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Life Lately

I’m feeling the need to do a quick re-cap of a few things going on around here.  Because a lot has been going on, but if I don’t blog about it.. did it ever really happen?

Life Lately (Sunny Side Up)

Quick trip to New York a couple of weeks ago for the Better Homes and Gardens Style Maker Event!

Life Lately (Sunny Side Up)

I started this book on the plane my sweet friend Jessica Turner sent me.  I still need to finish it but I’m really enjoying it so far!  So proud of her.

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Life Lately (Sunny Side Up)

{Blouse/Earrings/AG Jeans/Kentvi Sandals}

Reunited with some of my blog besties and heading to dinner!  I wore this top I shared in this my Fall Fashion post – one of my favorite short sleeved blouses this Fall.

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Isn’t this window arrangement amazing!?  So beautiful.

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{Tie Neck Dress/Shoes/Similar Purse}

I wore this J Crew Tie Neck Dress to the event.  So cute and classy.  Clearly I have a thing for the tie neck style that’s huge right now!  You can see more favorite tie neck tops/sweaters in this post.

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Time for class. :)

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The evening party was on the rooftop of our hotel and was so beautiful!

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My favorite part of events like this is always catching up with all of my close friends!  So fun seeing them all.

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I also got to meet Stephen Orr (Editor and Chief of Better Homes and Gardens).  He’s so down to earth and fun.  I wore this long time favorite Ruffle Sheath dress to the evening event with the same heels I wore earlier for easy packing. :)  I shared better pics of my dress in this summer post.. the back of it is gorgeous!  Plus it’s 40% off right now!

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Love these girls!

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Other random things going on around here.. Kenny ran his first marathon!  I’m so proud.  Proud of him for setting a goal and accomplishing it.  Proud of him for running enough for both of us right now.  Keep it up babe. :)

Life Lately (Sunny Side Up)

And while we’re talking food.. I finally learned how to cook chicken!  And make it taste good!  Ad was so excited she had to take a chicken selfie.  Serious victory for me.. you all have no idea.  I have a close friend who is doing some remodeling and needed help with paint colors so I helped her (she’s using a lot of my tried and true favorites!) and she taught me her secret to cooking good chicken.  I’ll share it with all of you at some point!

Life Lately (Sunny Side Up)

I snapped this pic watching El and her team dance on the football field.  My friend and I have both been living in our wedge sneakers!  We always talk about how much we love them.  I have two colors of this pair and she has two colors of this pair.  They are so great for when you want to be casual but not sloppy casual.  You can see better pics of them in this post.  Perfect to wear with jeans and a sweatshirt or sweater when you are going to be doing more walking or running errands, etc.  Comfy AND cute.. the best!

Life Lately (Sunny Side Up)

I wore them to the Journey/Def Leppard concert with friends a few weeks ago because I knew we would be doing a lot of walking to the stadium.  My husband was so beyond excited for this concert it was hilarious.  He was totally in his element listening to all of the 80’s rock songs.  Quite a night!

Life Lately (Sunny Side Up)

Annual dinner at Cheesecake Factory.  We always have to have the seasonal pumpkin cheesecake at least once every October.  This ruffle tee is another recent wardrobe staple and is 40% off!

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Primer went up on my shiplap walls and the paint is almost done!  I’m excited to show you all the final result.  It looks very.. white.  Ha. :)  But I have fun plans for the walls.  Can’t wait to decorate this space!

Life Lately (Sunny Side Up)

Speaking of house projects.. I recently shared this one quick on IG stories.  Chuck was over finishing up the shiplap so I had him help me knock out this simple gallery wall in our guest room that has been on my to-do list forever!  We measured everything and put up some painters tape to mark where to line up the frames.

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Done.  I love it!  It was just what this wall needed.  I bought the frames here and ordered six of the 8×10 (15×19 without the mat).  I have no idea what pictures I’m putting in them yet, but at least the wall is up!  #progress

So now that I’ve shared a few fun things going on at our house lately, here are a some pics of our not so fun weekend..

Life Lately (Sunny Side Up)

Kole woke me up in the middle of the night Thursday crying because his cheek hurt.  I turned on the light to look at it and it was swollen huge!  I looked inside his cheek, checked his teeth.. couldn’t see anything causing the swelling.  So Kenny and I gave him some Tylenol and let him sleep with us and then first thing the next morning I took him to our pediatrician.  She couldn’t figure out what the problem was either so she sent us to our dentist.  Our dentist took X-rays and checked everything and was worried so she sent us to an oral surgeon.  These 3 doctors were all in different locations so by this time Kole and I were hungry and exhausted from shuffling around to doctors all day and Kole was in a lot of pain.  You can imagine how we felt when the oral surgeon told us to head straight to the emergency room of the Children’s Hospital!  I couldn’t believe it.  We spent the rest of the afternoon/evening in the ER.  Kenny picked up the girls and took them to their activities and then met us there for a couple of hours and then he went home and I stayed overnight with Kole.

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He was seen by so many doctors and no one could figure out what was causing the swelling.  X rays and an Ultra Sound showed nothing.  I asked for a CT scan but they wanted to put him on antibiotics and see how he did first.  After a day of medicine and the swelling only getting worse they finally did a CT scan and could tell they would need to operate.  It still wasn’t clear what was causing the issue, but Kole had an infection and it needed to be treated.  I tried to stay calm but definitely had a few teary moments imagining worst-case scenarios.  My mind just couldn’t help going there!  Never easy having a child in the hospital.  My heart breaks for parents who deal with things like this on a regular basis.

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Kenny came to visit when he could on Saturday and as always was a huge help.  Ha.

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Kidding. :)  He was great and helped talk Kole through some major anxiety about all of the tests he was going through and his upcoming surgery.  Kind of scary stuff for an 8 year old.

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Prepped for surgery.  My sweet brave boy.

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El was performing at a football game and was bummed she couldn’t visit in the hospital but Addison was able to visit the night of his surgery.   She helped calm his nerves with a few games of Chess.  None of us can beat Kole!  She knew that would cheer him up.

Life Lately (Sunny Side Up)

{Guest Room}

His surgery went great and we were able to go home the next day.  (Thank you so much to each of you who reached out through IG and sent well wishes and prayers!  It meant so much to us all.)  It’s still not completely clear what was going on with Kole’s swelling.  It had nothing to do with his teeth.  He had been eating some uncooked spaghetti noodles a few days before his swelling so we are wondering if a very tiny piece pierced his cheek and got lodged inside of it.  The surgeon didn’t find anything specific when he drained his cheek and cleaned things out, but it could have been something like that.  He is on strong antibiotics and we have to follow up a few times with his surgeon to make sure that he’s healing well and that the infection doesn’t come back.  So grateful to have him home!

Life Lately (Sunny Side Up)

He is recovering in our guest room (he likes the TV in this room) and I told him when he came home that he could have whatever he wants!  Ice cream, popsicles, endless TV or X box time.  When he woke up this morning he said “mom.. we’re still spoiling me today, right?”  Ha ha.. back to normal again!  Thank goodness.  Love my little buddy so much. :)

Life Lately (Sunny Side Up)

Remember my pretty Fall flower arrangement by my kitchen window?

Life Lately (Sunny Side Up)

I came home from the hospital to this and had to laugh.  Kind of made me think of our weekend!  Life lately.  Full of ups and downs.  The good and the bad.  The pretty and the not so pretty.

Really I just can’t keep plants alive to save my life.

But I can cook chicken!  And my little boy is home and safe and well.

So I think I’ll focus on that.

And I’ll buy a new Fall plant tomorrow.



xoxo, Erin
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60 thoughts on “Life Lately

  1. Oh goodness, Erin! What a rollercoaster! First and foremost, I am so happy to hear that Kole made it through surgery and is home and recovering. What an unusual situation for that infection. Poor little guy. You’ve been on my mind since I saw the post on Instagram. Heaving a sigh of relief along with you all. Thanks for sharing the other random things going on. Isn’t life like that…a series of events with a bit of drama to shake things up. Keeps us guessing. Congrats on learning to make good chicken. That has to feel awesome, too. I hope you have an uneventful week so you all can recover. Maybe make some chicken soup? ;)

    1. Chicken soup! Now why didn’t I think of that!? ;) Thank you so much Jeanne! Huge sigh of relief for sure. You are so sweet to think of us! XO

  2. Since I have a “black thumb”, that plant looks very familiar to me! So glad you son is doing better! Having a sick kid is truly the scariest thing in the world. We’ve had some frightening things happen with my boys over the years and it can be terrifying! Please share your chicken secret…I always overcook mine due to salmonella fears.

    1. Thank you Shelley! Sounds like we have a lot in common with the black thumb and overcooking chicken! That’s my problem too! I’ll definitely share what my friend taught me! xo

  3. Wow — what an update!! Some fun times for sure — but that had to be so frightening with your little guy! Happy to hear he’s doing so much better! Take care!

  4. Wow, what a story. Glad your NY trip was fun and super glad your son is OK. Here’s to an uneventful week ahead!

  5. So glad to hear that Kole is improving. There is nothing worse than seeing your child in pain. Hope things continue to get better. I am anxious to see that completed shiplap dining room!

  6. So glad he’s okay. It must’ve been so scary for your whole family.

    And congratulations on cooking chicken. Seriously. I learned at around age 40!

  7. So glad that Kole is feeling better–we’ve had several scares with our youngest (finally diagnosed with asthma), and those hospital stays are no fun. And I feel like it takes a good week for everything to feel “back to normal” (and to catch up on lost sleep!)once everyone is home again. I, too, feel for parents that have chronically ill children–it must be very, very difficult.

    1. Our 12 year old has asthma too Wilma and we have had a few hospital scares with her also.. it’s just the worst isn’t it!? I agree.. it will take us a while to catch up. We all slept so much yesterday! It was kind of funny. None of us could keep our eyes open coming down from it all! I can’t imagine experiences like that being the norm for so many people. It’s truly heartbreaking. Thank you for your sweet comment! xo

  8. I’m so so glad Kole is healing up and feeling better! I know how scary those moments can be :-( I’m trying not to cry too much at my desk at work but as a mom I can’t help it. thanks for keeping us updated and way to go to Kenny on the marathon!

  9. I am so glad Kole is home and healing! I hope recovery and follow ups go without a hitch. Anytime you are in the Children’s Hospital is rough and unknowns, waiting, and surgery are all so nerve racking (we unfortunately know this from personal experience). Big hugs, mom, you did great.

    1. So sorry to hear you’ve had your share of things like this! :( Lots of unknowns and waiting definitely describes our hospital experience (and most I’m sure). Thank you so much for your sweet comment! Letting out a huge sigh of relief now that it is behind us! XO

  10. I have signed up like 3 times to get your printable for your paint colors and I never receive anything! Not sure if I’m
    doing something wrong or what the issue is???

    1. Oh no Brenda! That shouldn’t be happening! Have you checked your junk/spam mail? Sometimes it goes there! If you still don’t see it shoot me an e-mail! xo

  11. Oh Erin!! I got goosebumps reading about Kole’s mouth and the crazy journey your family had. I am so sorry!! And so thankful to hear things are looking better now….finally. I will pray he has a full recovery snd no repeat symptoms. Sweet boy. Wish i could drop you off a meal and chocolate! Take care!! ❤

    1. You are too kind Genelle! Thank you so much! Kind of a random scare for sure but he is doing so much better today. I wish you could drop off some chocolate too! Ha! ;) I would love to give you a hug. :) Thanks again sweet friend! xo

  12. Love your wall art in your kitchen “Enjoy the little things”. May I asked where you purchased it? Thanks so much. I thoroughly enjoy your blog. Have a wonderful day.

  13. Erin,
    I am SO glad that Kole’s surgery is over and he is home now!! That must have been terrifying not knowing what the problem was. He looks so tiny in that big bed!! I just love that photo!! Thank God he is going to be OK – and just in time for Halloween!!
    Take care! With love and hugs,
    Jane Carden

  14. Glad to hear Kole is home and recovering. My son had surgery at 12 and that was a long day.
    Lots of prayers to you this week.

  15. So happy Kole is doing better. I had him on my mind so much. Good to see him recovering with all of his little friends in bed with him. Praying for a full recovery. It is the hardest thing to go through..
    We saw Journey and it was a great concert. I’ve always loved them.

    I hope you all get much needed rest and a happy week ahead. xo

    1. So fun you saw Journey too Cathy! They were fun to watch for sure. Kenny was in 7th heaven. :) Thank you for thinking of us during Kole’s scare. I was actually thinking a lot about you and how amazing you are. Love you so much. XO

  16. Oh no poor Kole!!! I’m so grateful he is doing better. Hats off to you mom and your whole family. It’s scary and exhausting to have one in the hospital and it sounds like you all handled it so well. Congrats to Kenny on his marathon! And you looked beautiful on your trip to NY! I have to tell you I always really admire and appreciate how you dress for those kinds of occasions. You are modest and also beautiful. As a mom I love that I can let my girls read your blog and I don’t have to worry about what they are going to see. Thanks :)

    1. Lisa! That is honestly one of the sweetest comments I’ve received. Thank you so much! It means a lot to me that you feel that way! So kind of you. XO

  17. Oh my gosh!!! Poor Kole!! And poor you. So so scary to not know what it was. So glad he’s on the mend. You need a long nap after that one. You’re an amazing mama!!💪🏼❤️

    1. So sweet of you Darcy! Thank you. We seriously all slept half of the day Sunday! So tired from those long hospital nights. Happy they are behind us! xo

  18. So glad Kole is better! My son had a very similar experience when he was 6. He woke up with painful swelling in the same area as Kole’s. The swelling was so bad it distorted his facial features. His pediatrician was closed so we ended up at Children’s Hospital. He was there for 3 days on IV antibiotics and observation. It was diagnosed as an infected parotid gland (saliva gland). It took the doctors a while to say that’s what they thought it was and even then I really don’t think they knew for sure. He was fine after that and it never happened again, he is 20 now.

    1. I wondered if that was what was going on with Kole Beth! But the doctors said it wasn’t. So crazy. I’m so glad you son didn’t have any more issues after that initial time! Hoping that’s the case with Kole too. Thank you for your sweet comment! xo

  19. Oh my goodness Erin, I can’t even imagine! Have been sending you love and prayers and so glad to see your baby is home safely! When you get a chance will you please link your friend’s black, v-neck, lace dress from the Better Homes and Gardens pic? Eyeing it for a Christmas party ;)

    1. Thank you so much Stacy! I so appreciate that! I’m not sure where she got that dress! I’ve seen some very similar dresses at Nordstrom so I’d try looking through their black dress selection first! xo

  20. Hi Erin,
    I am so glad kole is back and doing fine.
    But did the doctors tell what actually the problem was? The kind of swelling I see in photograph looks like it was bitten by a bee. I am not sure, but looks very similar. Where ever a bee bite it just gets swollen without any infection but is very painful and if you look carefully you might even find the sting lodged in the skin. The swelling subside after a day I think but doesn’t need surgery.

    1. Hi Shmyla! No.. not a bee sting. They think it was from a tiny piece of food piercing his cheek and getting inside! Crazy right? I’m happy he’s doing better too! Thank you so much! xo

  21. Hi Erin! I am just popping into your blog for the first time in so long and gosh I am so sorry to hear about Kole’s experience needing surgery. How very scary for all of you. So glad he is back home and feeling much better now!! Your kiddos are getting so big and your daughters are beautiful. Hope Kole continues to improve with no setbacks!


    1. Genn! So fun hearing from you! Oh my word.. it has been too long since we’ve “chatted” .. ha! Yes.. not a fun weekend but luckily it wasn’t too serious and he is doing so much better. Went back to school today. :) Thanks for stopping by to say hi! I hope you and your sweet family are doing well! XO

  22. I’m sure they ruled this out- but something similar happened to our son when he was 14…parotitis. We initially took him to the pediatrician but the swelling kept getting worse and worse. We also ended up in the ER. Thats when he was prescribed the antibiotics and a follow up with an ENT. They said the cause was a dental cleaning soon after getting his braces off. The bacteria traveled into his gums and into his salivary glands. It was scary- I hope your son is getting better every day!

    1. Oh no Ali! That sounds scary. Kole’s issue was definitely not teeth/gum related! It had to do with bacteria forming in his cheek. Not fun either way! Thank you for your sweet words about Kole! He is doing so much better. :) xo

  23. So scary, but glad your little guy is doing better! My son had the same thing happen a few years ago. He woke up with a swollen cheek on his first day of kindergarten. Dr thought it was a blocked salivary gland but his symptoms only worsened & very quickly! It was infection with no true cause found.; the Dr said it could’ve been a microscopic skin tear that just happened to get infected. Luckily my son only needed IV antibiotics for a few days in the hospital, but I’m glad Kole was so brave about his surgery! As you said, it makes your heart break even more for those parents who are living this edge of your seat fear on a daily basis!!

    1. Oh my word.. it really does. I’m so happy to hear you son was ok! Our sweet, brave boys! Thank goodness it wasn’t more serious for either of them! xo

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