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Saturday 6

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Wrapping up another week.. I hope you had a good one! I’m sharing my Saturday 6 today and I’m kicking things off with a big accomplishment for me!

1 – 6 AM WALKSSaturday 6 (Sunny Side Up)

Yours truly woke up and walked every day this week from 6 to 7 am. You heard me right! This might not be a huge accomplishment for many, but for this night owl who hates waking up in the morning.. it’s huge. :) I truly never thought I could actually do it! I set a goal for myself to create a little morning routine this year and wake up an hour before I need to be awake to get Kole off to school. I also set a goal to get to bed earlier each night. I think this is going to actually happen for me this year! I’m very motivated because I’m so tired of feeling exhausted, starting my day off sluggish and not prioritizing exercise. I also think it helps that I’m starting slow. Walking is all I did this week (nothing else in the morning routine.. I didn’t even make my bed because Kenny was still in it!). I also told myself I would just do it for ONE week. That feels better than saying I’ll do this all year. On Sunday night I’ll set a goal to do it for another week. At some point I hope it just becomes a habit. It wasn’t easy.. I hate mornings and it was so dark and cold when I left my house! But after about 20 minutes the sun starts to pop up and it was just gorgeous.

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up)

By the end of the walk it’s bright and beautiful. I felt SO good after each doing this every morning! Happy that I actually kept a promise I made to myself, energized from exercise and just in a good mood ready to start the day. Getting to bed at a good time is still a work in progress! I made it to bed before 11 one night but the next two nights I just couldn’t wrap things up after midnight so I’m definitely tired heading into the weekend. I’ll try to do better in that area next week. Taking this one day/night at a time. Ha.

For now I’m celebrating small wins. :)


Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up)

{large herringbone basket/chunky wool jute rug}

I bought this basket to hold extra blankets and I’m loving it because it’s cute (fun pattern and leather handles!) but also because of the shape! Most of my baskets are round and I can fit several large blankets in this rectangle basket.

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up)

Plus it fits so nicely on the end of my couch. It would be perfect for kids’ toys too if you have young children!

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up)


Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up)

Last summer I bought some new outdoor side tables for this space and they sold out so quickly I never had a chance to share them!

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up)

{Braxton outdoor side table}

They just came back in stock! Aren’t they beautiful!? LOVE that fluted design and white works with everything. They are such nice quality too. I have loved them and know they will sell out quickly again once things start warming up so I wanted to share them early!

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up)

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up)

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up)

{Braxton outdoor side table}

A few pics so you can see how they look! I snapped these quick with my phone today while I was walking out to check on my potted lemon trees.

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up)

We got a good crop this year. :)

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up)

It’s supposed to rain most of next week so I have been enjoying the sun while it’s out even though it’s deceiving because it’s so cold right now! I know it’s 10 times colder in most places (we’re wimps with cold weather here) so please stay warm and safe!


Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up)

{strawberry shortcake graphic t-shirt}

I had NO choice but to get this strawberry shortcake graphic t-shirt the second I saw it. It sums up my childhood! Well not completely.. but I was a huge strawberry shortcake fan and looked forward to those cartoons like Christmas every Saturday morning! I had all the dolls growing up.. Lemon Meringue, Blueberry Muffin, Plum Pudding, and of cours the Peculiar Purple Pieman of Porcupine Peak! Remember waking up early to watch Saturday morning cartoons!? I’m really dating myself with this one.. ha. I just couldn’t love this top more.. it brings back ALL the memories!

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up)

{funnel neck sweater/brigitte satchel}

This cute funnel neck sweater just went on sale! It comes in other colors too. Cozy and warm.. I’m finally enjoying my warm sweaters and coats this month! This cute brigitte satchel is a recent favorite purse that I couldn’t love more. It’s so soft! This style of purse comes in multiple colors and sizes. I’m personally loving a smaller purse at my current stage of life. I had large purses for so long full of all the things my kids needed.. it feels amazing to just carry around my phone, keys, lipgloss and a few credit cards! Plus I love to switch up my purses often and carrying around less makes that easy.

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up)

{brigitte satchel mini/fiona beaded bag}

This fiona beaded bag is another favorite from Anthro a friend gave me for Christmas. I have a thing for Anthro bags! But you probably already knew that. :)

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up)

{the brigitte satchel mini/the brigitte satchel/brigitte satchel oversized}

This shows the 3 styles/sizes of this bag. LOVE them.

1- woven mini tote   2- the brigitte satchel   3-liberty sling bag

4-fiona beaded bag   5- woven liberty sling bag

6-baguette bag   7-beaded bag   8- love knot faux leather bag

A few more styles I’m loving right now! My favorite sling bag came out in a cute woven design too! That will be hard to resist.

At least I’m predictable. ;)


Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up)

{ceramic mixing bowl set/oil bottle/vinegar bottle/colander/utensil set/measuring cups}

I bought these fun kitchen items for a gift for a friend and they are so cute I had to share them! (The brand is Figment.) I also had to order a few of these items for myself. HAD to. No option. I mean if my cooking supplies are this cute I might actually cook! ;)

6 – 20 YEARS OLD

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up)

My beautiful Ellie turned 20 on Friday!

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up)

How has it been 20 years!? I remember every single thing about this sweet bald baby. Who grew up to have the thickest hair I’ve ever seen! Ha.

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up)

To know Ellie is to love her. She is the kindest soul you could meet. Full of empathy and love and so creative. The best big sister and daughter and friend imaginable. With my kids she is the glue that holds the 3 of them together.

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up)

She has been having fun celebrating with friends but for her family party she just wanted to take us all to her favorite look out at the beach to watch the sunset together. Then Mexican food at her favorite spot close to the beach. She is my child who has always LOVED the beach! She goes more than any of us and is there several times a week. Often just to read a book or do homework.

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up)

It was a beautiful evening celebrating 20 years of Ellie.. we are so grateful for her! Perfect way to kick off the weekend.

Now if I can just sneak in a nap..


xoxo, Erin
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14 thoughts on “Saturday 6

  1. Awwww, happy birthday to Ellie. It’s been fun watching her grow up in pictures. Hard to believe how fast they grow! She’s beautiful, just like her mama! Congratulations on raising wonderful humans! AND for getting yourself up and walking early in the mornings! It sure feels good, doesn’t it? Good for you for taking in slow and steady. You’ll achieve your goals one step at a time. I remember Saturday morning cartoons, but more Bugs Bunny. (I’m a bit older than you!). I wasn’t huge into Strawberry Shortcake because she became popular when I was older, but my girls loved Strawberry Shortcake (a revival of the line?) when they were growing up. :) The t-shirt is adorable! Thanks for all you do and share, Erin. Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you Jeanne! My girls went through a Strawberry Shortcake season too! So much fun looking back. Thank you for your sweet words about El. Seems surreal that she is actually 20! I loved hearing what your sweet girls have been up to on your Christmas card.. no doubt you are so proud of them! Doing amazing things. Feels good to get your kids to this point right? Parenting is not for the weary. ;) Happy Sunday Jeanne! xo

  2. A big happy birthday to beautiful Ellie! You all had fun celebrating her! Where are her cute green parachute pants from in the beach picture? :)

  3. Happy, Happy Birthday Ellie!
    You are as Beautiful as your lovely mom!
    May this last year before “real Adulthood” be filled with joy and success!

  4. HAPPY 20th BIRTHDAY to your gorgeous Ellie!! I have watched Ellie grow up for many of her 20 years right here on your blog and she is so beautiful, inside & out! Sending love to you and your sweet family!
    Jane Carden

    1. Thank you so much sweet Jane! Seems surreal that she is 20! It means so much to me that you have been with us so long. Thank you for your kindness! Wishing you and your beautiful family all the best in 2024! xo

  5. I used to NEVER EVER be a morning person. Never thought I had it in me. And then I became one. It took time to adjust my bedtime so that getting up felt better, but now I’ve got it, and I live for it. The quiet house and darkness is everything :) I set all of my stuff out for the morning, and now I naturally just wake up at about 5:30. I have my Bible reading time, yoga stretching, pray, read, and then a little work. Please share your morning routing as you develop it. Great job.

    1. Oh I love hearing that Kelly! It gives me hope this is going to work! I’m definitely still in the adjusting stage and for me the hardest part is getting to bed at night! But I’m trying and getting there. I will definitely share my routine as I create it! Right now it just includes some stretching and a walk. Baby steps.. ha. I love your morning routine! Sounds perfect! xo

  6. Happy birthday to your beautiful daughter, Ellie! Awww, to be 20 again…. Love all the pictures, our kids sure grow up fast! My oldest daughter (of 4 girls) will turn 41 next month -yikes!— time sure does fly by fast.

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