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April Amazon Buys

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April Amazon Buys (Sunny Side Up)

{santorini urn/similar faux cherry blossoms}

Happy Friday!  It’s April 30th and my dad’s 75th birthday today!  Which means it’s going to be a great day. :)  (I love you dad!)  Really I can’t believe that we are at the end of April!  I feel like I just shared my March Amazon Buys with you all last week.  This time of year gets busy and always flies by so quickly doesn’t it!?  Today I’ve got a quick round up of the things we ordered from Amazon this month.  It’s so fun prepping these posts.. I just pull up my monthly Amazon order to remember what we’ve ordered and then I give you a little peek even further inside of our lives.  Ha.  Whether it’s sharing what the inside of my cupboards and drawers look like or what we ordered on Amazon for the month.. there is pretty much no mystery left around here now.  You know it all!  So funny because when I meet people in real life who read my blog I immediately want to say.. “so.. tell me about YOU!”  It always feels a little one sided.  I want to peek inside your drawers and see what you ordered on Amazon for the month of April.  Then we’ll really be besties. ;)

April Amazon Buys (Sunny Side Up)

{screen mom screen cleaner/weiman quartz & stone countertop cleaner}

Ok.. first up are some tried and true favorites that were running out!  We love screen mom to clean all of our screens – computers/tv.. it works so well!  I use Weiman quartz countertop cleaner to really make my kitchen counters shine and LOVE it.  I also love Myers counter sprays (these are my favorite Spring scents!) and I usually rotate between that and this quartz cleaner.

April Amazon Buys (Sunny Side Up)

{comb cleaner brush}

I bought my girls this comb cleaner brush for Christmas (put one in each of their stockings) and they are so great at getting hair out of brushes I just ordered one for me!  The bristles really dig in and get the hair out quickly.  We have thick hair at our house and need to clean out our brushes often so this is a new staple!

April Amazon Buys (Sunny Side Up)

{coat rack shoe bench/striped beach/pool/bath towels}

I also picked up a few more of our favorite summer towels for our coat rack turned pool towel holder.  Getting ready for pool days!  YEA.

April Amazon Buys (Sunny Side Up)

This coat rack was definitely one of my favorite Amazon purchases of last year.  I still love this solution for pool towels!  It just works so well for us.  It’s in stock and almost half off!

April Amazon Buys (Sunny Side Up)

A reader sent me this picture and it just made my day.  So clever!  Use this rack for pool towels and swimsuits in the summer and then snow clothes and boots in the winter!  I also love how she put two side by side for more storage.

April Amazon Buys (Sunny Side Up)

Nothing like warm days and kids who actually hang up their pool towels.  It’s the little things. :)

April Amazon Buys (Sunny Side Up)

I’ve shared this battery organizer before but had to order another one for my main floor laundry room.  You might remember in my “before” pictures.. it was such a mess!  I had a lot more batteries than I realized and just kept buying them because the drawers were so messy I couldn’t tell!  Can’t wait to show you that little makeover next month. :)

April Amazon Buys (Sunny Side Up)

April Amazon Buys (Sunny Side Up)

I also picked up the latest Dog Man book for Kole.  The obsession continues. :)

A few other purchases linked below include some pretty pink glasses (they are so beautiful and I’ll share them styled soon!), a couple of makeup bags I’m trying out, some summer shorts and the cutest mini backpack for Ad!  She wanted something smaller than her regular backpack to take to after school activities.  It comes in so many cute colors!  I also picked up more duster for our keyboards.  Exciting stuff. :)

April Amazon buys (


1- weiman countertop cleaner   2- cooler glass   3- dog man:mothering heights 

4- battery organizer  5- travel makeup bag   6- falcon dust off 

7- striped beach towels   8- comb cleaner brush  9- leather backpack

10- travel makeup case  11- screen cleaner kit  12- swim shorts


Enjoy your weekend everyone!  Bring on May! :)

xoxo, Erin
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14 thoughts on “April Amazon Buys

  1. Hi! Love your posts, so informative! Where did you get those pretty outdoor pillows? Can you post the link please. I’ve been looking for something that has blue in it to go with my gray and tan outdoor set.
    Thanks a bunch!

    1. Thank you so much Beth! They were all from Pottery Barn but I bought them several years ago and they don’t sell them anymore. I’m going to round up some fun outdoor furniture options for a post this month and I’ll look for similar pillows to share! xo

  2. Hope your dad has a wonderful birthday today, Erin! Fun post. Isn’t it interesting to see what you ordered over the month? The most unique and intriguing thing I saw was the comb for the brushes. Seems like a really nifty idea. :) The battery storage item is interesting, too. Thanks for sharing. Hope you have a lovely weekend. :)

    1. Thank you so much sweet Jeanne! I hope you had a good weekend and that your week is off to a good start! Crazy that it’s already MAY! xo

  3. I found your blog a few months ago, and love it! Thanks for sharing all of your tips and resources/ideas for your house! Thanks for the sunny side up of life! I love your happy, pleasant attitude. Thanks so much for sharing that battery organizer!!! That is just what I need!! I have my batteries filling up the side of a cupboard in ziploc bags and have always thought I need something better to help organize them… That will be awesome!! And I was just thinking recently that in May I’ll get rid of all our towels and wondering what new beach/pool towels to get… Do you have recommendations on the fluffiest, high quality, well enduring regular/larger bath towels for inside the home? My daughter recently said to me “when I grow up, I’m going to have fluffy, amazing towels.” I thought that was so funny, and it made me realize maybe it’s time to trash the ones losing their fluff… I thought for her birthday I’d purge our old, and do a revamp! She’ll be so excited and pleased. Would love to hear your recommendations if you know of where to get really good, enduring well made towels…
    Also, when you said… “there is pretty much no mystery left around here now. You know it all!” I was thinking of ideas of things I’d love to hear more about from “Sunny Side Up” of life! I’d love to hear what you do when you’re not house decorating. I’d love to hear how you live your faith in this difficult world, how you stay positive, how you raise your children to be self adjusted and happy. How do you not get overwhelmed by stuff? What do you do to keep a balance? How do you organize everything / what is your system for cleaning and organizing? (Maybe you’ve already shared these things and I need to search your blog!) What are some things you do as a family and as a couple to stay close? What are some things that bring you together with your extended family? What are things you’ve learned during the pandemic, especially being in CA where everything was so shut down? Would love to hear more about the life behind the happy, well-functioning, and beautiful materials and smiles. Thanks so much for sharing! :)

    1. So sorry I’m just seeing this sweet comment! For some reason it ended up in my spam! You are too kind and I’m so happy that the battery organizer will be helpful! I’ll try to share some good towels this month too! Some of the fun things you mentioned I have posted about but a lot I haven’t.. you gave me good post ideas to last a year! ;) I’ll link below a couple of posts about how Kenny and I stay close as a couple and how I stay positive overall as a mom. I’ve written lots of posts about my cleaning/organizing systems but I’m always changing/tweaking things so I’ll try to write some current system posts this summer! Thanks again for your sweet words.. I’m so happy to “meet” you! :)

  4. Erin,
    The hanging light on your patio is about the size I need. Could you tell me who makes it? I’m looking for a rectangular light to go over the bar in my kitchen and so far I haven’t seen one that would fit. Most are too large/long.

  5. Can you share where you bought Kole’s shelf unit? I love the pipe and wood together, and it would work perfectly in my sons room!! Thanks!

  6. Erin,
    What is your home sided with? Hardy Board or similar product? Making this agonizing choice now!

  7. Hi, love the white quartz countertops on your kitchen islands, any chance you remember the brand and/or color name? It’s so hard to find the specific brands of white quartz in large samples or installed rather than their tiny store samples! Thank you

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