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Amsterdam & Father’s Day Gifts!

Amsterdam (Sunny Side Up)

Hello from Holland! Loved hearing from so many of you after my last post! If you emailed I will respond soon! We are still traveling but I’m going to share some trip updates for those of you who want to see what we’ve been up to! If you aren’t one of those people I’ll be back to decorating and organizing and sharing favorites soon. Loving this time away with family but I’m also missing my routine! Especially organizing. I’m such a nester at heart. :) Below are pics from the two days we spent in Amsterdam before our bike trip started. Such a fun city!

Amsterdam (Sunny Side Up)

We stayed at the Hotel Estherea and really enjoyed our time there.

Amsterdam (Sunny Side Up)

Beautiful hotel and so fancy! I loved all of the different patterns and wallpaper.

Amsterdam (Sunny Side Up)

The rooms were absolutely charming.

Amsterdam (Sunny Side Up)

Amsterdam (Sunny Side Up)

So were the window views!

Amsterdam (Sunny Side Up)

The city is beautiful with a bit of a Venice, Italy vibe because of so many historic canals. Bikers are EVERYWHERE. I almost lost my life 6 times. They aren’t messing around! Kole was so worried about me. I get distracted easily by pretty things and would start wandering into the road looking architecture or flowers or trying to take a picture and Kole was watching me so close trying to steer me out of trouble while shaking his head in disbelief.. ha ha.

Amsterdam (Sunny Side Up)

Can you blame me for being easily distracted!?

Amsterdam (Sunny Side Up)

Amsterdam (Sunny Side Up)

Amsterdam (Sunny Side Up)

Amsterdam (Sunny Side Up)

Amsterdam (Sunny Side Up)

Such a fun city to explore.

Amsterdam (Sunny Side Up)

We were struggling with jet lag when we took this pic but powered through the day taking in as much as possible!

Amsterdam (Sunny Side Up)

The highlight of our time in Amsterdam was seeing the Anne Frank house in person. If you ever get the chance to book a tour and see it I would totally recommend it! You have to buy the tickets early in advance and they sell out so quickly (they sell them at a certain day/time once a week and you can only book a certain amount of weeks out). Funny story.. one night months ago I was up late working on a blog post and went to use the bathroom and when I walked out of the door I bumped into Kenny. It was after 2 am and I jumped a foot! He scared me because he had gone to bed hours before me. He said “sorry I scared you.. I set my alarm to get up and do a test run. The Anne Frank tickets go on sale for our time slot next week and I wanted to get on-line a week early to see how quickly they sell out.” I had to laugh! There are planners in this world and then there is my husband. He takes planning to the next level! We all tease him but he’s the best person to have around if you want to get something done. I answered “why in the world are they selling the tickets in the middle of the night!?” He said “I’m going to let you think about that one for a minute” but I realized why as soon as I said it..ha.

He’s here to plan the trips.. I’m here for a bit of airhead comic relief. ;)

Amsterdam (Sunny Side Up)

They wouldn’t let us take pictures once we were past the first room and really inside the house so I can’t show you much from the tour but it was surreal seeing where they hid and the actual bookcase/door. We were all emotional going through the house and picturing how that must have felt for their family. An experience we will never forget!

I’ll be back with more trip pics soon! Below are a few Father’s Day gift ideas if you are a last minute shopper like me this year! I have even more ideas in my Father’s Day Amazon folder HERE. We are going to celebrate Father’s Day a little late since we’re traveling so I have some wiggle room. ;) All Amazon so most items ship quickly. Enjoy your weekend!

Father's Day Gift Guide From Amazon (Erin Sunny Side Up Blog)

{Men’s Linen Shirt, Men’s Watch, Grill Tool Set, YETI Cooler, Men’s Mesh Sneakers, Electric Grill & Smoker, Hard Shell Luggage Bag, Lightweight Blanket}


Father's Day Gift Guide Finds From Amazon (Erin Sunny Side Up Blog)

{Air Fryer, Nightstand Organizer, Water Bottle, Wrist Fitness Tracker, Apple Max Headphones, Travel Toiletry Bag, Backpack, Leather Sneakers}


xoxo, Erin
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4 thoughts on “Amsterdam & Father’s Day Gifts!

  1. What an epic trip for you and your family, Erin! I thank you for sharing bits of it with us. I’m so happy for you all to get to enjoy this journey together. I know you will treasure this time. Happy Father’s Day to Kenny. He’s a keeper for sure. Looking forward to whatever else you would like to share. It’s beautiful where you are.

  2. I did a mini 2-week study abroad in Holland when I was in college. It was beautiful. The Hauge was my favorite city. And I loved how bikes are their main transportation! Enjoy the beautiful country!

    1. That sounds amazing Julie! We had the best trip! I’m going to share our Holland pictures soon.. we loved the Hauge too! xo

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