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Organized Spices

Organized Spices *affiliate links used
Organized Spices (Sunny Side Up)

{faux pink peonies/white jars/cutting boards here, here & similar here/navy rugs/rug pads/marble tray/faux plant here & here/silver pendants/navy & gold pendant}

I’ve been looking for some fun new art or something to put on the shelf over my range, but this long time favorite sign just sort of called my name and ended up there instead.  We started off the week all feeling a little down (relating a tad too much to Bill Murray in Groundhog Day!) so I thought this reminder might help.  It’s so good to be home. :)  I normally wouldn’t put flowers up so high (even though they are fake and don’t need to be watered!) but I was craving a pop of color.  This little display cheered me up immensely!

Organized Spices (Sunny Side Up)

Want to know something else that is cheering me up immensely?  My kitchen is completely organized.  I repeat!  My kitchen is completely organized!  Every cupboard.  Every drawer.  I’m pretty sure this is the first time since we moved into this house over six years ago that everything in my kitchen has been organized ALL AT ONCE.  Turns out I can get a lot done around here when I’m not spending six hours a day in my car driving my kids around.

Who knew?  ;)

Organized Spices (Sunny Side Up)

I took pictures of how everything is organized and will be sharing it all soon, but first I wanted to share my organized spices because it felt so good to get that little project checked off my list!

Organized Spices (Sunny Side Up)

One of my favorite features in our kitchen are these pull-out spice cabinets.  It’s so nice to have this extra storage right by the cooktop!

Organized Spices (Sunny Side Up)

Maybe if I was a major chef both cupboards would be full of spices, but since I’m just a major chef in training (ha) I use one of them to hold baking supplies.  My flour, sugar and main baking ingredients are all in my pantry, but I use this pull-out cupboard for the fun little stuff like cupcake sprinkles and liners, food coloring, candles and cake mix.  It’s kind of the party spot of the kitchen. :)

Organized Spices (Sunny Side Up)

The other cupboard holds all of my spices, cooking spray, EVOO, etc.  I bought this chrome bottle spice rack years ago just to use the little bottles and I still love them for most of my commonly used spices.  I used my trusty label maker to label them!  (I’ve had my label maker for years but the price on it has gone up and if I was getting a new one I’ve heard great things about this label maker for just $20!)  Some spices I prefer to keep in their original packaging because they have instructions or things written on them I want to be able to refer to.

Organized Spices (Sunny Side Up)

These weren’t too messy to begin with but I needed to wipe down the shelves and I was hanging on to a lot of things that had expired!  A few spices dated back to 2017.. oops!  Ha.  I replaced the spices I reach for often and just tossed the ones we don’t really use anymore.  So nice to have only what we use in these cupboards and everything up to date!

As a major chef in training this was a critical step.

In my previous house (which was short on space) I used this expandable spice organizer in one of my kitchen cupboards to store and organize my spices.  I’ve linked some other fun options below if you’re ready to take on this fun and easy project too.  Since I’ve been watching Julie & Julia on repeat (one of my all time favorites because I relate so much as a blogger AND a major chef in training) I’ll leave you with..

bon appetit!   

As a major chef in training we repeat this often.

It’s just what we do.



xoxo, Erin
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8 thoughts on “Organized Spices

  1. Congratulations, Erin! So happy for you to have that immense feeling of satisfaction and pleasure knowing your entire kitchen is organized! You deserve a virtual high five! Your sign above the stove is beautiful, as are the peonies. Very nice touch and a lovely pop of color. How cool are your spice pull outs. When we re did our kitchen and were ordering new cabinets, I had the option of adding a pull out spice rack or a pull out for baking sheets, I opted for the baking sheets. Seeing your spice racks has me kinda wishing I chose the spice rack. LOL Oh well. I’ll admire yours. I love your new title, master chef in training. You’ve probably had a good opportunity to practice your skills recently. ;) Thanks for sharing and I can’t wait to get the rundown on your kitchen organization. So thrilled for you! PS, thanks for the heads up about comments. Darn that you have to do that, but I understand!

    1. Jeanne I think you made the right decision! These are nice but a pull out for baking sheets would be so useful. I’ve definitely had the opportunity to practice my cooking skills lately. Like it or not! Ha. ;) Thank you so much sweet friend! xo

  2. Your kitchen is so lovely, Erin! I know it is such a good feeling when we get organized. My kitchen is good but the rest of my house isn’t!
    Too bad (for me) that you don’t live closer to NC! How I would love to hire you to help me get as organized as you are :).
    Love seeing how your sweet kiddos are doing, too! Thanks so much for all you share with us!

    1. So sweet of you Patty! I would love that too! At least your kitchen is organized. I feel like that’s the most important spot to nail! My whole house isn’t organized.. you should see my closet right now! Ha. Hoping to tackle it during this stay at home time too. Thanks for such a thoughtful comment. You made my night. :) Stay healthy and safe! xo

  3. I so enjoy your blogs, Erin! I joined the email list several years ago, but found I didn’t have time to read the blogs most of the time, unfortunately. But now that I have more time, working from home, I find they’re just long enough to be able to fit them in between other things, and are so uplifting, cheery, and full of great tips and ideas that I really look forward to them now. Love the layout, the large pictures that show more detail, your writing style, and the helpful picture links. Thank you for the fun content!

    1. MaryJo this comment was so thoughtful! I’m thrilled you are enjoying so many things about my posts! That means a lot to me. YEA for having more time to read now. :) I hope you’re staying healthy and safe through all of this! Take care and thanks again! Your sweet words made me so happy. :) xo

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