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My Favorite Cleaning Products (why I’m a fan of Grove Collaborative)

You all know how much I love a clean house.  It’s not always perfectly clean (my three kids make sure of that!) but I work hard to keep it mostly clean, most of the time.  I often get asked what my favorite cleaning supplies are and I’m happy to share a lot of them with you today and tell you about a company that I love.  I get most of my cleaning supplies from Grove Collaborative (formerly known as ePantry).  I’m a huge fan of Grove Collaborative because they sell all natural products that are extremely affordable (including Mrs. Meyers products which have been a favorite brand of mine for years that I’ve mentioned in past Friday Favorite posts!).  Their customer service is unreal.  They are so on top of things and the sweetest people ever!  Any question I’ve had they’ve answered immediately.  Plus my favorite part.. they deliver right to my door!

I really love how eco friendly their products are.  For this past year our family has talked a lot about what we can do to help the environment.  With the drought in our neck of the woods it has been on all of our minds!   My kids, husband and I came up with some ideas of eco friendly things we can all be doing in our house.  Keep recycling, keep looking for ways to reduce water in our yard (we’ve switched out a lot of plants in the last year), use our own water bottles instead of plastic, use natural cleaning products, and find a better solution for all of the paper towels we go through.  I started ordering paper towels and toilet paper through Grove Collaborative because everything is 100% recycled.
I also love these reusable sponge cloths they sell.
I use these instead of paper towels a lot of the time now and love them!  Helps me feel like I’m doing my part. :)  Plus getting all of these essentials delivered to my door keeps me out of Target and Costco.  That would be my husband’s favorite thing about Grove. ;)
Grove has just picked up a new product that I’m SO excited about!  It’s the Caldrea line (the luxury Mrs. Meyers!) and to say I love these products would be an understatement!  Aside from the cute bottles and colors, (I’m all about cute packaging) they smell amazing.  I’ve been sampling all of the different counter sprays, products and scents this month and can’t get over how great my kitchen smells!  My kids and husband love them too.  They’ve all said several times “our kitchen smells SO good mom!”  Who needs a sweet smelling home cooked meal when you can get that kind of a reaction from your countertop spray and dish soap? ;)  #kiddingnotkidding
I love all of the scents and colors, but the Pear Blossom with the blue label has to be my #1.
Love this hand soap in my powder bathroom!  Aside from smelling so good it matches perfectly. :)  Sea Salt is a close second, but I love them all and in my next Grove order I’m getting different colors of hand soaps for the kids’ bathrooms.
This scrubber brush from Grove is another favorite of mine.  It’s soft, but strong and I use it every single day.  Mostly for dishes.
kitchen-refresh-27 copy
But also to make my white farmhouse sinks sparkle. :)

Ok.. I could go on forever about Grove, but you’ll see for yourself!  So excited about a special Grove is offering all of my readers!
This week only if you sign up for Grove Collaborative and place an order of at least $20 (easy to do!)  you will get one Caldrea Dish Soap, one Caldrea Countertop Spray and one of their Dish Brushes I love for FREE!  Seriously!?  Yes seriously.  I’m excited.  Can you tell I’m excited!?  Does anyone else get giddy about good cleaning products?  If you do too, this is a happy day. :)

All you have to do is head here to sign up for Grove Collaborative (you’ll receive the three items I mentioned above for free when you sign up and spend $20 or more on your first order).  You’ll answer a few quick questions about your home that they’ll use to customize your basket.  Then you’ll finalize your basket by adding or removing items to get exactly what you want (just don’t remove your 3 free items!).  Then make sure your order totals at least $2o.  So easy to do because they sell everything from laundry detergent to lip balm!  You can see some of my favorite items in the first picture of this post.  I also love their candles and sponges.  And their laundry natural stain remover!  It works so well.  I just got a nasty stain out of Kole’s pants with it yesterday.  (Boys and their dirty clothes!)  You can’t go wrong ordering from Grove. :)  Then just hit finish and pay!  Not long after you’ll receive a happy box on your door step.  Then each month after you’ll get an e-mail reminding you to adjust your cart and choose what items you need (if any that month).  I seriously love that I don’t have to make mad dashes to Costco anymore because we are out of toilet paper!
Chart1_fullbundle_image (9)
This is just a sample of what your cart might look like this first time ordering.  You can see how great the savings are.

Also, if you are already a member of Grove Collaborative you can click here to get your free gift!  It’s their way to say thanks and to include you in the excitement. ;)

If you decide to become a new member of Grove Collaborative let me know what you think!  Affiliate links are used in this post, but I want you to know it’s a company I truly love, use and endorse 100%.  (I wouldn’t be writing this post otherwise!)  They are an amazing group of people who sell great, affordable products and have outstanding customer service.  Can’t ask for much more than that.
Except for maybe a perfectly clean house.


xoxo, Erin
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49 thoughts on “My Favorite Cleaning Products (why I’m a fan of Grove Collaborative)

  1. I signed up for Grove Collaboration when you blogged about them a few months ago. I have been blown away by all the products they offer, especially all the eco-friendly products. I have had to contact their customer service once and they took care of me immediately. Great customer service is almost more important than the products they carry…I was so, so impressed! Thanks for another blog post about them and for hooking me up with a great company.

    1. Thank you Rebecca! This is actually the first time I’ve blogged about Grove! Maybe you heard about it somewhere else? Regardless, I’m so happy you love them! I feel the same way about their customer service. It’s AMAZING! xo

    1. Same Lauren! That’s one reason I signed up for Grove. I was already using most of their products! And oh my word.. LOVE Caldrea too! xo

  2. This post is great, Erin!! I am all about keeping my house as clean as possible. Grove Collaborative looks wonderful. I think I may have to check it out.

    So you can choose to not order anything some months?

    1. Thank you Pamela! I really love their company and all they stand for. And yes! You can change, push back, pull forward and ‘ship now’ at anytime. They are really flexible so you only get products when you need them! They send out an e-mail reminder so that you can adjust your cart each month and get what you want when you want. :) xo

    1. Hi Julie! No! Just this time to get the free items. After that you can change things around and just order what you want when you want. :)

  3. Just placed my order! For a slew of things :) I already use a few of those brands and needed to stock up anyway! I have never used the Caldrea line and I’m so excited to give it a try. Thanks Erin!!

  4. What do you use to clean your marble (I think you have it in your bathrooms? Or maybe I’m just crazy:-) ? We just put marble in our kitchen and I’m petrified of using something that will hurt it.

    1. Lindsey I just use water! I’m the same way.. terrified to try any product. We have marble in two bathrooms and they don’t get that dirty so I’ve just been wiping them down with water. Marble is so tricky! If you find something you love let me know! ;) xo

  5. I have enjoyed using some of Mrs. Meyers cleaning products as well. I love her toilet cleaner as well as the countertop spray. I was wanting to get a nice granite cleaner but wondered if you preferred the Seventh Generation or Method brand? There are so many items I am excited to try…Now just to choose a few for now….Hmmmm 🤔

    1. Oh I’ll have to try the toilet cleaner Amy! I like the Method brand a lot, but I mostly use the Mrs. Meyers countertop spray for my counters (now Caldera!). But I know.. it’s hard to choose! I’ve been having fun sampling different things each month. :) xo

  6. I am also a buyer from Grove Collaborative. I love that it is so easy to update my cart and alter my shipping date. The prices are great also.

  7. Hi Erin!!! Thank you so much for posting about this company and the great offer!!! I signed up and am already looking forward to my order arriving! I use Method products already but am anxious to try other brands and continue to replace all my cleaners with natural cleaners.
    Thanks again!

    1. I’m so happy you signed up Andrea! I think you will love Grove! I have been so impressed with them. They make it easy to go green! Plus I’ve found so many new products I’m loving like Caldrea. I get excited for my shipments to come. :) xo

  8. I’d never heard of Grove before and just placed my order. I already use many Mrs. Meyers products so I’m looking forward to trying the Caldrea line. I think I’m most excited about the sponges – it takes so little to make me happy. ;) I love products that make cleaning a pleasant experience and I think these will fit the bill. Thanks for introducing us to Grove!

    1. I love the sponges Jeannie! I’m the same way.. it’s the little things. :) You will love Grove! They are such a great company. I feel the same way. Products that make cleaning more fun and are delivered to my door step at great prices? Yes please! :) xo

  9. I feel like I just hit the jackpot with my new knowledge of this company, thank you! I have done a few different automatic shipments in the past with different companies on household items, but none have been this affordable or had this kind of selection. I’ve had that same mentality as well…keep me out of Target and all will be well. Excited for my shipment to arrive, but especially excited for the reusable clothes:)

    1. Kim! You made me laugh! “Keep me out of Target and all will be well.” Ha ha.. Isn’t it the truth!? :) I felt the same way when I found Grove. They are honestly to good to be true! I can’t think of one reason why someone wouldn’t want to join! It’s so affordable and convenient and I have discovered new products that I seriously love. I’m so happy you signed up! And you will love the reusable cloths! xo

  10. Hi Erin! I just started following your blog- i LOVE it!! AND just went on Grove Collaborative and signed up- how can you not after that awesome special?? Thank you for sharing, have a great day!

    1. I know, right!? Such a great deal! And I truly LOVE Grove. So happy you signed up! I think you will love it too. And thank you so much for your sweet words about my blog! It means a lot to me that you enjoy it! I’m so happy you found me. :) xo

  11. Thanks Erin for sharing this site :) I will be placing my order soon or some awesome goodies! The prices are great too!

    1. Aren’t their prices great Darcy!? SO low. It’s such a win win. I’m excited you signed up! I know you will love it. :) xo

  12. Just signed up. I have using the Ms. Meyers products for a while and love them. Had no idea they would ship them to me! Thanks for suggesting them. Excited to try some new products!

    1. That’s my favorite part Piper! So nice to get them delivered right to your door! It really does save me money and time not heading to Target as often. :) I hope you love it as much as I do! xo

  13. I needed some birthday present ideas for my bff’s upcoming birthday and thanks to you Erin, I went to Grove Collaborative’s website and set her up with some awesome stuff! I just wish this company served the UK (I’m an American living in England.) but at least I’ve found somewhere new to buy for my friends and family in the UK. Thanks again. :)

    1. Oh what a great idea to use Grove for gifts! Love that Anna! I know.. I wish they shipped everywhere. Hopefully someday they will. Thank you so much cutie! Enjoy your weekend! xo

  14. Hi Erin! I have used Caldrea products and love them! I just moved into a new home with granite and quartz countertops. Can I use the Caldrea countertop sprays on them? I would think so but I just want to be sure. Grove has great prices on Caldrea!

  15. I have already place two orders since you recommended this company! I was so excited about my first order that the day after I place it, I realized I needed some more goodies for our upcoming vacation and for a housewarming gift :-) I am so excited to not only try out this company/the products they offer but to also have them delivered to my door since we live in a rural area and trips to town are few and far between! Thank you again!

    1. And I guess I was so excited, I couldn’t even used proper grammar in my comment! LOL! I meant *placed* both times I used it above!

    2. Oh I love that Erin! Yea! I’m so happy you are excited about Grove! I think you will love them! What a fun idea to buy things from them for a housewarming gift! I’m going to remember that! And I know.. having it all delivered to your door is priceless! Excited for you cutie. Enjoy your weekend! :) xo

  16. Thanks for the ordering info. I’ve used the kitchen products that I got at Target. But what do you use on your wood floors?

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