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San Diego is home

Popping in to share my most recent fun find with you all!  Last week I went shopping with a good friend of mine and she introduced me to the cutest little boutique here in San Diego.  SO many fun things in that store.  I wanted one of everything!  I didn’t buy one of everything (are you reading Kenny?  I promise I didn’t.)  :)  What I did come home with was this fun print of California with a heart magnet that (for me) represents San Diego.  I fell in love with this immediately.  First just because I’m collecting things for a gallery wall in my house and the soft pallet and wood frame are exactly the vibe I was looking for.

But more importantly, this print tugs at my heart for another reason.

I clearly remember moving here to San Diego in 2002.  While it was a beautiful city with amazing weather, it didn’t feel like home to me.  I didn’t know anyone.  I missed my friends in Virginia.  I missed my family in Utah.  And most of all I missed the feeling of “home.”
In the past 13 years we have lived here my husband and I have shared our first home together and brought our three babies into the world.  We have become a family here in San Diego.  We have met amazing people and have made life long friends.  We have worked hard, had ups and downs, and have supported each other in growing and becoming the people we were meant to be.  We have created a wonderful life here in San Diego.

So when I look the print above with the little heart at the bottom of California, a feeling of pride and love stirs inside me.  While I’ll always have a soft spot in my heart for Utah where I grew up and where all of my family still lives, San Diego is home.

I know that I’m right where I’m meant to be.


xoxo, Erin
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28 thoughts on “San Diego is home

  1. I have learned in the past two years that what makes a home is the ones you share it with. I too have moved. We moved to a new city, so not as far, but still not home. I hate not being a short drive away from my family and friends, but my husband and I have made our new town our home. We now have friends here and many, many memories! I think moving away has made our marriage stronger and so much sweeter.

  2. I LOVE this post! I wasp lucky enough to visit SD twice as a teenager to visit a friend. Her dad was stationed there with the Navy. Wondering if you would ever do a “SD Favorites” list. I would love to go there for a weekend with my husband, but I am overwhelmed with all the great places!

      1. Yippee!!!! I also read Elise Cripe’s blog and she did a similar post this week. Great minds think alike in their LOVE of SD!

  3. Hi Erin,

    I LOVE that print! It is going to look PERFECT in your home with your decor. It’s funny how life has a way of putting you right where you were meant be. Although my husband and i live in NJ and were both born and raised here and we have raised our two high school boys here, we still feel like life’s journey has yet to put us where we are meant to be. If my husband has it his way, it will definitely be some place warm as we are in the thick of our winter with major snow storms a couple times a week and freezing temps!! Hopefully, we will find our “home” just like you did. I love your blog and look forward to reading it with my coffee every morning! Can’t wait to see the gallery wall!

    1. What a sweet comment Joy! Thank you so much. I’m flattered that I’m part of your morning coffee ritual. :) I think you are meant to leave NJ and head my way! 75 degrees and sunny all week.. all year actually! :) xo

  4. I love it Erin! I am from NC and I love seeing those types of prints, but you’re right, you built your life and your family there, it’s home :-)

    what in the world would your blog be named if you didn’t live in San Diego? lol the sunny weather matches your sunny disposition! and we love you for it!!

  5. Oh, that will be perfect in your new home. I love it when the contents of a home have real meaning to the people that live there. Your home should always tell a story. Just beautiful.

  6. Hi Erin!
    I’ve been reading your blog for some time now and enjoy your cheerful outlook that comes through in each and every post! I live in San Clemente just north of you and am wondering what boutique you picked the wall art from? I too have moved away from friends and family and have made San Clemente my home with my husband and kids since 2002. I would love one of these for my home as well! Have a blessed day!

    1. Hi Kasey! Thank you so much! What a sweet thing to say. Love San Clemente! We’re neighbors! :) I bought it at Bixby & Ball in Solana Beach but they have a website and I think it’s on-line too so check that out before you make a trip! xo

  7. Great find and sweet post Erin! Every time I go “home” to Santa Clara, I love it, but I’m always glad when I get back HOME to SLC! It’s the same with Jeff and I…first teaching job, first home, bringing all of our children into the world all here in SLC, but the 84765 will always have a part of my heart, too! With Jeff finishing school in August, we may have to call a new place “home.” We shall see!

    1. Thanks cute Liz! For sure Santa Clara will always be special to us. Same with Zions Bank! I can’t drive by that place without a huge smile. Good times. :) Can’t wait to see where you and Jeff end up! So exciting! xo

  8. I love this! I have been reading your blog for years ;) but never commented…I love your happy spirit and how dedicated to your home and family you are! we recently moved (from cali to seattle), and are in the midst of making our new life here feel like ‘home’!

    1. Thank you Amy! What a sweet thing to say! Totally made my day! :) Seattle is so beautiful. Good luck settling in! So nice to “meet” you. :) xo

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