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Thanks! and Project Life Tuesday

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your kind comments on yesterday’s post.  Your well wishes and prayers for me last year truly did mean so much.  One sweet commenter (hi Joy!) wrote that  “so many things went wrong that day and so many things went right.”  That statement couldn’t be more true.  Even though it was such a terrifying experience, I will always believe I was being watched over that day.  I have to say, I feel so much better after writing all of my thoughts down about that day last year.  It has been on my mind so much lately and I think it’s the reason I was so emotional when Kole turned one.  It has all been coming back to me and in a way I’ve been re-living the experience over and over again in my mind.  So I’m sorry.  I’m really not normally such a drama queen (ha!  Kenny will beg to differ when he reads that one). 
And can I just say that I swear I have the sweetest readers in blog land!  Your comments are all so kind, insightful, uplifting… just the best.  Hearing from you and getting to know some of you makes me incredibly happy and is one of the things I love most about blogging.  I like to think that we are all great friends.  And this blog is one big slumber party you’re all invited to!  :)
Just a few Project Life pages to share today from Ellie’s book.  Ironically they are from this time last year and this first page is about the Mother’s day a few weeks after my surgery.  Needless to say I was feeling especially grateful to be the mother of my three sweet kiddos.  

Some pictures from when my sister was in town helping me recover along with some of Ellie’s artwork from that month.  I didn’t have any vertical pictures for this page so I just cut one of her little drawings into four pieces to fill in the middle of the page.   It’s a self portrait along with a sun, butterfly and grass – in case you couldn’t tell.  :) 

My mom’s surprise 60th birthday.  Oh my goodness.  I’ll never forget the look on her face when she walked in the door and saw her whole family there.  Priceless.  She was SO excited.

And Ellie’s “new hair style” note.  A favorite of mine for sure.  I added the original note in her book, but I’m thinking I may have to take it back out and save it for me.  I can’t read it without smiling.

Then random pictures from last summer in Utah.  In Addison’s book I did a whole page for her 4th birthday party with family, but in Ellie’s I just collaged the pictures in Picasa and created one 4×6 (top of the left page).  I love that even though there are a lot of the same pictures in each of their books, they also have a lot of different pictures and each layout is unique – created specifically for each child.
That’s all for today!  Hope your week is off to a great start!
xoxo, Erin
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16 thoughts on “Thanks! and Project Life Tuesday

  1. I found your blog from some other blog several months ago and now I’m hooked. I think it’s because our families seem so similar. I’m a former teacher turned stay at home mom to 2 girls and 1 boy too. We are just about 5 years ahead of you. :) Loving the Project Life books. Have a great day!

    Robin in Missouri

  2. Every time I see your pages I am more inspired to do something like this. I once scrapbooked and now I have very little time. I work full-time and have two little ones so time is limited. I am thinking Project Life might be a better fit than traditional scrapbooking. Yours look so great!

  3. I remember the cute note from Ellie about her hair. Love your books. I am in the process of tackling gathering 1000 pictures of our kids growing up to put on a dvd and then books. Steve is ‘loving’ this project :). Hope you have a great day.

  4. Hi Erin! Thanks for YOUR sweet comments. I am a 55 year old mother of 2 and grandmother of 4 sweet boys with another grandchild on the way (could it possibly be a GIRL this time?? LOL)living in Nashville, Tennessee.I found your blog a couple of years ago and really look forward to all your organizing ideas. LOVE them. Also love the Project Life books. Your children will treasure them!

  5. Hey, don’t worry about the drama! You experienced something terrifying and life changing. You will probably have days every now and then for the rest of your life when the “what-ifs” get in the way of your enjoyment of the “what-is”. Writing it all down is so therapeutic.

    I love what C.S. Lewis once said, “We read to know that we are not alone.” I’m sure one of the reasons it was important to share your feelings about that experience on your blog was because someone, somewhere, needed to know that they weren’t alone.

    Great job with the scrapbooking! What treasures those books will be.

  6. I’m always the last one up at slumber parties…and then it gets so boring once there is no one to talk to…What does this mean? I can out talk ’em all:)

  7. I’m always the last one up at slumber parties…and then it gets so boring once there is no one to talk to…What does this mean? I can out talk ’em all:)

  8. I started following your blog not too long ago, so I missed your scary experience 1 year ago. Thank you so much for yesterday’s post. It was so honest, open & heart wrenching. I cannot imagine what you & your family went through. Somebody was definitely watching out for you. Praise God that everything turned out ok.

    P.S. I’m LOVING your blog! :)

  9. excuse me well I wiped the tears from my face…missed your notes yesterday, blessed, so touching, sad, scary etc..I had a similar experience that I wrote about last year when you had yours..I almost died with an ectopic pregnancy that burst, 3 transfusions, 3 weeks in hospital sad to lose the baby but told I am lucky to have lived..almost died in surgery.. point of my story is that I can totally related to feeling overwhelmed and sad some is really crazy to think that you almost died..seems surreal, so much goes through my head sometimes when i think about it, what my family went through, my son who was only 2.5 and remembers it all and is so worried everytime i go to the doctor or the hospital that i won’t come home..We must think about it , grieve about and then be SO GRATEFUL for the life we now get to live!!! Love your honesty..and your cute kids smiles!!

    Thank you for sharing your story.
    Cheers, Paula

  10. I’m always love it when you post your project life progress. It inspires me to get to work on my own, and you have some great ideas that I can borrow, like cutting up one of their pictures, and printing in 4×3 for vertical pics.
    Pics of your little girls just melt my heart. You can see their love for each other shining out of their eyes!
    I only take the time to read a handful of blogs, since I need to protect my time with my own kids, but yours is now one that I look forward to visiting regularly.

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