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Favorite Things

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday everyone!  Popping in to share just a few favorites before the weekend!  My girls and I did a little Christmas shopping together and these fun furry friends just HAD to come home with us.  I let my kids pick out a new ornament for our tree each year and my girls fell in love with these little woodland “friends” from Crate and Barrel.  They do NOT go with my Christmas tree decor at all.  Actually, nothing coordinates on my tree.  It’s always just one big mish mash of past ornaments my kids have made and picked out along with red and silver ball ornaments.  So come to think of it, the deer, raccoon, and porcupine will fit in just fine.  :)

Speaking of woodland animals, this was my favorite find on our little trip to the mall.  How cute are these shirts from Gymboree!?  I’m so smitten.  The deer, the ornaments on the antlers, the coral scarf!  I could not love them more.  They are glittered by the way.  These pictures don’t do them justice.  And on sale for $10 each?  Does one come in my size?  :)  {Speaking of size I almost shed a tear taking a picture of these today.  Size 8 & 10 – when did that happen?  I was buying size 2 & 4 just minutes ago…}  Still on the hunt for a fun Christmas shirt for my little man.
This feels like the year of the deer, doesn’t it!?  They are so fun and popping up everywhere.  I am a fan.  This picture is from last year, but this year’s Christmas decor is slowly making an appearance!  I’m having so much fun decorating.  My sister and I were chatting about how her husband likes to hold off their Christmas decorating until after Thanksgiving so they can fully enjoy each holiday (she is dying to decorate!).  I told her to tell him my thoughts on that – Thanksgiving and Christmas are like peanut butter and jelly – they just taste better when mixed together.  ;)

We came home from our shopping trip and the kids pulled out our Christmas books.  I’ve shared all of our favorite Christmas books before, but these two are my absolute favorite of all.  Santa Mouse from my own childhood (we leave out a piece of cheese every year!) and Why Christmas Trees Aren’t Perfect.  These two books are perfect to me – one so fun and the other so touching.  They put me in the holiday spirit immediately.

And look what came in the mail!  Oprah’s favorites.  So excited to kick back and read it this weekend!  My friend is hosting her annual “Favorite Things” party soon (you can read all about it here) and I’m so excited to come home with lots of great gift ideas.  (And to share them with all of you!)  I’m also so torn on what to take for my favorite thing!  I’ve changed my mind about 10 times.  :)  I love finding new favorite things and I love hearing what other people love.  Tried and true favorite things always make the best gifts!  If you are looking for Christmas ideas for your family/friends/kids here are a few of my past “favorite things” posts that might help:

Yea for favorites!
And yea for the weekend!
Hope you enjoy yours.
xoxo, Erin
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6 thoughts on “Friday Favorites

  1. The ornaments are so adorable. I don’t have a theme either. I have some favorite ornaments and some that the kids made. I think the theme I have is rustic/country and a bit of modern. See…No theme. But it is so pretty together.

    I am going to have to go get Berkley one of those shirts. To cute!!!

    Happy decorating and weekend!

  2. I look forward to your favorite things post every year! Can’t wait to read it! Any chance you can do another favorite toys post? The sales are so good out there right now, I just need ideas.
    Enjoy the weekend!

  3. Love seeing your Friday favorites! So many great finds! Just re-read the 2013 Favorite things — getting some shopping ideas! Thanks for the great tips!

  4. Those shirts are adorable! I have had a hard time finding my son (4) a good Christmas shirt too. Let us know if you find one. I am so excited to host my first favorite things party this year!! I got the idea from you of course! I’ll let you know how it goes.

  5. Thanks Cathy! I think “no theme” trees really are pretty! Once the lights are on it doesn’t matter what’s on the tree. :)

    I will for sure do a favorite toy post soon Michelle! Hopefully next week! Thank you!

    Thanks Jboo! So glad that post helped!

    April – YEA! So fun you are hosting a favorite things party! I would love to hear all about it! And I will share Kole’s Christmas shirt as soon as I find one. :)

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