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Dayna’s Shower!


My mom, sister and I threw a bridal shower for Dayna and had such a fun night. We played a fun game that helped us get to know a little more about Dayna and Austin, ate delicious food (thanks again Jen, Nancy and LeAnn!) and had a great time getting to know Dayna’s cute friends.

Car and I with the chefs…they know better than to leave the food up to us!

Dayna got so many fun gifts! Made me want to have another bridal shower myself. Isn’t she beautiful! Austin is one lucky guy.

xoxo, Erin
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9 thoughts on “Dayna’s Shower!

  1. Looks like so much fun! Being in St. George is the same way for us when we go down there….I guess that explains why we don’t go all that often!

  2. What a fun shower! I feel like we are a couple of old married ladies throwing showers for these crazy young kids in love, when my shower was only 3 years ago! Still feels like a decade ago. I guess having kids will do that to you! After all, since Ellie can’t say her “r’s” yet, you are really fourty-one years old. HA!

  3. You guys look so darling. Dayna is so beautiful. I can’t wait for the pictures of the wedding. I’m glad everything went good. Did the weather put a damper on things, did you keep the reception outside?

  4. I am so glad you are posting from the road. Erin, I am just waiting for the pictures of Virginia. Fall leaves, historic buildings, cool weather!

    Dayna really is beautiful. She will fit in perfectly with you girls!

  5. You are all looking so good! Dayna looks like a doll! I hope you have a wonderful trip to Virginia! Enjoy the beautiful Fall weather!!! :)

  6. Erin- I just read your previous post and I am starting to think that this was your wedding trip-and not your Virginia trip!!! Or is it both??? Any good pictures? :) You know what I mean!

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