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Organized Bathroom Progress!

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Organized Bathrooms (Sunny Side Up)

{shower curtain – back in stock and only $30!/similar CLEAN rug here & here}

Well!  It has been quite a week.  Life is picking up around here and my kids are getting busy again which is a good thing!  It’s also a good thing that we’re easing into everything slowly because I’m not exactly conditioned for my pre-Covid life.  Ha.  I’m so tired!  Our week was a little crazy but I’m happy to say that despite our busy schedule my bathrooms are all organized!  The rest of my house is a mess and I did’t have time to blog much about my bathrooms, but still.. I made it!  Did you!?  Were you able to organize a bathroom or two at your house?  In my last post I shared all of the drawers in my master bathroom that have stayed clean since I last organized them.  Today I’m sharing a few more bathroom projects.  I’ll still have one more bathroom post to share after today’s post, but it will have to come later because we are tackling laundry rooms this week and I don’t know about all of you, but I seriously have my work cut out for me on that one!

Here’s a re-cap of some bathroom progress!  I went in to organize our guest bathroom (located in-between the guest room and Kenny’s office) and the first thing I noticed was how filthy dirty my CLEAN rug was. That just made me laugh.

Organized Bathrooms (Sunny Side Up)

{bosworth rug}

So I washed it.  CLEAN once again. :)

Organized Bathrooms (Sunny Side Up)

Kenny has been using the towel hooks to hold his dress shirts for when he has to throw one on for Zoom.  My sister and her family are visiting for a few days this month (can’t wait to see them!) so it was time to put the towels back on the hooks and make this space look like our guest bathroom again!

Organized Bathrooms (Sunny Side Up)

I washed out the garbage can and got to work going through cabinets/drawers.

Organized Bathrooms (Sunny Side Up)

They weren’t too bad because I don’t keep much in here, but very dusty because I haven’t wiped them out in years!

Organized Bathrooms (Sunny Side Up)

I cleaned out all of the cupboards and drawers and folded the towels.  A quick project but it feels good knowing this bathroom is ready for guests!

Organized Bathrooms (Sunny Side Up)

{grey wood 4-piece bath set}

Organized Bathrooms (Sunny Side Up)

This bathtub has built-in shelves we used for Kole’s bath toys when he was little.  He just showers now so it was time to let go of the bath toys. (Tear)  Sentimental things like that with my kids are always the hardest for me to part with!  But I’ve saved some special things through the years and I try to remember a quote that helps me when I’m organizing.. “If everything is special then nothing is special.” I love that.  It’s such a good reminder to be selective about what you choose to save.  I had a mom moment and got a little lump in my throat but finally said good-bye to the bath toys. :)

Organized Bathrooms (Sunny Side Up)

Toilet paper is in the far left cupboard and everything else is empty!

Organized Bathrooms (Sunny Side Up)

This bathroom also has some built-ins behind the door and a pullout hamper for laundry.  We crammed as much as we could in this space!

Organized Bathrooms (Sunny Side Up)

{similar vase/faux peonies/soap dispenser}

I keep my faux pink peonies in this space (the pop of color they add always makes me happy!) but when guests come I love switching them out for real flowers.  An easy way to make your guests feel welcome. :)

Bathroom Organization Tips (Sunny Side Up)

I shared the organization happening on my side of the bathroom in my last post but Kenny’s side needed some attention!

Organized Bathrooms (Sunny Side Up)

A paint brush in this cupboard?  Really Kenny?  Why am I not surprised.

Organized Bathrooms (Sunny Side Up)

A few more fun “befores.”  You can see that I bought organizers and attempted to clean these drawers out at one point but they definitely didn’t stay that way!

Organized Bathrooms (Sunny Side Up)

You get the picture!

Organized Bathrooms (Sunny Side Up)

Time to pull everything out onto the floor and give cupboards/drawers a good wipe down!

Organized Bathrooms (Sunny Side Up)

I also cleaned out our brushes.  After you’ve taken the hair out let them soak in a little shampoo and hot water and they’ll sparkle like new again!  (Ignore the bad lighting in so many of these pics.. I was working fast and just snapping them quick with my phone!)

Organized Bathrooms (Sunny Side Up)

Now that the tub toys were gone I had these grey bins from Target laying around.  I washed them out and put them to good use!  (Sidenote.. my beloved Cambria Serving bowl holding oranges is on sale!)

Organized Bathrooms (Sunny Side Up)

My old bins were perfect to hold all of Kenny’s “extras.”  Razors, deodorant, toothpaste, etc.  Nice and tidy!

Organized Bathrooms (Sunny Side Up)

{linus shallow drawer organizer}

His drawers are looking so much better now too!  Most of the stuff that was crammed in them was packaging and garbage.  I gave Kenny some Jack Black shaving cream and other products to try for Christmas and they were still just sitting in a package!  No doubt they would have sat there in a box for years if I hadn’t opened them for him.

Organized Bathrooms (Sunny Side Up)

Huge improvement right!?

Organized Bathrooms (Sunny Side Up)

Travel bags and mirrors in the last drawer.  There isn’t a lot of stuff so he should be able to maintain these.  I’ll be monitoring of course. ;)

I showed Kenny his sparkling clean side of the bathroom and asked “can you please try really hard to keep these drawers organized!?  Just put things right back where they go after you use them.”  His answer?  “Erin.. I mess things up for you.  I need to give you some blog content.  What would you organize if it weren’t for me?  I’m here for you babe.  You’re welcome.”

Yup.. that’s what I live with.

Organized Bathrooms (Sunny Side Up)

If you’re organizing with me on IG stories Kole gave us all a lesson on how to fold towels. :)  So many people wrote me asking if he could teach their husbands which made me laugh!  Happy to know it’s not just my husband who could learn a thing or two about cleaning/organizing, ;)

Organized Bathrooms (Sunny Side Up)

On to the powder bathroom!  She’s looking fancy with a new rug. :)

Organized Bathrooms (Sunny Side Up)

{love yourself rug mat}

Love yourself.  Not a bad reminder. :)  I was going to put this cute mat in my girls’ bathroom but we all decided we like it best in this space and I’m currently looking for some new rugs for the girls.

Organized Bathrooms (Sunny Side Up)

I keep this bathroom pretty clean and organized because it’s the most used bathroom in our house but the toothbrush drawer needed to be wiped out!

Organized Bathrooms (Sunny Side Up)

{silverware tray}

I get Kole ready here every morning so it was getting dirty.  I’ve shared this drawer and tip before but for anyone new.. we keep extra toothbrushes in this bathroom because it’s close to the garage door.  That way my kids can brush their teeth here if we’re having a busy morning and need to get out the door quick for school.  It saves so much time not having to run back upstairs after breakfast!

Organized Bathrooms (Sunny Side Up)

I keep extra towels in the other drawers.

Organized Bathrooms (Sunny Side Up)

Seasonal.. mostly stuff I use in this bathroom.

Organized Bathrooms (Sunny Side Up)

{similar bath mat here & here}

I didn’t take a new picture (which is why you’re seeing the rug we used last Spring!) but I did wipe out under the sink.  It’s always a hot spot so I try to give it a quick clean out every 6 months or so.

Organized Bathrooms (Sunny Side Up)

{chevron vase/similar white flowers/pink peonies/soap dispenser}

3 bathrooms down!  Two were easy and I was grateful because my girls’ bathroom was another story!  So much work and I’ll share pics soon.  I have lots to share with you this week!

Organized Bathrooms (Sunny Side Up)

Your job for the week ahead:

1- Print out my printables if you haven’t yet and join us in organizing one space in our homes each week!

2- Get ready to tackle laundry rooms!  I’ll share mine soon.

3 – Love yourself.  That’s all. :)

Sources and some fun bath mats I rounded up looking for my girls’ bathroom are all below!  Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Bath Mats (

1 – healdsburg bath rug  2 – priscilla bath mat  3 – love yourself bath mat

4 – riviera bath mat  5 – morgan memory foam mat  6 – peachy clean bath mat 

7 – southwest runner  8 – hilary geo runner  9 – squeeze the day bath mat 

10 – lizandra bath mat   11 – guerneville vanity rug   12 – tufted bouquet bath mat 


xoxo, Erin
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3 thoughts on “Organized Bathroom Progress!

  1. Looking good, Erin. Thanks for sharing your progress. I did giggle at your husband’s response. I organized my one main bathroom when the lockdown started last year and thankfully, things are still in pretty good shape. Yay, me, er us!!! Happy to hear you are getting a little busier and that your family is coming to visit. That will be fun! My laundry room(um which is actually a closet) got a big refresh a month or so ago when my husband and his friend fixed it up after a slow leak was discovered. Got a new floor, new paint and new washer and dryer! LOL Thanks for sharing this series, Erin! Rest up as much as you can before moving on to the next space. :)

  2. Hi! Super random Q but what kitchen faucet (faucets?) do you have? I’ve been looking for one and I love yours!

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