small to get tidy, but I know I really just need some great ideas.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  124. Thanks! I hadn’t heard of her website before so I appreciate the referral. This year I’d love to finally create an office space that doesn’t do double duty as a dumping ground. I’d like to blame my family but I am just as guilty. :-\

  125. Looks like an awesome book! I would really like to tackle my kitchen–hopefully making the space more functional and also to throw out any uneccessary things!

  126. Wow..I love Toni’s blog and I am a regular reader of her blog.If there’s one part of my home that I m just unable to organize on a regular basis, it has to be the Kitchen.

  127. Just one spot? How about our closet(s)! I’d like to start by organizing the hallway closet, and roll through all of the closets in the house!

  128. I would use this book to help organize “my room” – the room in the house where items are dumped that have no designated place elsewhere.

  129. I need to tackle my master closet, just can’ get it to work efficiently for me. Think she has some great pointers.

  130. This books sounds perfect and just what I need! I’m currently trying to reorganize our toys and making a toy room on our main level.

  131. Ooh, pick me, pick me! Ha! I need to work on my longer-term storage situation– holiday things that only come out once a year yet seem to explode all over my house and attic.

  132. Love the idea of getting organized in 2016. My plan is to start in my extra bedroom / storage room / dumping ground. Maybe even turn it into a nice craft / sewing room. got lots of space, just need the right ideas for organizing. Thank you for all you wonderfull ideas always. I love your blog.

  133. Any and all tips for organizing my kitchen would be helpful. I feel like I clean it and get everything organized and it’s cluttered by the end of the day. I need help using space efficiently. This book looks like it has lots of great ideas!

  134. The closets in my kids’ rooms, and the one in my bedroom. We could make such better use of those spaces I’m sure.

  135. We are currently adding on addition to our house which will be a bedroom for my almost 11 year old son. He uses a wheelchair and will finally have a completely accessible area to call his own. I cannot wait to organize every inch of the new bedroom/bathroom… with some input from him also. It also means that his brothers’ bedroom will get re-organized too with all the space they’ll have when he moves out. So lots of things in the works, but another 2-3 months to go until I can get started.

  136. I would love to include this book in my household resource area of my office/library! I need to get a handle on that space- it’s not the calm sanctuary I wish it was, I need inspiration!!

  137. i would love to have this book..To conquer unpacked boxes of kitchen stuff after recent move to california in the tiny kitchen i have..A real challenge to face…Lots of stuff and very little space..

  138. That book looks amazing! I would love to use it for my TINY closet!!! I love clothes but have no place to keep them all!! We also don’t have a place for a dresser in our space, so we are trying to find a solution to that! We bought some entry benches that you can put baskets in and put them under our big window to use instead, but I would love to get other ideas!

  139. I love Toni’s website and was eagerly anticipating the release of the book. At the top of my organizing list are my laundry room and kitchen. Both are very small with space at a premium. With my husband and I both loving to cook we definitely need to learn some creative space planning. I would be over the moon if I were to win Toni’s book.

  140. I need to find a system that allows me to organize my teenage daughter’s room and KEEP it organized. HA! Apparently threatening to throw all her stuff away doesn’t work anymore…

    Thanks for the giveaway.

  141. This book looks amazing! Would love to have help organizing my tiny kitchen (drawers, cabinets, and pantry). Thanks so much for doing this giveaway!

  142. I desperately need to get my master closet and my laundry room closet (kids art supplies, my sewing/craft supplies, board games, junk , etc etc) under control!!! ASAP! Thanks for chance!

  143. Looks like a great book! I was just at the Container Store this week getting some new supplies. I’ll be organizing the laundry room this year and am currently working on a few other projects.

  144. I would love some help with my office/laundry room! We moved in to our house in September and while we got an increase in square footage, we downsized on the number of rooms. Hence, some interesting room usage combinations…

  145. Looks like a great book! I’d love to organize my garage–but it’s all my husband’s junk & he won’t let me! A girl can dream I

  146. I thought of you as we were just in San Diego! Wow, did it ever rain!! Which room I want to organize? Well, how about a whole house?! We are on the downward side of finishing building a new house that we started in the spring of 2014! I’m not a great planner like you, thinking of every little thing, but I am excited to organize it to be efficient for my family. Thanks for the chance to win this fabulous looking book!

    1. Oh my word Jan! I feel bad you were here when the rain was so crazy! We haven’t had rain like that in all the years I’ve lived here! And I hear you about wanting to organize the whole house. I feel the same way right now! So much I want to do. One space at a time, right? :) xo

  147. Oh dear, how can I pick just one space? My whole house is a disaster. Maybe start with the bedroom and move on from there.

  148. Love Bowl Full of Lemons! She makes organizing look so easy! We just moved, so there’s lots to organize. But I think our kitchen, especially our pantry space, is my biggest priority right now.

  149. Looks like fun pictures to help inspire in that book! I have a long narrow linen closet that needs some serious attention.

  150. I am just starting to get organized. My children have flown the coop and I finally have a chance to organize my house for the first time with only my stuff. (Well I am slowly delivering some leftover stuff to them) It would be so nice to have this beautiful book at the beginning of my journey to my organized space.

  151. I need to organize my sewing/craft/study room so that my husband can share this space with me. That and I have a whole bunch of fabric that I need to organize until it is waiting to be cut and sewn.

  152. I’d love to organize my bonus/storage room. I have dreams of a lovely, organized crafting and storage area.

  153. I would be so thrilled to have this book… My one major “New Years Resolution” is to start up my own blog… I have so many ideas, I just need to Do It….hopefully this is the year ? My main organizing goal is to scrapbook my pics more…. Do you have any fun ideas or websites to use?

    1. What a fun goal Amy! Best of luck to you! And getting pictures in albums is one of my goals this year too. I haven’t figured out a good system yet, but if I do I’ll be sure to share it! xo

  154. The room I would love to organize most would be my kitchen…its just so hard to actually start! I really enjoy your blog, i’m glad you have been posting so often! I hope you have a good year!

  155. Oh I’d love this book! Organizing is completely overwhelming for me but I’m still interested in it. I feel it’s so hard to do, especially since my oldest is in 1st grade. The paperwork is out of control!! Her home looks gorgeous and probably even more so just since it’s so organized!

  156. I would love to organize my home office this year. It’s been a room that has never received the attention it deserves! Thanks :)

  157. I would LOVE to get our offices organized this year…we have one for my husband and a space for me and our 3 kiddos…

  158. I have several areas that need help but our extra bedroom had become the great dumping ground!! It’s really too small to be a bedroom but just big enough to get totally junked up. I worked with 5 other mothers to open a charter school in our community just over 7 years ago. The school is amazing and the students there are thriving but my house is still suffering for the 3+ years I spent every waking moment on the school. Would love this book to get things back under control!!

  159. I’ve been trying to get rid of all that stuff that I never use in the entire house so now I just need to organize it! I’d love to tackle my craft closet – it’s definitely a work in progress!

  160. The book looks amazing! I am really hoping to get an organized laundry/mudroom this year. Hoping for a place for everything and not a dumping griund

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