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Thanks for the little things

I hope everyone had a great Father’s Day!  I just wanted to gush over the father of my children (yes – it really is you Kenny) one last time today so that there isn’t a doubt in his mind regarding how much he is loved.  I would have posted this earlier, but I was in full on kid mode ensuring that Kenny got his  father’s day nap and break from bedtime duty.  :)

these three think the world of you.
And I guess you’re kinda growing on me too.  :)
Thanks for all of the little things.
Thanks for taking the girls to school every morning. 
And reading to them every night.
Thanks for calling each day to see how I’m doing.
And for smiling at me when you walk in the door each night.
Thanks for your constant sarcasm each evening.  
It makes me laugh and snaps me out of my zombie like tired mom state.  
Thanks for taking me to the So You Think You Can Dance concert four years in a row.
And for letting us build this house since we both know it’s my dream and not yours.
Thanks for being so on the ball all of the time.  
For thinking ahead and being the master planner that you are.
Thanks for putting everyone in this family before yourself. 
For working such long hours to provide a nice life for us all.
Thanks for dealing with all of the estrogen that flows through this house on an hourly basis.
For enduring countless meltdowns.  
For watching countless barbie movies.
And for gluing countless dolls back together.
Thank you for being the kind of dad that you are.
For being so hands on raising our kids.
I could NOT do it without you.
Well, I could. 
 But my zombie like tired mom state would be a constant and it wouldn’t be nearly as much fun. 
Really though.
I could NOT do it without you.   
Just wanted to let you know that I notice the little things.  I notice them every single day.  
So do the kids.  
And they have their own reasons to love you.
A whole wall of them.  :)

 I agree with Addison – you ARE so nice and handsome.  
I also totally agree with Kole’s words of wisdom.  No translation necessary.  

 Thanks for enduring so much abuse on a daily basis.  
You really are an amazing dad.
And you know I’m right.  
Because I’m always right.  :)

 We all love you to pieces!
Happy Father’s Day babe.  

xoxo, Erin
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8 thoughts on “Thanks for the little things

  1. Love this! Kenny, I gotta say, you REALLY are a great Dad! Like a million times better than anyone that knew you in high school ever would have thought! Who would have dreamed that such a wild punk kid would turn out to be such a successful attorney AND a great dad?? No one could have guessed. Except for maybe Erin. She was smart to hang on to you. ;)

    LOVE the girls’ notes! And I do love that Kenny makes waffles every saturday, so great.

    Can’t wait for our next visit, waffles sound good!

  2. This post totally made me smile and think of all the “little” things my husband does for us. He is an attorney also, so I know all about the looong hours and missed dinners! But its nice to remember how sweet it is when we do have a chance to spend time together! :)

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