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Home Decor

Clean spaces and a work in progress

Happy Wednesday everyone!  So I’ve been organizing.  A lot.  And I was going to share an organizing post with you today but two hours later I’m STILL editing the pictures.  I took too many.  And I may have gotten a bit distracted somewhere along the way watching Fixer Upper.  Two episodes.  Oops.  :)
So instead I’ll share a few simple pictures of my console table in its current state.  Aren’t these flowers beautiful!?  So colorful and happy.
This time of year I always crave fresh flowers around the house.  Spring isn’t officially here, but it’s right around the corner and fresh flowers are a lovely reminder of that!
I also crave simplicity.  Christmas/Valentine decor is down and I just want my house to feel clean and fresh.  I added a couple of pictures of our family and the kids to the table.  (Frames are the Antique Silver from West Elm.)  These three monkeys truly are my “happy when skies are gray” so that felt appropriate.  :)
Speaking of craving clean and fresh, like I said I’ve been on an organizing frenzy.  So excited!  I’m on such a roll and I’m knocking things off my list right and left!  I even decided to tackle my garage today.  Which wasn’t on my list.
Yikes!  And this was AFTER three hours of work and there was more junk behind me.  I wore out and will have to finish tomorrow.  This is phase one of my ‘organize the garage plan’.  I’m going through everything and getting rid of half of our stuff.  There is so much I’ve been hanging on to that we just don’t need/use.  After I’ve headed to Goodwill and cleaned things up a bit I’m going to start sketching a plan for some storage or built-ins to hold what we are keeping.  I’ll keep you posted!
For now though, let’s stick to the pretty pictures.  A nice escape from all the “in progress” that is going on around here at the moment.


xoxo, Erin
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26 thoughts on “Clean spaces and a work in progress

  1. Erin – I LOVE your console! It’s so fresh and bright!! I just picked up tulips at the store to try to bring some springtime hope to my house!! In the Northeast, we have been hit with single digit temperatures and snow that will not melt!! It is awful!! It’s so nice to see your sunny blog!! I can’t wait to see your organizing posts!! I always get so lazy in the winter…I am ready to feel motivated!! xoxo

    1. Oh my WORD Susan! I can’t believe the snow you guys are getting! I watch the news with my jaw dropped! Unbelievable the winter you are all having. Wish you could hop on a plane and come and visit me for a week! :) Tulips are my very favorite flower! Perfect way to bring a little sunshine in your house. I’m going to start sharing organizing posts asap! Hang in there and stay warm! xo

  2. Love your console table and those photos of your kiddos are adorable! Am attempting to declutter, but often feeling overwhelmed. Just need to focus, right?!

    1. Thank you Janet! I know – it can be SO overwhelming. I felt that way about 10 times working on my garage. I just kept thinking “baby steps” – one thing/space at a time. :)

  3. I adore the “happy” sign. And, the precious pictures of your sweet family. We have so many pics of the girls in our home, but I just realized most are from their high school-now years!! I so need to go through our older pictures and find a few “gems” to display again. We are expecting another artic blast this weekend, so it will be a good one for staying in and organizing!

  4. I am getting up the nerve to go through my garage too. Have to come up wish some kind of organization system for all my kids ‘special things’. I have four kids and we are reaching critical mass as far as me keeping special blankets, toys, crafts, etc. Never been much of a hoarder but it sure is hard to get rid of kid stuff that all has special memories attached to us. Would love to hear if you have some sort of organized process for this!

  5. Erin, your console is so cheery! Love it.

    Your garage looks like my dining room at the moment. I am tackling my “Monica” closet. All the contents of the closet are now strewn across my dining room. I have done an initial toss & purge, but I need to go back through once more and purge a little more. There are definitely a few things we don’t need to be hanging on to. Looking forward to seeing your finished garage.

  6. Love the family pictures on your console table. So sweet. Can’t wait to see your garage! Even your garage looks pretty with the painted drywall and the beautiful epoxy floor!

    I organized my garage last year. I love those Origami shelves from HSN. I have 5 of them and have one shelving unit for each category (garage, home decor, Christmas decor, son’s supplies and Christmas tree). I use eight 66 quart clear
    bins on each unit. I have them delivered to my door and all I have to do is put casters on them. The casters make it easy to roll if you want to clean behind them. Best shelves ever.

  7. Please tell me where you got the baskets!! We recently built our house, and I too am trying to tackle room by room. Our mudroom had large cabinets that need baskets, and everywhere i’ve looked they are just too small. But from the picture, yours appear to be close to what i’m looking for.

    I love your blog by the way! Definitely my inspiration to get organized!!!

    1. Thank you Madison! I am so in love with these big baskets! You will love them too! They are from Restoration Hardware. A little pricey but so worth it! xo

  8. I love reading you blog! I check Every day for a new post!!!

    Where did you get the picture? I would love to get one for mom and one for me too!!! She sang that to my sisters and me and I sang it to my girls!

    1. Thank you Amy! SO sweet of you! I’m thrilled you enjoy my blog. :) I bought that sign at a store in Utah called Tai Pan. Unfortunately they don’t have stuff on-line and I bought it a year ago so I’m not sure if they even have it anymore? Sorry that’s not more help. I always sang that song to my girls too and Addison has something similar hanging in her room. If you google “You are my Sunshine” I bet a lot of signs will pop up! xo

  9. Just stumbled upon your site and your home is beautiful. We are currently building our home and I have to know the color of yours! We too are going with the deep brown floors and I can’t find a true grey paint and now I have! Thank you so much :)


    1. Hi Megan! Thank you! So glad you found me. :) The color of my walls (is that what you want?) is “Seattle” by Frazee. It’s a beautiful grey paint with dark floors! Good luck with your build! xo

  10. I love your blog!! And I love love everything about this console table, where did you get it!? In the market for a new one for our hall way :)

    1. Thank you Katharine! SO sweet of you to say! That means a lot. :) Console table is from Restoration Hardware. Love that place. :) xo

  11. Where did you get the picture frames that hold your family pictures? Love them – I’m working on a picture wall for our family room :)

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