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Friday Favorites – favorite hair products/tools!

favorite hair products for thick naturally curly hair
army vest

(quilted field vest)

Happy Friday friends!  In last Friday’s fashion post I was sporting straight hair and got lots of questions about what hair products I use so today we are talking hair!  Easily one of my favorite topics. :)
My hair is crazy thick (like I get it thinned every six weeks and it’s still too thick!) and naturally curly.  I try new products all the time, but I alway go back to my standby favorites.  Many of you know that Enjoy products have had my heart for a long time!  My #1 favorite hair product of all time is the Enjoy Straightener.  I put it on my hair when it’s wet and it smooths my hair out so well!  Even though it’s a straightener it works great regardless of whether I’m doing my hair curly or straight.  It takes all the frizz out of my hair and leaves it so smooth and easy to style.  Love it!  I’ve bought it for friends for gifts for years and now my friends all use it and love it too.  I also use it on my girls’ hair for special occasions.

(flannel dresses)

My girls have very different hair.  Ad’s is just like mine – really thick and naturally curly.  El’s is also thick but stick straight.  I put only half a dime size amount of Enjoy straightener on their hair when it’s wet and it makes their hair so smooth and easy to style!  Curly or straight.  Can’t say enough about Enjoy straightener!  I’ve used it for years and it’s my favorite.  For life.  :)
I also love the Enjoy Luxury shampoo and conditioner (they just changed the bottle to the purple so I’m showing both).  I bought the smaller bottles to try it out about a year ago because I liked the straightener so much and loved them too!  They also have a color holding option.

Paul Mitchell’s Freeze and Shine Super Spray has been my favorite hair spray forever.  Again I’ve tried other products, but always end up going back to my tried and true’s.  #paulmitchellhairsprayforever
After I’ve blow dried my hair, my favorite product to use when it’s dry is Moroccan Oil.  A little bit goes a long way to smooth it out and take away the frizz/coarseness.  I especially need the Moroccan Oil if I’m doing my hair straight.  Last time I bought it the girl at the store had similar hair to mine and recommended Ava oil.  She said she likes it better than the Moroccan.  (Have any of you tried it?)  Verdict is still out on this one so I’ll try it for a few weeks and let you know!  They are both a bit pricey, but last FOREVER (like I said, a little goes a long way – you don’t need much!) and the Moroccan oil is worth it.  It especially helps with humidity which we have a lot of here.  Humidity = death to hair like mine!  Which is why you see my hair curly 95% of the time.  :)
My forever favorite curling iron is this cheap Conair curling iron.  Works better than the expensive curling irons!  I’ve tried them.  I love the one inch.  10 bucks baby!  Plus it lasts forever.  I think I’ve had this one for over 3 years.  Looking at the faded state it’s in from this picture I think it’s time to order another one!  I recently tried a curling wand but didn’t like it as much.
Long live my $10 Conair!  Makes it so easy to curl my hair.  (Side tip: for more of a casual wave like I have going on in the picture above don’t curl the bottom inch or two of your hair.  Just wrap the upper half of your hair around the curling iron and leave the bottom section hanging out straight.)
My favorite hair tool for less humid days when I want my hair straight is this Croc Titanium Straightener.  Love this!  I’ve used the same one for years and it makes my hair SO straight.  I’ve tried the cheaper straight iron options (I have several from Target) and they just don’t work as well.  Save your money on the curling iron, but splurge on this straight iron.  Especially if your hair wants to be curly like mine does!  Either the 1 inch or 1 1/2 inch work great.  Highly recommend this!
My other favorite tool for getting super straight hair is this Herstyler Easy Comb.  Have you all tried this!?  If not you must!  You take a section of hair and clamp this comb on it and pull through right before the straight iron goes over your hair.  (Does that make sense?)  Makes your hair go SO straight!  It combs out any tangles right before.  K – hard to explain but trust me on this one!  I can’t straighten my hair nearly as well without it!
My girls LOVE the Wet Brush.  A sweet blog reader actually recommended this to me years ago (thanks again!) for combing through Addison’s curls.  It works great to detangle hair!  We have several and use them for wet and dry hair.  They are a lot softer on your head than other brushes.  Plus they are inexpensive and come in so many cute colors.  Easy comb and Wet brush for the win!
If you happen to be looking for good hair products for your husband, boyfriend, friend, teenage son, etc, my husband loves CREW products.  His favorite for years.  He uses the Crew shampoo every day and lately loves the Crew “fiber” to style his hair.  He used the Crew Forming Cream for years, but has now moved on to the fiber because apparently it holds better.  So he tells me.  The round container always reminds me of the Daper Dan hair stuff in “O Brother Where Art Thou?” 

Which of course just makes me smile.  That show!  :)favorite hair products for thick naturally curly hair
So that’s it!  My FAVORITE hair products and tools for thick, naturally curly hair.  Although I love them all so much they would most likely be my favorites even if I had thin, naturally straight hair. :)  These are what I use every day!  Actually that’s a lie.  These are what I use every time I wash my hair!  Which is definitely not every day.  Not even every other day.  I’ve been setting world records lately.

Trying to do my best to help with the California drought.


Happy Hair styling!

xoxo, Erin
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33 thoughts on “Friday Favorites – favorite hair products/tools!

  1. I so enjoy reading about your favorites, Erin. Sure sounds like you like these products, some of which I had never heard of before. The oils for hair are new to me. :) Your hair always looks great in pictures so they are definitely working for you. :) I would like to say though, if your curling iron is still working, keep it still it breaks! I love how good basic items stand the test of time. Product makers nowadays make so many things with the specific intention of them not lasting long so consumers have to buy it again. Thanks again for sharing! I hope you have a fabulous weekend! :)

  2. Hey Miss Erin! I always think your hair looks fabulous, so happy to see today’s post! I bought the Enjoy hair straightener awhile back after you posted it and I really like it!

    I’ve been in the market for a new straightener for awhile. Two questions for you. 1 – Where did you buy your straightener? Some of the reviews on Amazon make it sound like it might be better to buy it elsewhere? I’m not opposed to spending more to get the most quality product. 2 – What temperature do you use?

    1. Hi Jessica! I’m so glad you like the Enjoy straightener! My mom actually bought me that straight iron and I think she just got it on Amazon. I’ll have to ask her! I usually put the temperature on or around 350. It goes a lot higher, but that is plenty hot. I really love it! Makes my hair so straight which is not an easy task. :)

  3. I’ll definitely have to give that wet brush a try. I have super thick hair as well and have trouble brushing through wet hair. Have a great weekend!

  4. Erin,
    Your hair always looks so nice! I have thick, course, frizzy, wavy/curly hair and most days it’s in a pony tail because it’s so much work to dry and fix (and honestly still looks big and frizzy even after straightening). I would love to see an updated video of you doing your hair using your favorites in this post. How long does it take from start to finish? Thanks for this post, I’m definitely going to give these a try!

    1. Thank you Jennifer! I rock a pony tail a lot of days too! If I wash my hair and have to blow dry and style it (whole process) it usually takes about 45 minutes. That’s why I only wash it on average twice a week. Most days it takes about 10 minutes to style because my hair holds curl really well so I can just curl a few pieces and call it good! :)

  5. Hi Erin ,
    Great post. Your hair definitely looks great but I personally think you look great with curls rather than straight hair.

  6. Your hair always looks great! I know that thick curly hair is a lot of work!I’d never know from looking at your pictures that your hair would require that much work. It always looks really nice.

    Regarding that hairspray, does that hairspray hold really well? I always have a hard time finding a hairspray that holds really well. Most of them I put it on and they just don’t hold. I have one hairspray that I like and it holds pretty well but even the ones that say maximum hold never really hold. I think it depends on how much hair you have. Because I have so much I think it’s a little more challenging. I’m not talking I need it like glue but I do need it to hold the style without falling.

    My hair is straight but I have a lot of it! My hairdresser of 15 years moved to Texas and I went through for hairdressers in 18 months trying to find someone who could simply cut the hair, most get lost in my hair. They might do OK for the first month but by the third month it was awful. Finally I found someone who can cut and color really well. I think most women will agree that you always feel better when your hair looks great!

    1. So true Sue! And it’s hard to find someone you love who does your hair the way you want! That hairspray does hold well, but it’s not too sticky and your hair still looks natural. That’s why I’ve always liked it! xo

  7. I’m having a hard time finding Enjoy products in beauty stores on the east coast! Other than Amazon, can you let me know where I might be able to find these?

    1. Hi Danielle! I’m not sure! They are in most beauty stores around here, but I do find the Amazon prices to be just as good so that might be your best bet if you can’t find them anywhere else.

  8. You are too cute! Thanks for all the tips Erin, my daughter has very curly hair and is always trying to straightened it. Will definitely will try the Enjoy products!

  9. Hi Erin,

    I too have thick, curly hair. You mentioned that you get your hair thinned out regularly. How does your hairdresser do this, with thinning sheers?

    Thank you!


  10. Why did I never think to try that straightening product on Eden’s thick, tangly hair?!?!? Can’t wait to try it now. And you’re so right about the Wet Brush. Miracle worker!!!

  11. I end up rocking the ponytails many days as well since mornings are so darn rushed! I’m very intrigued about the Croc straightener though, it’s been added to my Amazon Wishlist! I have to say though, I’m very envious that you’re able to wash your hair only twice a week; what a time saver! I have tried but can’t even acceptably get two days without looking like a grease ball! It’s rather unfortunate. Not only that, but when I leave the gym, I’m a sweaty mess, so I cannot get by without washing after working out. Lucky girl!

    1. Thanks Allison! I know.. it IS nice that I don’t have to wash my hair that often. Although it takes so long to do on days I do wash it! Probably all evens out. ;) You will love the Croc straightener if you get it! xo

  12. Love your blog! Your home is absolutely gorgeous and I’ve implemented some of your organization ideas! I especially enjoy the hair care tips! Like you, I have long, thick, curly hair. I watched your cute video on how you do your hair (thank you for posting that! I am a visual learner). My question is how do you blow dry your hair to get it straight before you use the curling iron? Do you section it off? Use an attachment on your blow dryer? Do you use a brush/comb as you’re blow drying? The process for me takes a sweet forever: After washing and towel drying, I use Paul Mitchell’s super skinny straightening serum, section my hair off in about 8 sections and blow dry each section using a large round brush to get it straight but with a soft curl at the ends. It takes me an HOUR just to dry it!! So, I am very curious as to how you do EVERYTHING in 45 minutes?! And have it look so spectacular!
    I apologize for the thousand questions and the lengthy comment! Thank you in advance and keep up the good work on your blog!

    1. Thanks so much Michelle! What a sweet comment! Ok – to straighten it I do section my hair, but only in 3 sections. Bottom, middle and top sections. I do use the straightening attachment (skinny end of the blow dryer). I use a regular brush (sometimes the wet brush!) because round brushes make it take longer. I don’t make my sections perfectly straight like it sounds like you do. I dry them fast and just get them as straight as I can and if my hair has some curl left in it it’s ok because usually I curl it anyway (or the straight iron gets out the kinks). Does that make sense? My hair would take an hour to blow dry too if I did 8 sections and a roll brush! Try doing three big sections and use a regular brush and then let the curling iron or straight iron do most of the work for you. Does that make sense? :) Clearly we’re in this together! The thick hair struggle is real. ;) xo

  13. OH, it is so real! :-) Thank you so much for sharing your method! What you said makes perfect sense and I am so excited to try it! Thankfully, I own the same conair curling iron (love it). Now, I just have to find that wet brush and I’ll be set! Have a great day!

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