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The “Wait Basket” (new decor and teaching kids to wait)

Sharing a fun addition to our family room today!  I picked up this coral basket at Home Goods a few months ago and have loved having a little punch of color next to the couch.  

The pillows in it are some older pillows we had in our previous house.  Seems whenever our whole family is lounging on the couch we needed a few more.  :)  
But while I love the punch of coral and I love having extra pillows nearby..
 that’s not why I bought this basket. 

I bought this basket for my four year old.  You see, my little buddy struggles with waiting.  Waiting for a snack, waiting for his turn with a toy, waiting for mom to get off the phone, waiting for his sisters to finish their homework so he can play with them.  When he wants something he thinks he needs it immediately.  Typical toddler/child ‘me’ centeredness that is always such a joy to parent.  :)  So I decided to make a little “wait basket” in the family room.  I filled it with a few of his favorite toys and after explaining the importance of waiting patiently for things, I told him that whenever he hears the word “wait” he gets to come and play with the toys in his wait basket.  He has other toys in the playroom for every day.  These are special toys only for when he has to wait for something.  (I’ll switch these out every few weeks so he doesn’t get tired of the same toys).  
I have to say that this little “wait basket” is working like a charm!  
Now he gets excited when I tell him he has to wait.  
Which is great.  Because it happens often.

And just for fun since I was snapping pics of the family room, here’s another fun new coral addition.  Slowly adding some color to this space.  I’ll share where I’m at as far as decor for this room soon!  Just need to finish tweaking my bookshelves a bit more.

Could you use a “wait basket” at your house?  

 Enjoy your weekend everyone!  
xoxo, Erin
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11 thoughts on “The “Wait Basket” (new decor and teaching kids to wait)

  1. LOVE IT! Such a great idea! I usually just have the plain ol’ Magna Doodle on standby….. Loving the addition of the coral! CaNNOT wait to see more pics as you progress! (still LOVING my doorstop….still thinking you are a genius!!) Happy Weekend!

  2. Yea! So glad you all like it! :)

    Cathy and Lauren – totally works for adults too. Thinking of setting one up for my husband. ;)

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