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Merry Christmas!

The morning of Christmas Eve we took the kids to get our annual picture on Santa’s lap and he asked them what they wanted for Christmas.  My 11 year old asked for rain on Christmas day.  My 9 year old asked for World Peace.  My 5 year old little buddy asked for a robot.

We nailed 1 out of 3.


Even though we had nothing but sunshine Christmas day and World Peace is a work in progress, we still managed to have an amazing holiday.  Lots of love and family time and eating too much food and relaxing.  The best.  My mom gave my girls the Anne of Green Gables DVD’s for Christmas (El has been reading the books) and we’ve had fun watching the series.  Love Anne (with an “e”) so much. :)

I meant to share our family pictures/clothes for a Fashion Friday post earlier in the month but December got away from me.  It’s always kinda fun for me to pick out our family picture outfits.  I try to shop our closets first and then buy anything else we need to coordinate.  I went with coral, army green, and black and white stripes this year.. shocker I know.  :) family-picture-outfits

{My army green shirt/coral sweater dress/striped dress/dog-antler knit sweater}

My talented friend Josie took our pictures.  Here are a few other favorites…

little-buddygirls-on-bridgethree-kids-2three-kidsThese three really are so much fun right now.  I know this sounds so corny but sometimes when I’m watching them play together I feel such an overwhelming amount of love for them I think my heart might burst.  But then two of them will start fighting and the moment passes and my heart stays in tact. ;)family-pic-#2

fenceLoved the trees in the background of this picture so it was the winner.

This week between Christmas and New Year’s is so nice.  Part of me wants to start taking down Christmas decor and cleaning and organizing up a storm, but another part of me wants to just stay in sweats and watch movies with my family all day by the Christmas tree lights.  Leaning towards sweats and movies at this point.  The cleaning and organizing can wait until January.

Come January I’ll be ready to TEAR IT UP.  I hope you’ll join me!

Thanks to all of you for your love, support and friendship this year!  I truly appreciate it so much.  More than you know.  All of your sweet comments and kind words whether they are on the blog, Facebook or Instagram just make my day.  I hope your Christmas was wonderful and you are joining me in sweats and downtime this week.

But if you’re organizing already.. I can support that too.


Enjoy your holiday friends!

xoxo, Erin
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14 thoughts on “Merry Christmas!

  1. Oh my gosh, beautiful photo. What a lovely family you have! Gorgeous background. I cannot believe how quickly the kids are growing up. And you got me at Anne! I read(and re-read) those books growing up and remember watching the series the first time it aired on PBS. In fact, just before Christmas, I started re-watching it! She has such an amazing spirit and wonderful perspective on life. Maybe I’m drawn to you and your blog because we are “kindred spirits.” ;) You can find them anywhere! :) Happy week after Christmas!

    1. We are most definitely kindred spirits Jeanne! “Kindred spirits are not so scarce as I used to think. It’s splendid to find out there are so many of them in the world.” ;) Love you cutie! Happy Christmas week! xo

  2. Thank you for the Christmas card Erin. I loved opening it and seeing all of you. We took family pictures. My photographer was in the picture with us. We had someone take them for us. However, every picture, Marty and I had shadows on our face from the tree we were standing next too. As you know, leaves in California don’t fall in October. It was November when we took the pictures and the trees were still really green. We had planed another date to retake the pictures but it never happened. Story of my life. Ha! Hopefully, next year, we will get it together.

    It is a sweats and warm socks kind of day over here and I’m torn between taking all the Christmas stuff down also. Maybe tomorrow. Xo

    1. Thanks Cathy! We’ve had plenty of pictures turn out less than stellar too! No worries. We always have next year to try again. :) Glad you are in sweats enjoying the break! Let me know when you take down your Christmas stuff. Maybe it will motivate me.. :) xo

  3. I just love your pictures! Such a beautiful family. I’ve been following your blog for quite a few years now, and I feel like I’ve watched your kiddos get so big. They are just too cute and precious. I have 4 boys, so I always get a kick reading about Kole and what he is up to. Aren’t boys just the sweetest (and craziest) in their own way? :) And your girls are getting so big and so pretty! Happy Holidays to you and your sweet family!

    1. Hi Erin! You are such a sweetheart. Thank you! It means a lot to me that you’ve read my blog for so long. Such a sweet comment. Yes! Oh my word.. boys are the best. Sweet and crazy – that really is the best way to describe them. :) Lucky you that you have 4. We are lucky moms! Happy Holidays to you too cutie! Thanks again for your kind words. xo

  4. Erin, your family photos are GORGEOUS!!! Oh my word – what beautiful children!! That photo of Kole is just incredible – what a handsome little boy he is!! And two beautiful, adorable girls!! I just adore reading about your lovely family and home on your posts – it makes my day when a new one appears!!

    Thank you so much for sharing your life with me via your blog! I just love your family.

    1. Jane! You are a kindred spirit! (Can you tell I’ve been watching Anne of Green Gables?) :) Thank you so much for your kind, uplifting words! It makes my day when I see a new comment from you. I’m happy we make each other so happy. :) I hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas! Wishing you all the best in 2016 sweet friend. xo

  5. Oh, Erin! Thank you so much for posting the pictures of your beautiful family! Your children are precious! God bless you all! I feel the same way you do – as much as I am DYING to take the tree down and organize all the gifts, I am choosing to relax with my family and enjoy these moments together. Wish you and your family a new year filled with many blessings!!

    1. Wishing you the best year ever Susan! Thank you so much for all of your love and support! I hope you had a wonderful holiday with your family. I’m glad we both took advantage of our precious time with them. :) xo

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