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Popping in (fire update)

So grateful that things have calmed down in our neck of the woods.  Our mild weather is back and the fires are under control.  But so heartbreaking to see the damage done.  I spent some time today rounding up things to donate to a family who lost their home.  Can you imagine having your house burned to the ground?   Just completely gone.  Starting over with absolutely nothing.  So incredibly hard.  I really feel for everyone in that situation.  If you are interested in helping too you can google ‘ways to help with the San Diego fires’ and several fundraisers, etc. will pop up.  It’s always amazing to me how communities rally together to help in situations like this.  There are so many wonderful people in this world!


xoxo, Erin
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3 thoughts on “Popping in (fire update)

  1. Glad to hear things are getting back to normal, well at least for most. Feel terrible those who lost everything. My heart and prayers go out to them.

  2. Anonymous – yes! It was the way I originally had it and just didn’t get around to posting what I wrote Sunday about the fires. Felt better to have the posts separated to me since they are two completely different topics. :)

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