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Cancun part 2

{Addison’s Birthday}

My little ‘curly topped firecracker’ turned three in Cancun. We threw together quite the party for her. In our villa. With a Starbucks lemon cake covered in vanilla icing and sprinkles. :)

Thanks to my cute fam who came equipped from the states with presents, princess decor, balloons, and birthday crowns. She loved every minute of it.

I can’t believe she’s three. (sniffle sniffle sigh sigh)

Bring on the party guests!

I couldn’t get Addison so many gifts without having one little surprise tucked away for Ellie. She was thrilled to say the least.

Addison’s favorite gift: pink flowered shoes from mommy. We saw them shopping together at Nordstroms a few weeks ago and it was love at first sight. She had quite the little fit when we left the store without them. I had to go back and get them for her birthday. She’s my shoe girl. She loved them so much she wouldn’t take them off for her nap!

One worn out party girl!

These pictures were taken right before we hopped on a boat to go parasailing. Parasailing was awesome. Aside from the fact that we almost died because of the wild jet ski ride out to the boat. And aside from the fact that all three of us girls felt nauseous on the boat because of the wild waves. And aside from the fact that Dayna had to be brought in early and rushed to the shore because she looked white as a ghost. And aside from the fact that I threw up while parasailing – hundreds of feet in the air. Aside from all of that – parasailing was awesome.
(I really did love it!)
The beach was great – such soft sand and warm, beautiful water. This castle was there one afternoon waiting for us when we arrived although we don’t know how it got there. We were the only ones on the beach every time we went.

Some nice attempts to smile for the camera when the waves had another idea.

It was a perfect vacation. Good-bye Cancun! We’ll be back. As soon as there’s another outbreak. ;)
xoxo, Erin
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13 thoughts on “Cancun part 2

  1. It probably shouldn’t be so funny but we can’t help chuckling about the parasailing adventure! The pics are all so awesome, fun birthday and beautiful beach. I have never seen anything like it!

  2. What a fun post!! Darling, darling 3 year old!! Love the beach pics…esp the ambitious sand building. Erin it was fun to see you today…you are darling! someday I want to go shoe shopping with you and Addison:)

  3. The word that kept coming to my mind as I read and looked at all of your beautiful pictures was “AAAAHHHHHH!” (A very relaxing, take me away sort of aahhh!) I love that all of your fam was together! Love Addie’s princess party! Love the family bonding!

  4. So fun! Glad Addie was so thrilled with her birthday party. I love that she loved her shoes the most, definitely her Mommma’s girl!!

  5. Hey cuz (or 3rd cousin…) reading your blog almost sparks the motivation to start mine up again. It also makes me miss hanging out with my favorite DIX cousins. Can you invite us to Cancun next time? We can play Murder in the Dark and you can tell lame jokes about how “Mr. Rogers died…” Haha… I still remember when you told that joke and we all sat around you in silence (especially Jason). “He was electricuted by his trolley!!”

  6. That is very mysterious about the sand castles. Do you think it was the servants?
    I’m glad Ellie was thrilled to have a gift. It’s nice when they don’t feel left out. You captured her expression beautifully.

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