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Happy Birthday Darla!

Happy Birthday to Kenny’s cute mom! We all love you so much and hope you have a great birthday today. I asked the girls what they love about their grandma and this is what they told me:


-“She plays with me.”
-“She has princesses and bricks to make houses with.”
-“She gives me chicken fingers and Twinkies. That’s my favorite part!”
-“I love her cause she likes me.”


– “I love grandma.”
– “I love to have cheese at her house.”

So as you can see Darla, you are very loved. :) Thanks for all you do for our family and for being such a fun grandma to the girls. We are so lucky to have you in our lives. We’ll be thinking of you today and hope you have a fabulous birthday!

p.s. Thanks for raising such an incredible son…and for giving him your killer calf muscles. :)

xoxo, Erin
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3 thoughts on “Happy Birthday Darla!

  1. Best online Birthday card! Now you have to take a picture of those calf muscles Kenny is sporting. No matter how many calf raises I do, I can’t cut a line in my leg, so I am jealous.

  2. Happy Birthday Darla! I hope you had a wonderful BD….you so deserve it! You are the best grandma to these two darling little girls…they talk about you all the time. They miss you!
    I will take you to lunch for you birthday and tell you all the great things about being “our age”
    Bonnie V.

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