Went on a walk today. We’ve been going on a lot of walks lately.
We take both of the strollers. I push Kole in the single jogger and Kenny pushes the double jogger with the girls. They’re getting too big for it. Makes me sad.

Wasn’t it just yesterday that they looked like this
and then this
and now this. With their legs hanging off the sides. They don’t stay in it for long. They ride for a minute or two and then hop out and run ahead of us. Then they hop back in and beg for Kenny to run really fast and give them a ride.
Our walks always end up at the park.
About to give daddy a kiss. He never quite followed through with it despite Kenny’s best attempts.
The goal of the park is to get the girls to exercise and burn off all of that endless energy so Kenny always plays a game of chase with them.
If I’m at the park without Kenny (my life most days) I make the girls run laps. Ha! Instead of chasing them like Kenny does, I stand at the top of the slide and yell at them. “You can do it! Keep running!! WOW you girls are FAST! Here they come through the finish line…and the crowd goes wild!!” They love it. And I get to be lazy.
I’m not always lazy though. I can kick it in gear when I need to. Like right now – since I successfully gained three pounds in the last two weeks. Jeans are feeling tight. It’s time to get serious again. Anyone else setting the age old New Years goal to lose the holiday weight? Here are a few posts that may help:
Healthy Eating (my go to snacks when I’m trying to drop a pound or two)
Workout Music (some tunes that get me moving…although I need to do some updating!)
Not that I’m an expert on the subject – because I’m not. In fact lately the only thing I’ve been an expert on is mindless eating. And I’m not a fast runner (as my girls so politely pointed out to me today when I took Kenny’s place and tried to run pushing them in the stroller). Seems dad is a lot more “fast and fun.” They still love me though, Addison assured me.
That’s ok. Slow and steady wins the race.
Besides, with the training I’m getting lately chasing this little guy, I’ll be running circles around Kenny in no time.
And hopefully the jeans will start feeling a bit looser too.
xoxo, Erin
I take my troop to the park and challenge them to do “Obstacle Course” races, where I set up a path for them to follow…I will say (as they follow me around) “Okay, you start here….and then you run UP this slide, and then you go across the monkey bars…then down this other slide…and then you run across the sand to the grass, go twice around that tree over there….then up that hill to the picnic bench, then you run back down, you swing on the swing five times, then jump off….then RACE back to the starting point. Whoever gets here first WINS!!” They love this game, even though about half way through it they will forget the directions and I’ll have to shout it to them. After they do that, I set up races on the grass, and the youngest child takes off first, then 3 seconds later the next oldest goes, then 3 seconds later the next oldest goes…and so on, you know, just to make it fair.
I do my best to get them tired out, too! Run off that energy! LOL One time my kids were very keyed up at night, it was around 8:30pm and no one was tired except ME, and so I drove them up to our neighborhood park and let them run loose. Yep, it was at night, it was dark, but to this day they still remember that I took them to the park during their bedtime. They had a blast that night. And they came home, took quick baths and slept well :)
Ha, if I had weather like that in january, I would LIVE in the park. My you guys are lucky!!!
With today being in the low 20’s, I would give anything to be able to run outside in a tank top today. lol! I’m checking out your posts on working out and healthy eating. I need to get in shape! Thanks for sharing!:-)
Lily just asked me, “Why are you reading that old post? It’s not even summer.” I said, “Honey, they live in San Diego, California.” Nuff said.
You inspired me to get on my treadmill this morning…I just got off and thought I would let you know! Thanks!
Our park is currently buried in snow!! >:(
My kids have been making snowmen and sledding in our yard. I tried running with my youngest daughter once and she had to slow down for me and then she said “look your running is as fast as my walking.” We turned around and walked home and that was that!
So very jealous of your gorgeous weather! Although we were able to get to the park this past weekend. Granted we had our big puffy jackets & hats on, but we still got there. :)
Your kiddos are so cute! And i sure wish we had that Cali weather still. I miss the park. Cold and gloomy here in Germany. I am starting Jillian Micheals 30 day shred to tone up. I know we can do it!
Good for you guys. I’m surprised the girls will still in it for you. I’ve got boys, so we’re playing a whole different ball game.
I like your honesty on the mindless eating… my exact same problem. But you’re right, slow and steady wins the race. Good for you!!
And the park, always a winner!
PS My word verification is “whackem”. funny.
We love the park too. My boys like to ride scooters or run races around the tracks while my husband and I run. I also liked your playlist post. SOme really good ones. I don’t think you can ever go wrong with Bon Jovi or Gwen Stefani. And Hit HIm Up Style is a classic! I forgot all about that song. I am going to download it right now.
I am so needing to get back into a work out routine…Alex and I have been talking about another baby soon though so I have ZERO motivation to work hard at it even though I know that exercise is much needed before, during and after pregnancy. *sigh* I might be more motivated if I had your weather.
Looks like you guys are all getting a great workout! I so need to find a routine. My youngest is convince I need to Zumba with her!
I saw a quote on pinterest the other day and I won’t get it right, but it was something like this: “No matter how slow you run you are still lapping those laying on the couch!” Haha so true as my big butt lays on the couch:) I have that same New Years goal, but I am not stressing over it this year. just really need to get back into my exercise routine! Have a great week!
speaking of weight gain, scheduling my 26 week appointment the day after returning from a two week vacation to my parent’s was NOT a good idea! i can’t decide if being pregnant(especially 2nd trimester) during the holiday is a good or bad thing. :)
i guess we should just be grateful for the beautiful weather we have here in SD so we can’t get outside and move. once i get a bit more settled into our new place i’m going to figure out a time when we can walk. are you up for it?
You motivate me! I so need to kick it into gear.