Time and time again it seems I am re-evaluating our toy situation. By “toy situation” I mean trying to figure out a way to keep my girls’ toys from completely taking over our house. A lot of our little toys are stored in these bins in the playroom…
but they always seem over stuffed and within ten minutes my girls seem to find a way to have everything dumped all over the floor.
I bought several clear bins at the Container Store to help me tackle the toys. After doing some serious down sizing (when the girls weren’t around, of course) I categorized everything in groups.
{animals and dinosaurs – Ellie went through a dinosaur phase when she was three}

{barbies, cooties, and magnetic dolls}
{little people, polly pockets and their clothes}
{doll clothes}
{and I already had this little suitcase for barbie clothes}
Isn’t this a beautiful sight! Everything so neat and tidy and organized. Kole loves our Container Store purchases almost as much as I do. He wanted to label everything, but I explained to him that there was no need. I bought clear bins so that the girls could easily see which toys were in each container.
Another thing I love about these particular bins is that they are stackable without the lids. A great option if I choose to store them this way in the future. They also make a great peek-a-boo tower as demonstrated by Ellie and Kole. :)

For now I am storing these beauty’s in some extra space I realized I had at the bottom of the girls’ closet. Making the most of what was unused space before. This is a great spot for toys because it is easily accessible. When organizing toys I’m always thinking about how I can keep them easy for the kids to get into and easy for them to clean up when play time is over.

I’m really liking this system so far! It seems to have even changed the way my girls play. They pull out a bin (or I pull one out for them when we are going to be home for awhile) and actually stay focused playing with one group of toys instead of just pulling out one toy after another and not really playing with any of it. Funny how just re-arranging toys in a different way makes them seem like new. Clean up is easy. Toss everything back in its container.

And now I have more room in the playroom bins for paper, coloring books, stickers, etc. so the girls can create a masterpiece when inspired. Or at least keep themselves entertained long enough for me to feed Kole and do a load of laundry which was my true objective.

But masterpieces are always appreciated. :)
xoxo, Erin
i just did a whole new toy organization, too. i actually moved away from clear bins- LOL!- but mine weren’t the same as yours. mine were the clear ones from target with the hot pink lids (they are kind of tall and skinny)- and they just weren’t working for us anymore.
now i have a cube system that works pretty well (and doesn’t scream “hey we’re living in an indoor playground!”) and then i also have my canvas toy boxes from one step ahead, which are good for larger items.
it’s kind of tricky- i don’t know how big your house is, but i find that living in southern california, the houses tend to be smaller than where i grew up (in the midwest)-so space is at a premium.
i also sometimes will just store toys in the garage and let them be forgotten about for awhile- then eventually bring them back out, or just get rid of them.
i really like your system- and agree with you- once stuff is organized, it makes it so much easier for them to be able to play…which gives us more time to do other stuff. haha!
Erin i know your sister isn’t a fan of you blogging about organization, but I love it i get a little excited seeing what you have done. It motivates me to get organising I am sure with kids we will be forever organising something. Jillx
Girl, just when I think you already have your entire home organized you find something else. ;-) Looks great! I did this for my boys quite some time ago: cars in a bucket, dinosaurs in a bucket, trains, blocks, and “super heros” and balls.
I <3 the Container Store. And those containers? A-mazing.
I love your blog – I found you while looking for sample Project Life albums {LOVE them!} and fell in love with your blog. I even have an Ellie too!
Thanks for sharing!! ♥
We have a 2 year old daughter and MOST of her toys still fit in her toy box (minus the large plastic kitchen and all of her books, of course). I’ve grouped “like” toys into large plastic ziploc bags, which she is still unable to open by herself. This means we can clean up the previous bag’s worth of toys before we open a new one. You’re right that it helps focus for longer periods of time, which is actually written into her IFSP. It’s a win-win! :)
My only problem is convincing my husband to ZIP the bags shut when he cleans up. It’s a worthless system if she has complete access to everything…it all ends up jumbled in the bottom of the box.
Those bins looks great and I love that they are stackable. I am always trying to figure out a way to keep the toys from getting everywhere. I always love your organizing posts.
That’s how I like to organize toys (as if I organize toys) though…..by category.
Those are pretty cool containers.
I just want to know…how is it that the girls’ little craft table is still white as can be? At my house everything in that color has been colored on with pencil, sharpie and/or crayons.
I love all your great ideas! It looks like you have a great system for your toys. Nothing better than a day of organizing!
That is exactly what I need to do before this little girl in my belly makes her debut! I love the clear bin idea!
I love the lazy susan with the buckets for crayons and colored pencils – GENIUS!
Oh Erin, Erin, Erin. I can not believe you sometimes. Ok, most of the time. Glad that you are so happy with your new organization. And, yes, keep those dinosaurs around, I’m sure that Pierce will give them some play time soon! On the countdown!!!
Where did you get the pencil/crayon caddy?!? Love it!
Why can’t there be a container store in St. G? Hey I was wondering if you have any suggestions for organizing and storing my wrapping paper and many rolls of raffia ribbon? I have it all shoved in a hall closet and it’s a mess!
Hey hey, that’s what I did the day you posted this too! Our organizational moons are in link.
Hi Erin, I just discovered your blog and love love love it! your organised home makes me drool! I have two girls under 3. My 3 yo has a huge collecction of kitchen play stuff which she plays with almost every day. I tidy up and rearrange her play kitchen every night but I still feel that the many cups, saucers etc creates a lot of eye clutter in her playroom as its not put away imto bins. Any suggestions on how to store the kitchen stuff?