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Visual Planning Board (for goals and to-do’s!)

How to create a visual goal and to-do list board (Sunny Side Up)

Come on into my office!  I’m excited to show you my new Visual Planning board!  Also known as my goal setting board.  And my project to-do list board.  And my let’s get motivated inspiration board.

Basically I call it anything other than its original name..

my chalkboard. :)

How to create a visual goal and to-do list board (Sunny Side Up)

You might remember a post from a few years ago that I shared on my “Visual to-do list.”

How to create a visual goal and to-do list board (Sunny Side Up)

I’ve always been a visual person/learner and love seeing the projects I’m working on all laid out in front of me.  Big picture planning like this REALLY helps me.  It’s basically my way of dumping my brain out onto my wall instead of keeping it all jumbled up inside my head.

If you had a pre-conceived notion that I was sophisticated in any way I’m sure my explanation of this little project just blew that theory out of the water.  Ha.  Better you know the real me. ;)

How to create a visual goal and to-do list board (Sunny Side Up)

I used to have my Visual to-do list off to the side of my chalkboard so that I could use my chalkboard for other things, but I decided to mix it up this year and put my chalkboard to better use.  It’s front and center in my office and I wanted to create something that would not only be a brain dump station, but also an inspiration board that will help inspire and motivate me to meet my goals.

Visual goal and to-do list board (Sunny Side Up)

I’m so excited about how it turned out!

Visual goal and to-do list board (Sunny Side Up)

I’m a huge fan of sticky notes (just can’t quit them!) so I use the left side of the board to keep track of spaces I’m organizing, spaces I’m decorating and ideas for blog posts.  There are so many other things I always have going on each day that I keep in my planner, but I love having these 3 things (the things I really enjoy doing!) out in front of me as daily reminders.  I also love the feeling of pulling off one of my sticky notes and tossing it when my project or post is finished!  They never go away of course because I’ll always replace old sticky’s with new sticky’s, but still.. major satisfaction when I can throw away a sticky note. :)  #itsthelittlethings

Visual goal and to-do list board (Sunny Side Up)

At the top right of my Visual Planning Board I put my Monthly Goals and Daily Habits printables.  I’m loving these so much! (You can download your own monthly goals and daily habits page HERE and read more details about them in this post.)  I took these pictures early in the month when I was just getting started on these goals/habits.  Because they are right in front of me every day in my office I can’t help but be reminded of the things I’m working on.

Although that still doesn’t guarantee I’m in bed by midnight..  (sigh)  

Visual goal and to-do list board (Sunny Side Up)

I had some empty space at the bottom of my board so I decided to create a little inspiration.  I tore out a few pages of my kitchen organization from the magazines I was featured in last Spring and then added a favorite San Diego picture and my Do What You Love heart.  That’s the secret to happiness right there.

Just do what you love and the rest will fall into place.

Visual goal and to-do list board, Visual Planning (Sunny Side Up)

I also added my all time favorite quote at the bottom.

Whenever you are creating beauty around you, you are restoring your own soul – Alice Walker.

Amen to that. :)

Visual goal and to-do list board, Visual Planning (Sunny Side Up)

So that’s it!  My Visual Planning, goal setting, project to-do list, motivational inspiration board.  It’s helping me stay on track!  And I can use all the help I can get. :)

How to create a visual goal and to-do list board (Sunny Side Up)

Do something you love today for me!  And then come back to see more office organization.

So that I can share more of what I love with all of you.



*affiliate links used

xoxo, Erin
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27 thoughts on “Visual Planning Board (for goals and to-do’s!)

  1. What a terrific motivator that board must be! It’s pretty to look at and filled with good stuff. That quote is excellent and I must remember it! Good stuff, Erin! Sounds like your week is going pretty well. Mine’s been a tad busy, but we’ll make it work. Thanks for sharing and reminding that it’s all doable! And to keep restoring our soul. :) Happy Wednesday!

  2. Love your organizational style! I am also a visual learner/planner… seeing how you organize your home, projects, etc. Wish I could be your fourth child HaHa….actually old enough to be your mother! ;)

    1. Ha! You made me laugh Maureen! I don’t think I could handle a 4th unless he/she was pretty self sufficient and it sounds like you are so that might actually work. ;) So sweet of you. :) Thank you! xo

  3. What is the square footage of your office? We’re looking to create an office space and I love the look of yours!

  4. Ahhhh love it! My Cultivate what matters power sheets book is very similar! Each month, my tending list focuses on monthly weekly daily goals! I keep my power sheets out and look at it daily! I can email a picture if you want. At work we have a board like this and it’s called our sprint board!
    Amy in Wisconsin

  5. Hi Erin,
    I recently started following you and love everything you do!
    Can you share where the wire wall baskets are from? I’m very visual too and currently updating my office. This was perfect timing and love the baord!!
    Thanks so much-

    1. Hi Sandi! Thank you! I’m so glad you found me.. it’s nice to “meet you!” :) I got the wire wall baskets at Ballard Designs! I’m not sure if they still carry them.. I’ve had them for a few years. Thanks again! So happy you liked this post! xo

  6. I love the layout of your planning board and the quotes. Stay warm Erin! I’m counting down the days until spring. xo

  7. What a great idea. I always feel like my mind is a jumbled mess. Getting thing outta your head and down on paper and in front of you is such a great idea. I’m newish to your blog and I’m loving it. I love your simple style and how organized you are. #goals Thank you for motivating me to get my stuff together! 🙂

  8. This is so wonderful, Erin! It not only looks so appealing but seems to be super functional too. What a winning combination!! :) Thank you for sharing and inspiring. Have a great weekend!

  9. Hi Erin!!!
    Love love love your home, your organization and your blogs!! I want my house to look exactly like yours! I’d hire you to decorate in a heartbeat!! :-) anyway, what’s in the baskets next to your board? I see clipboards but just curious. I’m also wondering if you have a what to do with your paperwork/pending to dos? For example, we’re reading about alarm companies and have fliers. What to do with all that kind of pending stuff.
    Thank you!!

    1. Hi Wendy! Oh you are too kind! Thank you so much! That made my day. :) Those baskets hold some clipboards and then just a few random magazines and notebooks. As for your other question you are going to love my post coming up this week! I’m sharing how I organize my ENTIRE office including what I do with paperwork, etc. I have a quick post that will be up tomorrow and then my office post should be up after that by Wednesday or Thursday at the latest! So check that one out for sure and I’ll answer your question! :) xo

  10. Hi, Erin. I love your blog and organization skills… and your handwriting! What chalk/chalk markers do you use on your chalkboard? I can never find any that I like! Thank you <3

    1. Thank you so much Jessica! There are some bad chalk markers out there right!? The colored set I used one summer were so hard to scrub off of my chalkboard! My favorite so far has been the white Bistro markers! I haven’t tried their colored markers yet though so I’m not sure if they are good or not. I hope that helps! xo

  11. Hey Erin! Wow, I feel like I’ve just found organization and office heaven!! I absolutely love your office – especially your whole chalkboard set up! I feel like all my plans and goals and random thoughts are all scattered between random post it notes that end up in my purse or my planner! This is a perfect way to put it all together! Where did you get this large of a chalkboard and the hook for it? Can’t wait to read more here here!
    PS found you on Pinterest bc of your sticker charts – THANK YOU! Your kiddos are absolutely beautiful!

    1. Josephine! Your sweet comment made me so happy! Thank you! I’m thrilled you found me and are enjoying some of my posts! I found that chalkboard at a local coastal store, but I know Pottery Barn and Wayfair have similar large boards. The hook was from Anthropologie! They have lots of fun hook/hardware options. :) Thanks again for your sweet message. So nice to “meet” you! xo

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