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Fashion Friday

YES!  Made it to the weekend!  Barely.  The hardest part about going on a vacation is coming home from the vacation.  This week has been brutal!  So busy catching up on everything we missed during our trip.  And to top it all off – after school today I took all three kids shoe shopping.  WHAT was I thinking!?  I know exactly what I was thinking — we have family pictures Saturday morning and the kids don’t have dress shoes that fit them and match what they’re wearing and this was the only time I could go.  But still — what was I thinking!?  Kole was a maniac running up and down the store isles.  The girls couldn’t sit still.  Too busy giggling and dancing around and begging me to take them to get ice cream after.  Two minutes into actually trying on shoes both girls need to go potty.  Of course.  We come back after a bathroom break and try on more shoes.  We can’t find anything that fits them right.  Now Kole is not only running around but also yelling at the top of his lungs while he does it.   I’m throwing shoes right and left at my girls and saying “quick – try these on!” then running after Kole.  Huge mess – shoes everywhere!  People are looking at me like I’m “that woman.”  The crazy mom with no control over her kids.  I was the crazy mom with no control over her kids!  And I was crazy to think I could pull that off and keep my sanity in check.  Welcome home Erin.  Vacation is definitely over!  
I am thrilled that today is behind me and I am now in my happy place.  Blogging about clothes.  Clothes that I bought with NO kids in sight.  
I’m sharing two outfits today and two different ways I wear them.  Should be exciting stuff.  Or not.  But it doesn’t matter.  Happy place, remember?   
I bought this shirt over a year ago at Forever 21.  Ever watch TLC’s What Not To Wear?  I adore Stacey and Clinton!  Although I have to admit that I get impatient seeing all of the crazy outfits the people on that show are wearing in the beginning so I just fast forward to the shopping for new clothes, hair and make-up.  Nothing like a good make-over!  Anyway – Stacey and Clinton are always recommending that women wear tops that are fitted at their rib cage.  It’s a flattering spot for all women.  I always think of that tip when I wear this shirt.  
I usually wear this with my dark skinny jeans and brown boots.  Wouldn’t Stacey and Clinton be proud? 

If I need to dress up for something, I’ll wear the same shirt with this skirt.  This brown pencil skirt from Banana Republic has been a staple in my wardrobe for years now.  I love it and it never goes out of style.  It really goes well with so many different shirts and sweaters.  

I wear brown heels with this most of the time, but when things get really chilly around here (I’m talking a major 5 degree temperature dip) I pull out my brown dressy boots.  
I’m so excited to show you all some of the fun stuff I bought in New York!  (Ahhh… let me just remember NY and my magical day of shopping on 5th Avenue sans kids….)  You’ll see all of my fun finds as soon as I get a chance to wear them!  We shopped in so many unique stores, but I did manage to find a HUGE Forever 21.  I’m talking FOUR STORIES!  I had a PAR-TAY in that store and did some major damage! 

First of all, I fell in love with this grey tunic.  I actually saw this top in the Forever 21 here in San Diego and wanted it but they were out of my size.  I was so happy to see it in my size in New York that I bought two of them in different colors!   (Did I mention the tunic was $24 on sale for 50% off?  12 bucks baby!  Doesn’t get any better than that!)  Does the belt look familiar?

I took it off of this fun skirt I shared in one of my first Fashion Friday posts.  

I also bought some new black leggings to go with the tunic.  Doesn’t it go great with that belt and my grey boots!?  I love it.  Kole loved it too.  He clearly couldn’t get enough of my new grey tunic and had to head to the mirror for a closer look.  

And back to the mirror we go!  It’s so fun having a son that shares my love for fashion. 

 Another option for this tunic is to lose the belt and dress it up with a long necklace.  (I’ve shared this necklace before too – I bought it at The Limited.)

I like the belt better, a little more flattering to pull things in at the waist, but I thought this was a fun way I can mix things up.  You’ve probably noticed several of my fashion obsessions by now.  The world is a happy place when I have on a belt and some puffy sleeves.

 I wanted to show you another shoe option with this same outfit, but Kole had other plans.  

He clearly did NOT like the flats as well as the boots.  

This outfit can go from comfy casual…
to stylish and dressy in two seconds flat.  Love that.  
I also love that now after posting I feel SO much better!  Calm after a very hectic day.  It’s a good thing too.  I’m going to need all of my energy to get through family pictures with Kole this weekend.  I have a feeling this may be the year that I do a Christmas card with our family minus one. 
 It’s just a really good thing he’s so stinkin’ adorable.  
And such a major fashion expert.  
Have a good weekend everyone!  
**Linking up at What I Wore Wednesday!
xoxo, Erin
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22 thoughts on “Fashion Friday

  1. Must hit forever 21 now…love that tunic! Keep up the F.F.’s…you have been a wealth of knowledge! :) It’s tough trying to be a cute sahm.

  2. I just wanted to say how much I enjoy reading your blog! I love Fashion Fridays and I love reading about your decor and organization techniques. Hope you and the fam have a great weekend!

  3. Don’t cut him out! Just know you won’t get the perfect shot, but you will get the “real” shot and it will bring back memories of that darling little boy that you will miss in the future!

    If I had your figure I could wear those things too…but I don’t so I don’t get to buy those fun things!

  4. All your outfits are super cute, as usual! Good luck with the family pictures! If you can’t get a good one with Kole, then just do one of those photo cards with several pictures and just add a picture of him by himself along with the family one! :)

  5. Laura – that may be exactly what we end up doing this year! Individual shots!

    Amber – the leggings were from Ann Taylor Loft. On sale for 15 bucks!

  6. My favorite, grey tunic with belt!

    Thanks for sharing your fashion tips and my blog posting twice tip.

    To answer your question: We are living in SLC. But! Mat works in SLC and St. George (Zion Eye), so it’s like I have the best of both worlds. He comes down to St. George every other week to do cosmetics and surgeries. We join him often, because how could you not get a dose of sunshine? If anyone has cancer on the eye, droopiness, puffiness under eye, wants fillers or botox or lips, etc…he’ll hook them up. Remember he has very fine Star Wars cardboard ship making skills, imagine what he could do for the face. I have to say I loved being his guinea pig when drug reps donate all the free stuff. Love a husband’s job with perks, right? Let me know when you’re in town next, we’ll pack some extra heat (botox) if we have extras—that’s if you’re interested. If you’re not, then disregard and pretend that my forehead naturally has no wrinkles.

  7. Love your outfits! My daughter shopped at the F21 in NYC this past summer and raved about it. Of course all the boys on their church trip just didn’t get it. LOL

  8. I love your outfits. F21 is one of my favorite stores. Super cute and way to change it up. I commend you for wearing heels with three small kids, I can’t seem to do pull it off! :)

  9. I am a little fashion challenged…so I am loving your fashion Fridays! Can you believe I have never gone into Forever 21…I have seen it at the mall…but I always assummed it was a teenager store. I definitely need to check it out!

  10. I really just thought – its friday – i need to check erin’s fashion friday post! So much fun. I’m sure if I could see your pics they’d be adorable but can I just say I love your editorials about it all. Good luck with pictures. One of our favorite pics (now) is Kendall at not two scowling at the top of a ladder.

  11. Hi Erin!
    Cute stuff. Love your tunic. And the boots. Isn’t it FUN to wear boots?

    Your NYC trip looked like such a blast “dahling”! lol!!

  12. After hearing about your shopping on 5th Ave, I couldn’t help but wonder how much you spent and how much trouble you might be in with Kenny! So I am really glad you found a Forever 21 while you were there! :) Love the versatile outfits! so, so cute, loving your cute fall looks!

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