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Tuesday Randomness

Well, it’s Tuesday and this is not a Project Life post. Of course as soon as I commit to posting my progress each Tuesday, no progress happens. I didn’t get much done on Addie’s book because my pictures took longer than I planned to get back. I mentioned before that I tried ordering my prints from a new site. The site is and I have to say that the quality was pretty good. I was happy with them. The only down side is not getting them back immediately. I ordered them on a Saturday and they arrived the next Friday so it took a week. When you check out the website and picture prices you’ll notice that you can choose your level of quality. I paid a little more to have the prints analyzed. I didn’t save a ton on 4×6 pictures, but I did save a lot on enlargements. I’ll definitely use this site to order my bigger prints but probably stick with my photo lab for the rest just because I’m too impatient to wait for the mail. :) Anyway – hopefully next Tuesday I’ll have some of Addie’s book to share.

Speaking of my Addison…you may remember from this post that she is NOT a morning person.

It always takes her awhile to wake up and get going.

But once she’s had some time to adjust and a little breakfast…

my curly headed firecracker becomes her true mischievous self.

The last pic of her stealing the candy is blurry because I took it so fast and then tried to grab her before m&m’s started disappearing. The m&m jar had to be put away in the cupboard. As for the rest of my little Easter display, there isn’t much left. Wish I could blame it all on the kids. Guess I’ll have to blame it on Kenny. :)

p.s. March is National DVT (Deep-Vein Thrombosis) awareness month. My mom’s darling friend, Sherie, lost her daughter Natalie at age 23 to DVT. She has created a blog to remember Natalie and help raise awareness about DVT. This month my mom and all of Sherie’s many friends decorated socks for DVT month. They all turned out so cute! Check out her blog and the darling socks at You can click on the side link “project – get your sock on” to learn what the socks have to do with DVT. Such a fun idea to raise awareness about DVT and a great way to honor her daughter. We love you Sherie!
(if you decide to read Natalie’s story at the bottom of the page, have a box of tissues ready)
Have a great Tuesday!
xoxo, Erin
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10 thoughts on “Tuesday Randomness

  1. When you first posted your pic of the Easter candy jars I was thinking, Ok, those would be gone in 5 min at my house. Was wondering how they would last in yours. :)

  2. Yogurt has the same effect on Claire – some breakfast and a side of Little Bear and she’s ready to roll! Cute shower photos – I love the little red jumpsuit. So glad we will finally have two boys in the family!! Treat yourself on Thursday and do NOT clean your house all day long. You can do it! Stay strong!

  3. Her curls are the cutest! No worries on your reg. Tuesday post, it’s funny how most people don’t expect us to post things, it’s ourselves that expect it. Besides you are almost ready to have a baby, so you are off the hook for a long time, I think.

  4. what a cutie pie! i have a soft spot for curly haired girls. ;)

    remind me to share with you the comment ellie told me on sunday about her & addi. watch out! she’s giving me the inside scoop on your family. :)

  5. Erin…you are amazing. Thank you so much for mentioning Natalie and my sock project for DVT awareness! I love your blog, and you look fabulous this close to having your baby! I love the name Kole!..what a darling family you have. I know right where you get your kindness and compassion from…your incredible mother who I love so much! Thanks again Erin!

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