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McGee & Co Shopping Trip!

Happy Wednesday everyone!  Is it Wednesday already?  These four day weeks always throw me off!  But I’ll gladly take them. :)  A couple of weeks ago (when I was feeling particularly burned out – story of my life this month) I gave myself permission to take the morning off so I could go on a little road trip!  I have been DYING to get to the new McGee and Co store in Costa Mesa and told Kenny a trip to the store was all I wanted for Mother’s Day this year.  He helped me make it happen and it was such a fun trip!

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McGee and Co Shopping Trip! (Sunny Side Up)

Want to come shopping with me!?  I took pictures so that I could bring you along!  I wish you would have been there in person. :)  I walked up to the front door and instantly felt at home.

McGee and Co Shopping Trip! (Sunny Side Up)

I wonder why?

McGee and Co Shopping Trip! (Sunny Side Up)

Their black dutch door felt strangely familiar. ;)  Clearly I need to add a green Spring wreath!

McGee and Co Shopping Trip! (Sunny Side Up)

The store is tiny but Shea used every inch of space so wisely and it was brimming with gorgeous home decor… ahhh!  Angels were singing!

McGee and Co Shopping Trip! (Sunny Side Up)

McGee and Co Shopping Trip! (Sunny Side Up)

I hung out in the kitchen section the longest.  Be still my heart!  I wanted one of everything there!  McGee and Co Shopping Trip! (Sunny Side Up)

I wanted these white metal boxes so badly!  But I had to pace myself..

McGee and Co Shopping Trip! (Sunny Side Up)

I’m not sure what heaven looks like, but I have a feeling it’s similar to this kitchen view.  At least for me. ;)  The dark navy cabinets had me debating re-painting my kitchen islands!  The kitchen accessories had me drooling.  And those vertical planks with white thick open shelves!?  Wait a minute..

McGee and Co Shopping Trip! (Sunny Side Up)

No wonder I love them so much. ;)  My long time favorite marble and wood cheese board on these shelves is from McGee and Co!  Heaven indeed.

McGee and Co Shopping Trip! (Sunny Side Up)

I loved the way they tied ribbon around their cutting boards.  Fun style tip and such a perfect gift to give someone – a nice cutting board with just ribbon and a card.

McGee and Co Shopping Trip! (Sunny Side Up)

I always add ribbon to kitchen items during the holidays but now I’m thinking I need to add some fun black and white ribbon to my every day decor too!  (My kitchen cutting boards behind my range are also from McGee and Co!)

McGee and Co Shopping Trip! (Sunny Side Up)

McGee and Co Shopping Trip! (Sunny Side Up)

So many fun accessories in this store!  I could have stayed ALL day.

McGee and Co Shopping Trip! (Sunny Side Up)

I was going to get a picture of me in the store and completely spaced it because I got talking to the sweetest ladies who recognized me.  (Hello to my new friends from San Francisco!)  I was wishing I had taken some fun friends shopping with me and ended up making new friends there. :)  We got chatting about the best home decor stores on the west coast and how to keep a Fiddle Leaf Fig alive (watering with ice was their tip!  Would have been good to know before I killed three real figs one right after the other.. RIP).  

McGee and Co Shopping Trip! (Sunny Side Up)

McGee and Co Shopping Trip! (Sunny Side Up)

I finally made my selections and left the store.  Telling myself on the drive home it was all ok because I would be back very soon.

McGee and Co Shopping Trip! (Sunny Side Up)

{Jute-Twisted Geode/Large Demijohn Bottle/Wood Pedestal/Halifax Stripe Hand Towel/Upton Stripe Hand Towel/Glass Beads/Stripe Trays}

I tried to not buy things just because they were beautiful (everything was beautiful!) and to only get things I knew I had a place for and would use.  This is what I came home with!  Happy Mother’s Day indeed.

McGee and Co Shopping Trip! (Sunny Side Up)

The wooden pedestal was a splurge but something I have wanted for a long time and it was even larger and nicer in person than it looked in the pictures on-line.  It will be so perfect for entertaining!

Or you know.. for holding my productivity timer. ;)

McGee and Co Shopping Trip! (Sunny Side Up)

Now that I have a few new accessories to play with I am itching to re-style these living room shelves!  Something I’ve wanted to do for months and haven’t had time for.  One of the many summer projects on my to-do list!

McGee and Co Shopping Trip! (Sunny Side Up)

FUN fun.  It was the best finally visiting the McGee Store after loving Shea’s style and products for so long.

Who wants to go back with me!?  I could be ready in minutes. :)

Actually today won’t work.  It’s my sweet Addison’s birthday!  She is 12 years old today.  I can’t believe it!  I’m so proud of this little peanut.  She is wise beyond her years!  Such a hard worker, deep thinker, and she honestly has the kindest heart.  This picture will always be special to me because she rarely left my side during my knee surgery recovery.  She took such good care of me for weeks!  People always call her my “mini me” when they see us together and I just beam.  I couldn’t be more proud to be her mom.

Her birthday always falls during the busy end of school year madness so we wait until summer for her party, but we schedule and make time for a pedicure just the two of us.  A special birthday tradition we started years ago!  We invite El every year but she doesn’t like pedicures.  Addison on the other hand?  Loves every minute of it. :)

Enjoy your day friends!  And remember to make some time for something you love.  A trip to a favorite store, a long walk with a close friend, curl up with a good book, or maybe it’s time for a pedicure.

Sunny Side Up kitchen

{cutting boards/similar faux plants/jute striped plant baskets}

Enjoy the little things.  We are working hard around here to do the same. :)
















xoxo, Erin
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10 thoughts on “McGee & Co Shopping Trip!

  1. Oh my…Happy Birthday to Addison! She sounds like a wonderful young lady. She’s growing up way too fast. What a lovely tradition for the two of you. I hope she has a great day, even though she has to wait to really celebrate. Pretty soon you are going to have two teenage girls. Then it gets really fun! ;) Congrats on being able to go to that neat looking store. It sure looks like you two could be two peas in a pod in your style preferences. So happy you got some time for yourself. And you chose some beautiful pieces! Thanks so much for sharing, Erin. :)

    1. Thank you so much Jeanne! Oh my word.. I don’t know if I’m ready to handle two teenagers! One has been more than enough.. ha! You’re going to have to share ALL of your advice and coaching. ;) Enjoy your weekend! xo

  2. Erin, I’m so glad you wrote that you want to only buy things you had room for. Many times I pass things I think are beautiful and I want but then think where I will put it. Funny how you used the pedestal for your timer. I used a recent purchase pedestal for scented candles for the kitchen. It works! :-) I’ve always wanted various cutting boards but hold myself back for the same reasons.

    1. Thank you Debbie! I’ve learned to only buy what I can really use after years of trying to stay organized with too much stuff! Sounds like we are on the same page. :) Enjoy your weekend! xo

  3. Everything in that store looks like your home! So Beautiful! Glad you got a few things!

  4. Happy Birthday to Addison! And really, that would have been the perfect shopping trip for us :( {insert emoji face with tear} When I’m out next, we need to take a day trip!! xo

  5. Awwww! So nice that you and your daughter had a girls day out, and it looks as if she had a wonderful birthday. I love the items you selected. I love your home, and how you tie each piece into your design. Thanks for sharing your trip, you fabulous finds.

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