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Organized Drawers

Organized Drawers (Sunny Side Up)

{Similar tool holders HERE / HERE / HEREHERE}

What a week! We’ve had a lot going on with the kids and travel lately but I’m home and planted for a while and have the itch to spring clean every corner of my house! I sat down today and made a list. It’s ambitious to say the least.. ha. My garage especially needs some attention! I need a little motivation to start this weekend so I rounded up pics of a few organized drawers around here. Drawers are always my go-to when I’m feeling overwhelmed! You can spend 15-20 minutes cleaning out a drawer and get a quick win that feels so good and motivates more organizing. If you feel overwhelmed or don’t know where to begin just pull out a drawer and start sorting. Forward motion spurs on more forward motion! Below are favorite organizers for drawers in our home that make me happy and remind me that while there is still a lot to do, some areas of our home are organized and functioning quite well. ;)

Clean out a drawer with me today and enjoy your Friday! :)

Organized Drawers (Sunny Side Up)

{Drawer Organizers/Similar Drawer Organizers}

Organized Drawers (Sunny Side Up)

{Makeup Organizer / Metallic Mini Jewelry Box / Black Jewelry Box / Black Jewelry Box Gold Writing / Square Initial Box / Square Sun Jewelry Box}

Organized Drawers (Sunny Side Up)

{Greeting Card Organizer / Drawer Dividers}

Organized Drawers (Sunny Side Up)

{Greeting Card Organizer}

Organized Drawers (Sunny Side Up)

{Drawer Dividers}

Organized Drawers (Sunny Side Up)

{Extendable Drawer Divider}

Organized Drawers (Sunny Side Up)

{Drawer Dividers}

Organized Drawers (Sunny Side Up)

{Drawer Dividers}

Organized Drawers (Sunny Side Up){Drawer Dividers}

Organized Drawers (Sunny Side Up)

{Clear Bag Organizers}

Organized Drawers (Sunny Side Up)

{Clear Bag Organizers}

Organized Drawers (Sunny Side Up)

{Ziplock Organizer/Foil Organizer}

Organized Drawers (Sunny Side Up)

{Battery Organizer}

xoxo, Erin
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4 thoughts on “Organized Drawers

  1. Erin,
    AHHHH… The beauty of it! Even the drawers all organized! Well, I must tell you that the drawers here- well, how best to say it? They are NOT photogenic. Nope. Thats not quite right……
    OK, so lets just say that you would NOT be able to publish pictures of the dark, deep, interior depths of most of them. In truth? They are X rated on the scale of drawer organization!
    Now, the beach place? Different story. Most drawers, except in the kitchen, are empty! Yup, nobody actually ‘LIVES” there! Very refreshing to say the least!
    I think I will go there and organize some kitchen drawers. THAT will give me the satisfaction I’m looking for and the courage to move on to this place, here!
    One foot in front of the other….Baby steps, Baby steps, BABY…..
    Dear Daughter, IF you are reading, pls notice that the last “Baby” had no STEPS written after it!!!! ;)

    1. Ha ha.. I’m with you! Start with the place that isn’t lived in as much to get the motivation you need to tackle the heavy stuff! ;) Really they don’t need to be photogenic as long as they are functioning well! Happy organizing Sherri! XO

  2. I recently organized 4 under the sink cabinets and what a sense of accomplishment I had. I keep opening the cabinets every now and again to admire it. I just received some hat hooks to install in our coat closet and I’ll be doing that this weekend.

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