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Saturday 6

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up)

{suitcase/backpack/ALL of my travel favorites}

Happy Saturday! My life-size backpack and I have been on the move again this week! :) It was spring break for my kids and we spent time in several cities looking at final college options for Addison. She made her decision Friday and Ellie was accepted into the school she wants to be at next year (she’s transferring to a school that’s a better fit for her major) and we are flying high to have these big decisions behind us! I have been emotional about it all but no surprise there.. lots of feelings of gratitude, excitement, sadness and anxiety about the changes coming our way. I know it will all be so so good.. but an adjustment for me. I really can’t imagine my day to day life with both girls not living under our roof. I will have to just take it one day at a time. I’m so proud of my girls and how hard they have worked and I will be brave and strong and excited for them! Then when they aren’t with me I will cry into my pillow and wander around the house with puffy eyes wondering who will watch Gilmore Girls (my go-to with Ad) and Lord of the Rings (my go-to with El) with me.

Start praying for Kenny and Kole.. they are so excited to deal with me this fall. Ha. ;)

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up)

We took a break from all things college during our travels to spend Easter Sunday with my sister and her family in SLC!

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up)

She spoiled us! Set the cutest spring table and cooked a delicious meal. We all had the best day together.

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up)

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up)

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up)

We were all able to celebrate Kole too! 14 years old. He’s partying with friends this weekend. I’m so grateful he isn’t going anywhere anytime soon! Although now that I know how quickly high school years fly by I will most likely be hovering over him driving him crazy. It’s a price he will just have to pay for being the last to leave the nest. :)

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up)

{super puff bag}

So happy Car and I were able to sneak in some time together! It was a great trip.

Because I have been traveling all week and just got home I don’t have my usual random 6 things from the week to share so instead I’m sharing 6 things I’m loving at the moment!

Carolina Sandal (Sunny Side Up)

{Carolina Slide Sandal}

These slides look so cute! Ordered and I will keep you updated but I have a feeling I will love them. I live in slides like this in the spring and summer! My recent go-tos are this pair and this pair.

Clean Skin Club (Sunny Side Up)

{Disposable Face Towels}

VERY excited about these. They are so soft and easy to use and so much better for your face than washcloths! You can use them to take off make-up or just finish washing/dry your face after using your favorite cleanser. I love using a clean side to quickly wipe off the bathroom counter after I wash my face with them too! Game changer. Read the reviews and you will see why everyone loves them as much as I do!

Tinted Sunscreen (Sunny Side Up)

{Intellishade Sunscreen}

While we’re talking face and skin I have to share this sunscreen with you! I just ordered it to try a few weeks ago because my dermatologist recommended it and I am so in love! I usually use this Elta MD sunscreen and love it too, but I have to say that I love this even more! It’s tinted and makes your skin instantly smooth and evenly colored when you apply it. It also hydrates your skin and gives it a nice glow and helps overall with wrinkles. It’s not just a sunscreen! Now I want to try other Revision products because this sunscreen is GOLD.

Drew Chair (Sunny Side Up)

{Drew Chair}

If I had a spot in my home for this cute chair I would have bought it months ago! I keep trying to figure out where I could put it! Ha. It’s so beautiful and looks incredibly comfortable and just fun to sit in. I know my kids would love the way it swivels! It has been a popular item and I’m not surprised. You can’t beat the price for something so stylish!

Amazon Woven Bag (Sunny Side Up)

{Amazon Woven Bag}

I’ve had a thing for woven bags for a while now! Favorites this spring include this Madewell tote and this Brigitte Satchel in various sizes. I was so excited to find this cute woven bag with a similar look for such a good price! It looks more expensive than it is and I love the long strap option. CUTE.

Pottery Barn Faux Olive Tree (Sunny Side Up)

{Faux Olive Tree}

Last but not least is this beautiful faux tree! I’ve had it sitting in my on-line cart for a while now but I feel like it’s time to take the plunge and order. I have stared at it long enough to know I’m not getting over it!

6 things I’m loving at the moment and college decisions MADE.

It was a good week. :)

xoxo, Erin
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6 thoughts on “Saturday 6

  1. Congratulations to your girls for making their decisions. It’s a big deal! I hope they will be happy in their colleges next year. My older daughter has accepted a job offer for a “big girl job” this summer after she earns her associate’s nursing degree next month(she’ll continue working toward her bachelor’s next year)! It’s where she is currently working as a CNA. So excited for her. My younger daughter just registered for her final year of classes at her college next year. It sure goes by in a blink for those of us cheering them on! I know it’s hard on us moms to watch them leave the nest. Thank goodness for all the ways we can keep in contact, yes? Big hugs to you!

    1. Jeanne that’s so exciting!! YEA! Huge congrats to both of your girls! They are doing amazing things.. no doubt you are so proud. I love hearing all the things they are doing. It really does fly by.. so exciting to watch them fly and yes! Thank goodness for FaceTime. :)

  2. Erin,
    First of all, your “TV Family” is just getting better and better! I think you need to have a family portrait made NOW. At this very point. You are ALL so fab. looking!
    Next. T.Y. so much for the link. The backpack now in my cart in the beige as you have. Now I have to decide on beige (goes with ALL luggage) or my ♥ color. MINT!
    Now this is mostly for use back/forth to the beach place and quick overnights elsewhere. I DO want it to be on the ready for longer travel, though…….
    AHHHH.. the practicality of beige vs. the ♥ color of MINT! OK, ANY shade of green! ;)
    The mint would look so good sitting in the corner of our small beach place…… so “beachy” looking and great with all my beachy/nautical colors!
    NOT as sophisticated (HA! MATURE!) as the beige would be for travel elsewhere tho….. Hmmm… Practicality VS. ♥. ♥ VS practicality…. VS intelligence. With the world such a mess, does THIS even matter!?
    YUP. The small things in life feed our souls. REALLY!
    BTW absolutely PERFECT sister picture!
    PS.. your relationship with the girls will change now (school) BUT will get better and BETTER IF the “foundation” is there… I KNOW how hard you guys have worked on a super STRONG foundation for your family. SO better and better! Never thought I would be here with it so good with my youngest daughter when still at your stage now. Like we were thinking a school in Mongolia would be good HA! Good and FAR away! SO glad the building blocks I was working with (with HER!) were so strong and correctly positioned.

    1. Sherri I’m so happy to hear that about your daughter! Mongolia made me laugh out loud.. moms have all felt that way at some point! Ha ha.. but so happy things are GOOD now. Your kids are so lucky to have you! The best. And now I’m sitting here wondering if I need the backpack in mint! Hello!? How did I miss that color option!? SO cute. Very beachy.. I think you are going to have to flip a coin on this one because I am NO HELP since I love both options. You can’t go wrong! :) (And thank you for the sweet comments about our family.. you really are too kind!) XO

  3. Congratulations to your daughters, so exciting. I will give you a laugh, as I saw the top of the tree I thought surely Erin isn’t looking at Christmas trees already.

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