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Here’s the crew

…and here’s the view.
We had such an amazing trip to Cancun! The good ol‘ Swine Flu worked in our favor! We practically had the resort to ourselves. (This pic above is the view from our balcony) Plus everyone was going out of their way to make us feel welcome. What brave tourists we were. ;) We swam in the ocean and the pool, went para sailing, snorkeled, checked out the way the locals live, ate great Mexican food, ate some more great Mexican food, celebrated Addison’s 3rd birthday, and stayed up late most nights playing cards, talking and laughing. I love my family. We really do have the best time together.
**I have to warn you – picture overload! I’m indecisive and because of that I’m just posting everything. Which is a lot. Because I take a lot of pictures. It makes me happy. As does vacationing with my family.


The pools at our resort were beautiful (leading right into the ocean) and we swam everyday. I lived in my cowboy hat, sunglasses, and lots and lots of sunscreen. Despite all of this (and my incredibly fair skin) I still look a bit tan. If that’s what you’d call it. Not as pasty white as usual anyway. The true markings of a good vacation. :)

{Chichen Itza}
a.k.a – “Chicken Pizza”

The boys took off on their own adventure one day to the famous Chichen Itza. (The guide kept joking that these ruins are not called “Chicken Pizza”…a joke that Kenny said got a bit old by the 10th time they told it) This is an ancient archaeological Mayan site located close to Cancun. During its golden years, Chichen Itza was the most important political, economic and religious centre for the Maya civilization. These buildings are over a thousand years old. Very cool.

The next day, grandpa and the guys tended the kiddos while we ladies had a little girl time. We ate lunch at a great Mexican restaurant (we’re still talking about the virgin margaritas!) and then did some shopping. Thanks to my cute mom and dad for watching the girls so much. The best way to travel with kids is to also include their grandparents!

(view from the room and visiting a nearby aquarium)

Such a fun trip!

And no. I’m not finished posting Cancun pictures. I just have to go watch the season finale of Medium. :)

xoxo, Erin
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22 thoughts on “Cancun

  1. tell me there were some not so perfect pics of you that you decisively left out? yes? probably (and your fam) are so photogenic…lucky us:)thanks for the fun cancun post.

  2. WOW!!! Your girls like so darling with their Uncle Austin going down the slide! Looks like a total perfect trip! And you DO all look so beautiful! :)

  3. Um, hello? Was there not one other person at that resort? Seriously, there was nobody else in the pool!! That is so awesome. I can’t believe the view. That ocean water looks soooo amazing!

    Butch has been trying to talk me into getting one of those cowboy hats for years but I’m too afraid. Dang you looked cute!

    Butch and I did the Chicken Pizza…uh Chichen Izza..tour years ago. It was cool.

    Awesome post, can’t wait to see the rest of the pics!

  4. It almost feels like it was all a dream now that we are back to work and doing laundry.
    Glad you got so many fun pictures because hardly anyone else took many pics because we knew you would….and you didn’t disappoint.
    You are right, our family has so much fun together and I love that you love spending time with all of us too. Dad and I will travel with you kids anytime, anywhere. We love love love tending, playing, or pretending with our 3sweet little girls. Makes life all the more blessed! Thanks for the fun post Erin.

  5. Man! The pool looks like it backs right up to the beach. It looks so exotic. Medium? Haven’t heard of the show–although I just started season 1 of the Big Bang Theory. It’s making me laugh out loud.

  6. ah cancun! that’s where aaron & i honeymooned. chichen itza is fascinating. looks like you had a fabulous trip. that cowboy hat looks great on you. love all the pictures. glad you came back healthy. :)

  7. OMGawsh! Your hair is perfect there as well. Can’t your hair get all frizzy and crazy like every other tourist with naturally curly hair in a humid environment!!!:))

    I think I dig your dad. Every photo you post of him makes him seem so great to hang out with.

  8. Oh my gosh I am so jealous. Looks like you guys had such a blast and your family looks so good. By the way, my girls have that same red gymboree swimsuit, so cute. You look so adorable.

  9. Finally some photos of the trip – hooray! It’s going to take me a month to download all the shots I took, especially since I don’t have a blog to goad me into speeding up the process :) Love the ones you posted, espcially the one of me throwing Claire and dad playing with all the kiddos. I’m with Malea – I totally dig dad as well. Fun trip sis… just lay off the pain pills next time during serious card games, you fruit loop!

  10. ps. I agree with many of your fans and I would like to see at least ONE non-perfect photo of you and your hair, cause I know you’ve got em! Don’t make me get a blog just to prove they exist!!!!!

  11. Erin! I’m so glad you are back! I surely was starting to miss you after like an entire week of no Erin comment on my blog!

    Looks like such a great trip. You know that only you could pull off that cowboy hat, right? You look fabulous in every picture! And I’m glad you were living in a bit more than the hat, suglasses and sunscreen. So fun!

    Can’t wait to see you guys SOON! Yay!

  12. Thanks for sharing your awesome pictures, loved them! Looks like a fabulous vacation and such wonderful memories for your entire family. Love your blog and your adorable family :)

  13. Erin, I am so in need of a Caribbean vacation right now and your pics make me so jealous! :0) I love Cancun and even more the areas south of there. And it’s an awesome place to go with the fam. Your family is so cute and fun!

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