Hello friends! I had great intentions of posting last night and then made the mistake of checking in with
Pinterest first. Next thing I knew it was after midnight and I was burned out from pinning away the evening.
I could think of worse things. :)
As of late I am obsessed with white pitchers and wire baskets. I’m also loving glass bottles, jugs, and jars. I’ve showed you before a few ways I’ve been incorporating them into my house…
I thought I’d also share some of the fun pictures I’ve been pinning of my favorite decor accessories. I just love them all!

Aren’t they all lovely!? Even when used for practical purposes in the kitchen or bathroom they still make beautiful decor.
Does anyone else share in my obsession? :)
In other news, last Saturday was such a fun day. I took the girls to get pedicures…
They brought their dolls and we all enjoyed some “spa time.” Then we dropped off a sitter for Kole, picked up Kenny and the four of us went to lunch with friends.
Next on the agenda was Wicked!
Kenny and I have seen Wicked before in LA, but we were so excited to take the girls. They have the soundtrack memorized and love the music. I think I’ve heard Defying Gravity a thousand times over the last few months. (Good thing I love it as much as they do!) We told them the story and they have been so excited to see the play. By the end of it the girls were both on our laps mesmerized by it all. I love that they are finally old enough to do stuff like this. It was such a fun day with my two mini me’s. I wish I could freeze time with these two. Ages 6 & 8 are quite simply the best.
4th of July is this week! I know you all know that. I just felt like announcing it anyway. Our fun weekend was a great way to start the holiday week. I have totally kicked into vacation mode. It’s a pretty good mode to be in. :)
Hope many of you are doing the same!
xoxo, Erin
I love the glass bottles, they look so elegant. Your girls are just too cute. I try to stay away from pinterest sometimes becuase I can get lost :)
I am addicted to pinterest.
Love the blue on your mantel and wall. So jealous you saw wicked!
I’m overwhelmed by the jar pictures but LOVE the pic of you guys with your girls. It is so much fun when they move from that ‘little’ kid stage to being more interactive with things the parents actually enjoy doing too!
I don’t know if my last comment went through. Loved the picture of Addison getting a pedi. :) Her hair looks like it is getting so light.
I love the glass jars. There are so many ways to use them.
Glad you are enjoying your summer. I wish it was summer every day!
Hi Erin! I love that you took your girls for pedicures! They will always remember that. The things I am looking for and decorating right now are wire baskets, specifically chicken wire. The ones I have are black, and they make great decor above the kitchen cabinets. Another great decor item that is popular now – lanterns! I just bought one from Pottery Barn and just LOVE it! I got the small Briarwood lantern, and it is HUGE! I couldn’t believe how big it was. I have a red candle inside, and a sprig of red berries tied with wide black gingham checked ribbon on the outside.
Looks like such a fun day! Love, love, love all the turquoise and jars. Thanks for the inspiration.
wow Addison was getting a pedicure. Love that picture!!! She is so adorable. It seems like you all had a fun day.
My husband and I went and saw Wicked on our anniversary a few years ago and loved it. I can’t wait to take my daughter to see it someday. I have had many days I planned to get things done and then Pinterest sucked up my time. I love getting mani/pedis with my daughter.
Ohhhh. AMEN on the ages six and eight! AMENNNN! It is the most perfect of perfect ages and I often wish I could turn back the clock to JUST THAT TIME! We were able to travel, do fun family things, DISNEYLAND without a whine or complaint! OHHHH. Cherish this time for sure. I am in the twelve and ten-year-old stage now with my two oldest. I still love the time I spend with them, but there is much more eye rolling, attitude and nary any cuddling. Sigh.
Thanks everyone! :)
Jane – your lantern sounds fabulous! I’ve had my eye on those at PB this summer.
Stephanie – I know! I just wish I could freeze them in this stage for the next 20 years!
Who did you get to take your family picture outside the theatre?
Taking out kids especially to theater plays are good way of educating them. Theater plays are far better choices than other TV shows. Besides a day out with them also introduces them to outside environment too; a good
personal investing for them.
Oh wow, I can’t believe you took the girls to Wicked! I’ve told Madi when she’s older I will take her, but I’m just not sure how old, older is! You’ll have to tell me more about how they did with it. I wish we had more options for theaters around here! It’s coming to Vegas in Sept. but only for 6 weeks and I’m definitely not ready to take her yet!
Just wanted to let you know that I love your blog, especially your organizational tips! My husband is in the Air Force and we are currently stationed in Japan. He is being deployed later this year, so I will be alone for 6 months (no kids yet!). I have been bookmarking so many different ideas of yours that I cannot WAIT to do and surprise him with a super organized house when he gets back. Being in Japan, everything is way smaller than we are used to. That makes for a lot of clutter and your blogs have given me the motivation to really organize it all and make the best of the little space we have. Thanks so much for all of your tips :)
Hi Sam!
Thanks for your sweet comment! I’m sure your husband will be thrilled with your new organized place when he gets home! Hang in there while he is gone. Crossing my fingers it goes by quickly for both of you!
I am the same way when I comes to Pinterest. I get on there for a quick peak and then can’t walk away. Looks like you found some great inspiration though!
I saw Wicked a few years ago when they were in town. I am so excited that I have tickets to go see them in a few months when they are back in town!! After seeing it once there are so many things I want to pay closer attention to the second time around. I could probably see it 100 times. Love that your girls loved it so much:) I will have to go get their soundtrack!!!