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Favorite Fall Posts

It’s happening!  Football has been on all weekend, my pumpkin spice candle is emanating the most intoxicating scent, and Kenny is right now at this very moment working on our Fall line-up (a spread sheet he creates to organize/plan all of the TV shows we record on our DVR this time of year).  Let the season begin!  Who doesn’t love Fall!?  Such a great time of year.  We always have warm Fall weather in San Diego (and the leaves on our Palm trees don’t budge) so I try to bring as much “Fall” into my home each year as I possibly can.  To get excited for the upcoming season, I thought it would be fun to take a look back at some of my favorite posts from last Fall.  (You can click on the link below the pictures for the full post with more details.)  YEA!  Seeing all of these pictures again makes me want to break out the gourds, hang the Fall wreath on the door, and buy some Halloween candy!  Fall 2012.  If all goes as planned it will be our last Fall in this house.  I know it will be a special one.  :)

And last but not least, the link below is to my favorite quote which seems especially appropriate this time of year: 
{Let Gratitude Be Your Attitude}  

Enjoy and Happy Fall!  

xoxo, Erin
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18 thoughts on “Favorite Fall Posts

  1. Oh I LOVE all your ‘fall’ decorations!! We don’t really have ‘fall’ here in Australia – our trees stay green and it’s sunny all year round – but it’s such a lot of fun how you change your decor to go with the seasons and celebrations – I wonder if I can order some cute Halloween things from America to put out :) Thanks for the cute ideas! :)

  2. I love the leaf banner and your wreath! It’s such a fun time. Around here the leaves do change into this gorgeous pallet of colors! I can’t wait to go hiking in the mountains to soak it all in :) We’ve officially started decorating around here!

  3. I love the leaves in the yellow jug! (I love the yellow jug too!) Here in Australia our native trees are evergreen, only the introduced species are deciduous so we dont get a lot of fallen leaves. But we found some on a walk home from school one day so we laminated them and made a leaf garland for the playroom it was really easy to do and i thought it might kill my laminator but it didnt.

  4. Our leaves are already starting to change and fall here in Ohio, I’ll send you some, lol. Those pancakes are adorable. I’ll have to remember that one!

  5. LOVE the pancake idea! So fun. I am itching to get my Fall decor out. (Here in So UT we get a beautiful Fall). Is it to early to decorate? When do you (and most people) put the Fall stuff up? I think I’m asking for permission, ha ha! :)

  6. Thanks everyone!

    Maria – yes! I’ll take some red and yellow leaves for my mantel please! ;)

    Tiffany – I’m officially granting us both permission to start asap! :) I do like to start decorating early because by the beginning of November I’m ready to break out the Christmas decor! :)

  7. Here in the Northeast, we do have fall – and today was the perfect fall day!! Temps are going to get warmer as the week goes on, but today was just gorgeous! I broke out my fall decor this weekend, so I am all set – just need to buy some candy corns!! Ha! Ha!

  8. I love fall! I can’t wait to start decorating! I love your basket of seasonal/holiday books! Any other suggestions for books… my daughter doesn’t like witches at all. Thanks =) Ursula

  9. And here I am sooooooo excited for spring and the coming summer here in Oz!! There are very few parts of Oz that have spectacular Autumns,but Bright in Victoria is just stunning, its at the bottom of our Alpine region and I can’t wait to take our kids one year, so gorgeous, a bit like your New England area I suppose. I really wish we had a Thanksgiving type of holiday, its such a great opportunity to teach our kids to be thankful, we try to do this on Australia Day and throughout the year but your Thanksgiving seems so special. Enjoy the season Erin x Emma

  10. I LOVE fall! BUT I need to make summer last. Not ready to give in yet. Here in NY we get all four season, and i HATE winter… so i hold on to summer for as long as possible because once fall is here I know winter is right around the corner. I’ll bookmark this and come back to it in about 4 weeks! LOVE your decor, especially the leaf garland!

  11. Fall is my favorite season! The weather is beginning to cool down some here [on the east coast] and i can’t WAIT for hayrides, pumpkin crafts and corn maze field trips! :)

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