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The lights went out

Hi friends!  You may have heard we had a major power outage yesterday in our neck of the woods.  The lights went out around 3:00 in the afternoon and stayed out for the rest of the night.  We felt pretty prepared – a radio, extra batteries, flashlights, lots of food and thanks to my love of decorating with candle holders….

{Valentine mantel}

{Spring decor}

we had plenty of light!  Once we knew everything was ok and the power would eventually be turned back on, it was actually kind of fun!  The kids loved going to bed with candlelight and the whole house felt so cozy.  Kenny and I ate ice cream for dinner.  So funny because there were several healthier options in our fridge that would have been better to eat but our thinking was “SAVE THE ICE CREAM!”   TV and Internet were down so we actually enjoyed a nice evening just visiting together.  Imagine that!  :)  Power came back on in the middle of the night but schools were already canceled so I’m home with all three kiddos right now and pretty sure that a trip to the park is in our near future.

The only bummer was that Kenny was SO excited for the first football game of the season last night and obviously had to miss it.  So for today’s rendition of Fashion Friday here we are modeling our Charger gear…

(Dedicated to you babe – we will be in full on football mode before you know it!)  For a little more fashion fun, you can also picture us in our pajamas since we seem to be in no hurry to get out of them this morning.    
Have a good weekend everyone!  I’m off to turn on my dishwasher.  I was fine with no TV, computer and lights, but not being able to turn on my dishwasher yesterday was driving me crazy!  I almost had to hand wash some dishes.  Oh the horror!   
xoxo, Erin
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10 thoughts on “The lights went out

  1. Erin, it’s really true, you make everything look fashionable! You really should showcase your pajamas one friday! Love Kole in his gear too. Okay, so I should be headed to the park right now, but was hoping to get a tip on what to wear:) Crazy what black out will do to a city! I can’t believe I’m the first one to comment today!!! love you Erin!

  2. i agree, the blackout was pretty fun (once we realized everything would be okay). the girls went swimming until it was pitch black. they came home to a house full of candles. they loved it! it was especially fun for them to carry around a flashlight as they ran around the dark house. we had lucky charms & pb sandwiches for dinner (just about as healthy as ice cream). ;) kinda of nice to be forced to “unplug” for an evening.

    great to see you at the park today. love how kind your girls were to mine. i really am going to steal them for an afternoon after school. my girls would LOVE it!

  3. I was soo ready to pack my car and head to the desert. But wait. The power was out in the desert too. Then I was thinking we would go to Disneyland-because the power never goes out at Disneyland! :) But wait, I only had 1/4 tank of gas!!!!! And all the gas stations were closed. And the freeway was a parking lot! (This was my thinking when they were predicting a four day black out!)

    Emma had the same thinking as you and Kenny. She got out all her icecream and made cones for every kid in the cul-de-sac. The kids thought the whole thing was the most exciting event ever.

    Also-you are in trouble missy!!!! We were together for an hour Thursday and you never mentioned a certain someone who is walking!!!!! Yay!!!!!

  4. Saving the ice cream… I like the way you think. ;)

    Glad all is well now with the lights!

    Cute pics in your Charger gear. It’s that time of year again isn’t it? We’ve been sporting our BSU gear around here. In fact, we’ll be in your neck of the woods when they play SDSU in November! Just in time for the food and wine festival weekend. :)

  5. Haha, I so hear you about the dishwasher!! We lost power after “Irene” swung by. Trust me, I was calling her all sorts of names when I took the dirty dishes back out to wash them by hand… eek!!
    You never realize how dependent we are on power until its gone. I am glad you got it back soon!!

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