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Feeling Creative

Quick Addition

Quick addition to yesterday’s post. Just got back from Michael’s.

Told you I HAD to have that circle cutter. :) Also picked up this butterfly punch (because even though I have several butterfly punches, I don’t have this size and it’s only fair that I include a large range of butterfly sizes on my scrapbook pages – you know – to be fair and not discriminate) Also picked up some poster paper for a fun project in store for the girls. Anyway, I wanted to let you all know that if you go to this link at Oprah’s website you can print off a coupon for 50% off one Martha Stewart craft item. Score! Love my paper cutter even more at half off! The coupon is only good for today though so hurry quick.
Shari and Car – I know you two are all over this!
(sister and friend who hate all things crafty – hard to imagine…right!?)

Happy Shopping! :)

xoxo, Erin
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7 thoughts on “Quick Addition

  1. You had my attention with the coupon until you mentioned it had to be used for a CRAFT item!!! Blek. No thanks.

    Happy for you though, Erin. Really happy for you. :)

  2. You can add me to the list of those who need something non-crafty. I searched hard in the stampin up book to find something – premade! I love your enthusiasm, though!

  3. Thanks for the tip! I printed up my coupon and headed straight to Michael’s this morning..and I bought the same circle cutter. Did you know that you can use a couple a day until the 16th? You just had to print them all up before midnight tonight. I plan on going back and getting more things…one a day at 50% off? Yes, I’ll take that, thank you! I love her punches!

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