I’m in a funk.
Must be the “I just had a baby and am sick of being over weight, over worked, and overly tired” funk.
I’m tired of seeing myself in the mirror in the morning. I’ve been more in the mood to see…I don’t know…Natalie Portman. I doubt Natalie Portman would have her hair in a bun and no make-up on. She probably wouldn’t be wearing maternity clothes that are too big or regular clothes that are too small – neither of which look good. I can’t imagine Natalie Portman covered in milk spit up and she definitely wouldn’t have huge dark circles under her eyes. Yup. Natalie Portman is who I want to see in the mirror right now.
Kole is 11 weeks old today and this is always about the time I get in a post baby funk and want to do something drastic – like cut my hair short and dye it black. Ok – maybe not that drastic, but I’m in the mood for a change. I can’t though. I know better. I did drastic things to my hair when both of my girls were around 11 weeks old and both times came home crying and then called my hair dresser the next day to fix it. I also know better (after reading my letter…again) that retail therapy won’t cure my funk. But I have to admit, knowing that didn’t stop me from buying a new purse, wallet, and shoes the other day. Staying away from clothes since trying on clothes right now will only turn the funk into pure depression.
I have to say that Kole has been the BEST little baby. And I have honestly loved having a baby in the house again. It’s just what having a baby does to ME that I don’t love.
My mom came into town again (cue cheers in the background!) so I decided that while she’s here and I have some extra help with the kids I’d rearrange a few things and do some organizing. Hoping that helps with the funk since chances are, I’m not going to wake up tomorrow and see Natalie Portman in the mirror.
My sister called today and when my mom told her I was organizing again she said that if I did another organizing post she’d stop reading my blog. Hmm. Guess I’m losing one of my favorite followers.
Here are a few pictures of the mess I started making today. When you’re organizing, things always get a lot worse before they get better.
I started pulling so many things off of shelves that I had to line the halls and outsides of the rooms with all of the stuff so we still have room to walk.

Look around you. You are blessed. I know you know that….sometimes all it takes is a little reminder and a little cleaning:)! Precious children. Love her room!
This is a great post that most of us can relate to at one time or another. HIS mercies are new every morning. This too shall pass. Keep your head up…you are doing a GREAT job!
While I don’t want you to lose your favorite followers, I LOVE your organizing posts. They inspire me (and hopefully your organizing will inspire your funk to leave!). That is wonderful that your mom is there to help. I hope you feel better soon!
Busy times! Love that photo of Kole in the middle of his sis’ girly room! Just try really hard to enjoy this phase because it does fly by! My oldest is turning 13 & it seems like yesterday that she was little like Kole! The organizing gets easier as they get older & their toys are books & ipods! Of course, they do bring home quite a bit from school which requires organizing. My request: more photos of your cute kids!!
I just love your sense of humor and hope Carli will keep following! Your organizing inspires me. i’ve been in a funk in that area and any housework — just want to be outside! Yesterday at the office (although we all love our work and consider it a passion) said we just want to hang a sign on the door – ‘off gardening – we’ll be back in the fall.’ My son, 23, is living home this summer and has been cleaning out his room. He told me the other day – mom you can’t wipe that smile off your face. I am LOVING that he is cleaning and organizing his room (at last). (sorry this is long :D)
Mmhmm…I know exactly what you are talking about, however I DO think you should go out and get you at least 1 cute outfit that fits your body now. Something not too huge or something depressingly small can go a long way when you are in a funk. Get your toes done and do what you love best-organize, organize, organize. :o) We are all cheering you on….”This too shall pass!”
Sorry you are in a funk. You’ll get your groove back soon. I’ve definitely been there before. If it makes you feel better, I still have 20(!) pounds to lose and my baby is 15 months old! UGH! That’s what happens when you gain 60 pounds every time you get pregnant. Boo.
Keep up the organizing! I love organizing posts =)
Bummer that you are in a funk. However I know where you are coming from. 4 weeks postpartum with baby #2 and the funk is definitely rolling in. The whole weight think stinks. I love your organizing post, they inspire me. I have a lot of organizing to do around here!
I know how that feels and I didn’t just HAVE a baby, although I HAVE a baby…… this is hard work. Give yourself a break. You are beautiful and an amazing mommy and wife. Hang in there, friend!!!!
I know how that feels and I didn’t just HAVE a baby, although I HAVE a baby…… this is hard work. Give yourself a break. You are beautiful and an amazing mommy and wife. Hang in there, friend!!!!
Erin…have to agree with Amber…you need at least one outfit that is fun, in style and more “you”. Force yourself to smile at the mirror. It’s hard, I know but you are still the same, darling, happy (usually) energetic Erin that we all know and love. Soon…you will look yourself again. And…wanna start running??
Oh jeez lueeze I’m with Carly on this one!!! But you know I’d never stop reading your blog…maybe roll my eyes a little. :)
It was soooo fun to bump into your mom this morning! I’m so happy for you both to have a visit.
Remember, NO DRAMA, Erin!!!
I hate the post-baby funk/fat phase. I hate it! I hate it! I hate it! And I didn’t like when people said “try to enjoy this time, it goes by so fast.” I would then feel more guilty for not enjoying it, for just wanting it to fly by faster, please, so I can sleep and fit in my clothes again and go to Target without packing a suitcase, I mean huge dipaer bag. So…..I won’t say that. My advice is just to survive and that’s good enough.
Oh Erin my dear! First of all you MUST realize that you look Amazing for being post baby 11 weeks! Seriously, I could not believe how good you looked when I saw you! I know it totally sucks, especially the squishy tummy, but just keep reading that letter and know that it WILL go away! Oh and even though you might feel like burning all those maternity clothes, could you hang on to them? ;)
So glad that your Mom is there to help out again! Take full advantage and do all you can to make yourself feel good! But, don’t over do it!!! And just so you know, you’re organizing posts always make me smile, they are so you, I just love it.
Still here…for the moment…but I’m holding true to my word on this one missy. You have legions of followers, so who is going to give it to you straight once it awhile if it isn’t me? I’m sure when you are home all day obsessing about things, you need to organize on occasion, but easy does it partner. And guess what? This funk is a GOOD thing because you SHOULD be inspired once in a while to do something drastic. Cut the freaking hair! You haven’t had a change to that long wavy mane in years! It’s beautiful, but with a face as pretty as yours, flawless skin and a body as petite and fit as yours (yes, even post-baby), you could stand a change once in a while. Mix it up, take a plung and post one more time on organizing that damn house of yours and I’m OUT! Try me!! ps. Yes, I’m hormonal
My baby is 12 weeks today and I am in that same funk. Nothing fits and maternity clothes are too big and I am tired of wearing elastic! But, I LOVE having my baby around, but like you don’t like what she did to my body! I laughed out loud at your sister’s response to your post. I actually love your organizing posts:) They remind me of all the rooms in my house that I need to be organizing!
I vote Carly starts a blog, I would definitely be a follower! :) She cracks me up. Good Luck getting rid of the funk, that is always a hard thing. I hope the your mom and the organizing helps!
I think I cried everyday for the first 6 months after I had Avery. I think you are doing so good even if it is just for the fact that you are keeping your blog up. You will turn a corner soon, I just know it!
I didn’t even know who Natalie Portman was…I had to look her up! So….She most definetely isn’t as cool as you!!! (She is pretty dang cute though!!) I am sure she doesn’t have three darling kids and a wonderful husband like you have…and the organizing tacitcs you have either!! She would probably like to wake up to your life, too!!
Sorry about the funk….Go buy one or two new things to wear…not a whole wardrobe…just something to get you through the FUNK!!!! Good Luck!!
Hahahaha!! I just read Carly’s post!! She is a hoot!!
Thanks for posting your organizing craziness! It makes me feel not so crazy.
I’m sure you already look like Natalie, you just don’t want to make the rest of us feel like crap because we had babies three years ago.
It makes me feel better that the queen of organization says that it is normal for things to look worse before they look better. That is the hard part for me!
Don’t worry, you’ll be skinny again soon. Be patient and kind to your body ~ it just takes some time. :)
You are the best!
I know these aren’t my comments to really read, they belong to you, but you are such and amazing mom and these woman obviously adore you. Yep, I’m one of them! I don’t really have anything super fantastis to add, except maybe when you organize it inspires me to do it too. I think to myself, man if a woman with an 11 month old who has gone through as much as she has in the last 3 months, I can do it too. I just don’t have an adorable baby around to help with all the heavy lifting! In fact when you are organizing, your mess looks a lot like my clean! Hugs. -Augustina
I can totally relate–but this should make you feel better. Your “just had a baby” body is still better than my “had a baby 4 years ago” body. AARRRGHH!! :)
Not to be all TomCruise-to-BrookeShields or anything, but the first six words of the comments left by “Love Being a Nonny” say everything – and do so admirably gently.
Oh, cute Erin. You in a “funk” is me at my best. Look what a wonderful mom you are, and you are organizing to boot. And trust me, I know the whole post baby weight game. EEEKKK. We had our little Jetette reunion right after I had number three. That was essentially therapy inducing. But alas, you are darling, just darling. Keep posting, organizationally motivated or not and I will just keep wishing I could be as put together as you are when you are in a funk.
Freaking funny Carly!!!!
You are an awesome writer, Erin! So funny and authentic — You go girl! I’m in a funk too -ready to get baby out form under my ribcage funk, then I remember the belly to come. Funk.