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Spring Mix – 2011

Hi friends!  Sorry for the lack of posting last week!  I was going to post again Thursday night but Blogger was down for maintenance which was CLEARLY a sign that I was meant to instead veg on my couch and catch up on American Idol.  I have to say that I have been team Haley all the way but I was NOT impressed with her attitude last week when the judges didn’t love her first song.  Maybe Randy was a bit harsh, but still.  You’ve got to be able to take criticism to get better even if you don’t agree with it.  I still love her style though and she is definitely the singer whose CD I’d buy.  I think Lauren and Scotty are great too.  I’m just not a big fan of country.  Should make for a great season finale though and then on to the REALLY great competition — SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE BABY!!!  Can’t wait!

Since we’re on the subject of music again I thought I’d share another play list I created that I’m loving right now.  Every Spring I make a new mix of music called – you’ll never guess – my “Spring Mix.”  I know.  My creativity is killing you.  :)  These are the songs that I play in the car, while I scrapbook, and while the girls and I do our cleaning routine every afternoon/evening.  You can listen to them by turning on the play list I created on the side of my blog.  For some reason I couldn’t find all of my songs for the playlist (including Paris, one of my favorites!) but they are all on i tunes.  I’ll leave my playlist up this week.  LOVE these songs!

This year I’ve been kind of into Lilly Allen, Kate Nash, and Jem.  

Paris — Kate Nash (This song is so fun! – I always play it first thing when we get in the car and the girls and I sing and dance to it while we drive.  Even Kole moves his head from side to side to the beat.  He’s a big fan of Kate Nash too.)
They — Jem
Merry Happy — Kate Nash (Another song that always puts me in a good mood.  I love the way it says “I can be alone yeah I can watch a sunset on my own” over and over and over.  I also love it when it says “eating cheese on toast…”  I don’t know why I love the words so much.  They just make me smile.)
Not Fair — Lily Allen (Ellie and her carpool friends love this one.  It says something about a boy being “dumb” and they laugh hysterically every time.  I love driving around with a group of first grade girls.  It’s always a party in my car!)
Pony — It’s OK
Fidelity — Regina Spektor
On the Radio — Regina Spektor
Smile — Lily Allen (love this song but can’t have it on my play list because of a swear word in the beginning.  My girls listen to my music as much as I do so I have to be careful!)
He Wasn’t There — Lily Allen
It’s Amazing — Jem
I Could Say — Lily Allen
Mushaboom — Feist
The Way I Am — Ingrid Michalson
Hey, Soul Sister — Train – (I had to include this song because it’s one of Addison’s favorites.  The first time she heard it she thought for sure it was a sister song all about her and Ellie.)  :)

AND here are a few of our “Spring mix” favorites from past years…

Don’t Let Me Fall — Lenka
I Don’t know a Thing — Lucy Schwartz
OK — Holly Conlan
Ordinary Day — Emillie Mover
Trouble is a Friend — Lenka
Bring Me Down — Lenka
Colors — Kira Willey
Bruises — Chairlift
Butterfly Nets — Bishop Allen
Dangerous and Sweet — Lenka

And of course, The Show by Lenka. An all time favorite in our house because of little Addison.  We still sing her 2 year old version of the song – “I want my mommy back” instead of “I want my money back.”  :)

Hope a few of you now have some new songs to listen to this season!  Nothing like a fun song to put you in a good mood.

Happy Monday!

xoxo, Erin
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12 thoughts on “Spring Mix – 2011

  1. thanks for sharing some fun new songs! sorry for interupting your class today…can you tell i really wanted to chat?! ;)

  2. That video is the sweetest thing EVER. Love, love, love it. Your “Spring Mix” is so fun and cheery. How cute that your kiddos get into the groove right along with you! Thanks for sharing.

    Shannon in PA

  3. PS – Forgot to mention….. I am NOT a Haley fan. In fact, I don’t know who I am rooting for now. Pia was my first pick, then James. I guess I’d have to go for Lauren now.

    Shannon in PA

  4. Hi Erin,

    Off topic, but you have a very cute collection of wedge shoes! I am looking for a few similar pairs. Where do you usually buy? What brands have you liked for style and comfort?

  5. Anonymous-

    Thanks for the shoe compliment! Yes – I have a thing for wedges. :) I can’t say that there is one brand I like – they are all different brands. Most of my shoes I get from Nordstroms. They have a lot of cute wedges in there right now for spring! :)

    Hope that helps!

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