‘Bright eyed and Blueberry’ Jamba Juice AND being able to get through the grocery store with my two year old because she has one as well. More of it ends up on her shirt than in her mouth but at least I’m not plowing people over in the aisles trying to catch my little curly headed girl as she runs away from me.
A clean house and garage after recovering from Christmas craziness and travel.
Target sacks. Best garbage liner you can find. They’re much bigger and stronger than the regular grocery store sacks. My mom and I judge whether or not it was a “good Target day” based on how many extra sacks we are able to convince the store clerk to give us. My mom is the master. She has been “moving her classroom” for four years now.

Speaking of Sunday walk, we are finally enjoying Fall… in January. The Seasons are so messed up here! In October when you want a chill in the air and colorful leaves, we’re sweating in our Halloween costumes. In January when it’s supposed to be “hole up in your house by the fireplace” weather it’s warm and the leaves drop. Then in June when everyone else is at the pool, “June Gloom” sets in on the coast leaving it cloudy and cool. Through it all the temperature only varies by about 10 degrees. Takes a little getting used to…but I love it!

Ellie’s Saturday morning cartoon of choice these days is Smurfs. Takes me right back to my childhood and I find myself still captivated with Brainey’s brains, Smurfette’s cuteness, and Papa Smurf’s infinite wisdom.
My new Teacher’s Plan Book. Not teaching again… just had an “ah ha” moment and realized it works great as an every day planner with room for to-do lists on the side.

Love my little Picassos!
I’ve heard some buzz about picking out a word each year for a New Year’s goal…a word that describes what you want to focus on for the year. I’ve decided that my word for 2009 is going to be “ACTION.” I’m great at planning, making lists, and thinking about projects I’d love to do, but not so good at just diving in and getting them done. SO…this is going to be my year to complete things I’ve been planning to complete for quite a while now. Wish me luck!!! ***Nice that when I told Kenny my word for the year he had a VERY different meaning in mind. This is a G – rated blog so I won’t go into details. :)
Dying laughing at Kenny’s interpretation!!! What a man!!
Hey..I’m with you on Simon Baker in the Mentalist (which mom originally called the METAList..like someone dealing with allergies to metal! We’ve been calling it that ever since) We’re also trying to read more and watch TV less, minus the 3-hour Golden Globes of course. My new years word would be “hungry” thanks to rationing the sugar intake..not nearly as good as yours which sounds like a prelude to baby #3. :) Love that pink Jeep too…keep up on the oil changes and tire checks so Claire can inherit it in a few years!
Oh Erin! I love your post, right now I’m still laughing out loud at Kenny’s little tid-bit! Ryan would think the exact same thing! (And probably add, who are you and what have you done with my wife?!) Love the pic of the girls in the jeep, so cute! And I totally agree about the Target bags! They ARE the best trash bags! I’ve never thought of asking for extras. What a great idea. Your mom is hilarious!
Oh and I am SO impressed you already have your house and garage clean after Christmas take down. I haven’t even managed to dust yet!
Great list Erin!!! I always love your “Good Things” posts! I am sick! I PROMISE I will bring my book on Wednesday!!!! :) Very cute post! (Oh, and I am either really sick or blond because it took me a couple read throughs to get the Kenny joke!)
I was just listening to Jack the man the other day.
You sound like you get high off of Clorox and extra shelving. I wonder if they have organizing conventions for our type?
Kenny= typical guy
Well I was laughing so hard that I forgot to comment yesterday. Then when I mentioned it to Joe he thought the same thing as Kenny before I told him that is what Kenny thought and he thought that was pretty funny that they think alike. :) Lucy was looking at it with me and she really wants a pink jeep now. :) Love your blog!
You are amazing. Look at your cute blog and I totally know how the grocery store goes. Try it with three running in all directions.
I had a great day at Target yesterday. Their sacks are on my favorite list too! It makes my day when I can get some.
Love the Mentalist…or Metalist..whatever! :) It is such a great show.
The girls sure look cute riding around with their cats in the back of the Jeep…wish I was there to watch them while they ride around the neighborhood. I miss them so much every single day. :(