So last week was a little slow here on the blog. We were on the go…
Literally. :)
My kids were out of school all week – “ski week” we call it around here because most people travel somewhere cold to get their snow fix. We spent the week at my mom’s – our little retreat and home away from home. It was a fun getaway. And now I’m back! And ready to finish the 15 projects I left behind.
But for now, I’m sharing a few random pictures from before our trip because well – I’m feeling a bit random tonight. So random pics it is!
Cleaned out the garage last week. (Some of my tips for garage organization are here and here.) Always feels nice to pull up to a clean garage. I usually straighten mine up once a month while the kids are playing in the front yard. It’s crazy how quickly it can turn into madness if I don’t.
I love this time of year! Everything is growing like crazy including our bougainvillea vine…
and our lemon tree.
Lemons just in time for a little Spring Decor! Lemonade anyone?
Speaking of Spring, we’ve had some fun rainy days this past month. This is my little miss on our way to ballet. I love her cute smile in this rain gear so much. I’m tempted to scrap this picture —
but it might look a bit too much like this page. And of course then I’d actually have to blow the dust off of my scrapbooking supplies. Hoping this is the week and dust will fly!
Kole up to his usual tricks.

Climbing, climbing and a little more climbing.
And the girls up to their usual tricks. This little teddy bear travels in style!
Bought another white pitcher.
I’m starting to think it has become a bit of an addiction and something might be wrong with me.
I also bought some new black boots. In December. They were a Christmas present to me from me.
They are comfy and fun and look good with so many things.
But the only picture I have of me in them is this one. Black boots with a black top.
How incredibly original of me.
Looks like Kole’s done eating.
I found this sweet note from my Ellie in the kitchen a few weeks ago.
The best. Noting beats a note like this one.
Kenny also received a note from Ellie. She left this for him one morning while he was packing to head out of town. He has been traveling a lot lately for work and clearly Ellie isn’t feeling it. Quite frankly I’m not feeling it either. And that is final. :)
Kole and I doing laundry. I say “laundry time” and Kole books it to the hallway. I toss the warm clothes from the dryer on him (a fun game I used to play with the girls when they were toddlers). Then Kole pulls every clothing item I try to fold out of my arms and laughs hysterically. I get nothing done and after 20 minutes of this little game I finally haul the clothes up on my bed so that I can actually fold them. Good times. :)
How was that for random!? Happy Monday everyone!
p.s. Just found out that someone nominated me for Apartment Therapy’s “Best Family Blog.” So thank you to whoever nominated me! So incredibly kind. You can vote for my blog (or someone else’s for that matter!)
here. Thanks for your support! Over and out.
xoxo, Erin
I was having “Sunny Side Up” withdraws! Sounds like you had a fun week. We are heading Your way this weekend. I am so glad that the weather will be nice. We are expecting snow tomorrow. Not my type of weather. Good thing it only happens a couple of times a year. Funny thing is that I only live a couple of hours away from you. Loved the pictures of the kids. I am on my way to vote. Have a great week! :)
I love random blog posts. It is fun to see the random thoughts of other people- cause I like to think other people are as random as me!!
Yay, you’re back! missed you last week! So envious that you guys are coming into spring, not looking forward to Winter here although I do like the cooler temps of Autumn.The pic of Kole’s leftovers reminds me of when my Ellie was 2, she was a shocker! I used to have a “drop mat” made from Mexican oilcloth under the table and then would just flick all the food off outside for the birds, it was cute red spotty cloth and saved me heaps of cleaning time :) Glad to have you back and look forward to sharing your coming Spring with you!
I always love reading about what’s going on over at your place. Your parent’s home is gorgeous (and yes, quite the retreat). Love the “rain” pics of the girls, so precious. And, Kole in the middle of laundry is too funny!
Glad you are back!!! Love your random pics!!! Your house always looks so neat and tidy!! I am jealous that you have spring and flowers and green grass, lol!!! Here in Northern Ontario, Canada, we had snow for three days here last week and it is a little chilly this morning!! Glad you had fun at your parents too!!!
Sounds like a wonderful week of retreat. So glad. Love Ellie’s notes – treasures both of them. Awesome – on my way to vote :) for you!
Looks like a great week! Love getting notes like that from my girls too! :-) Super cute boots! Love the mess after he eats, lol I was beginning to think your home never got messy :-) Have a wonderful week!
Wow … we so don’t live in the same part of the world … things won’t be growing here for a while … and lemons will never grow … sigh. Thanks for a glimpse at warmer places!
Erin, I just read Sharlie’s blog and I heard that she finally got the call almost 2 weeks ago but they didn’t say how she was doing.
Do you have any inside scoop? I have been thiking about her and wanted to know if you knew how she was doing?? Thanks Stephanie
I’ve got an idea for another blog… paddy’s day mantle….I’m trying to get some ideas and I’m a little stuck :) Help!
We had last week off here as well.
I love this reamdon post. I am start out on blogging and I love getting fun little ideas from everyone…I have had a hard time coming up with post titles.
So I have to ask…inside the shopping cart you have a cabbadge patch kids diaper bag? Was that yours? I had one growing up and now by daughter plays with it!
LOVE Ellie’s notes!
Love that first one of you guys on the plasma car…haha! The laundry ones are pretty cute too…my kids are the same way, won’t let me have the laundry to fold if they get their hands on it when it’s all warm and cozy! I enjoyed this post…fun random pics :)
i love random…these are the memories that will be so precious later! :) on my way to vote for your blog. i enjoy relating to so much of what is happening in your life! glad you got to have a little get away…and have a few extra hands. this mothering is hard work! take care.
Congratulations on your nomination!
Random is fantastic.
It’s nice to know I’m not the only one with random thoughts. I am baffled by what I come out with sometimes! I love the note from your daughter. What a lucky mummy you are.
Thanks everyone!
Anonymous – I’m not sure who Sharlie is??
Bonnie – YES! That is totally my cabbage patch diaper bag! So funny that you spotted it! Does this mean we’re getting old!? :)
Oh geez Erin…. Here.
You posted this. This is where I started following her.
Stephanie –
Of course! Sharlie! I’m such a dork. I was so tired answering you last night and didn’t realize you meant that Sharlie (I was trying to think of someone I know personally named Sharlie and drew a blank). She seems to be doing well. I just know what I have read. You can follow the latest with her situation on facebook. Follow “Sharlie’sangels”. I think her facebook page is updated more often than her blog.
Hope that helps! And sorry again about not realizing who you were talking about!
Hi Erin,
Super cute post. Love the notes and your little guy is so cute!
I loved the boots. Do you mind saying where you got them?
HA HA HA Erin! I thought I was losing my mind! I kept thinking to myself “hmmm wasn’t this posted on Erin’s page?” I get it it girl, you were tired. No big deal.
Thank you. Have a great day Erin!
Hi Paulina!
I bought the boots at a specialty store in southern Utah. I’ll look at the brand and tell you this Friday in my Fashion Friday post because several people have asked me. :)