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15 thoughts on “Christmas dresses

  1. Cute, cute! I don’t know why I had not of this before, but I am always trying to take a picture of them dressed up as we are trying to get out the door for church and never get a very good one. I am totally going to have to dress them up before- you spend so much time finding the right dress, it has to be documented, right!!

  2. Cute girls! Ellie looks SO old when you do her hair like that – all stick straight and stylish. Love their dresses…reminds me of when Grandma Ole would make us matching nightgowns with our baby dolls and we’d take Christmas pictures by the tree. Find one of those pics for a future post. Best memories ever!

  3. SO CUTE! Cute girls, cute dresses! That would be one good reason to have another kid, matching outfits would be so fun! But….no I don’t think I could do it.

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