Happy Friday everyone! Popping in to share some of my favorite things. Some of these I’ve blogged about before. Some of them are new loves. Either way, they are some of the little things that make me happy each day.
My favorite cleaning supplies. Weiman Stainless Steel wipes are hands down my favorite tool for getting rid of the abundance of hand prints left on all things stainless in my kitchen. I love stainless steel appliances when they look nice and clean. These wipes make it so easy to keep them that way! And another all time favorite of mine when it comes to keeping things clean is Resolve products. I have used Resolve carpet cleaner for years. Gets out any little spot or stain instantly. I love it so much that a few months ago I tried Resolve Spray and Wash in the laundry. LOVE it too! Takes care of every one of Kole’s dirt and grass stains (and he has plenty!).
I know I just blogged about
my lovely little card/receipt organizer but I am loving it so much I had to include it in my favorites list. I bought it at Staples – Martha Stewart’s office supplies (along with the fun labels I used in my organized craft cupboard post). I can’t wait to go back and get more of her office supplies!
Bran Chex. Been eating them for breakfast for years. A quick, healthy breakfast that tastes good and keeps me full until lunch. Kenny orders them from Amazon for me (I can’t find them anywhere around here!) so they are delivered to our doorstep in this huge box. You would think a box like this would last forever, but the kids love them too so we go through this baby pretty fast. My dad loves them too so for his birthday one year we set up a monthly delivery from Amazon to his doorstep. He loved it. Calls it the gift that keeps on giving. :)
Favorite snack. I LOVE sugar snap peas. I also love that they come already washed and ready to eat. I take them with me in the car a lot when I’m hungry and running kids around.
My all time favorite book for toddlers. There are several versions of The Wheels on the Bus out there, but this one with movable parts is the best. Hands down.
Every page has fun arrows to pull that move the characters all around. A friends gave me this book when I was pregnant with Ellie. Ellie LOVED it and we read it so much that by the time Addison came around I had to get a new one. Same thing with Addison. We read it so much (and she played with it so much) that we had to get a new one by the time Kole came around. So this is our third copy! And what do you know – it’s Kole’s all time favorite book. We have been reading it every night for almost a year! I throw in other books during our reading time, but Kole insists on this one every night. If you have a toddler (or need a good gift for someone who does!) I’m telling you – this book is it.
You can order it
here and thank me later. Unless reading it so much drives you crazy and you decide
not to thank me after all. :) (**side note – if you do get this book I’d recommend keeping it up high away from toddler hands and only take it down when you are going to look at it together. That way the book doesn’t get destroyed and it’s a special treat to read together.)
And a fun, new book my girls are enjoying called Do Princesses Wear Hiking Boots? Darling story and fun illustrations.
Neutrogena sunless tan lotion. Love this stuff! It’s my go to in the summer time. You all know I’ve been
cursed blessed with incredibly fair skin. I gave up my “try to tan and burn myself” days long ago and am now super careful about protecting my skin from the sun. The only problem is that I live in an area where shorts work year round and sunscreen is always essential. So I rub or spray a little of this on my legs every few days and wa-la! My legs no longer blind people. :) (I prefer the lotion over the spray because the tan looks more even. I buy it at Target or you can order it

Natural Ice chap stick (cherry). Love this stuff. I always have an abundance of it because my cute mom buys it for me. Every time I see her she slips a few packages in my purse. :)
Soon I’m going to do a post on all of my favorite make-up, but I had to include this one in my post today because I adore it.
It’s called
“Painterly Paint Pot” by MAC. It’s like foundation for your eye lids and I LOVE it! Basically you put it on before you put on your eye make-up and it makes it so that your eye shadow never creases. My eye shadow looks as good at 5:00 in the evening as it did when I put it on in the morning. Which is awesome, because time to touch up my make-up doesn’t exist these days!
I shared these favorite products on my last hair post. The Enjoy hair straightener and Paul Mitchell hairspray have been favorites of mine for years. I’m trying out some new products and I’ll share those too if they become favorites!
Another thing that seriously makes me so happy every day is my navigation system in my car – and the cute pic of my kiddos on the screen. (This picture was taken in the winter which is why it’s dark at 5:15.) :) It seems like every other day I’m typing in one address or another and this amazing invention leads me right to my destination. Genius for someone who is as directionally challenged as I am. (Seriously – you can ask my friends – I take it to a whole new level.)
I love my navigation system so much and would be lost without it! Literally.
And last but not least, a few recent favorite pics. That I may or may not have taken while driving in my car. (I don’t recommend that by the way…)
Love summer time in San Diego. It’s a favorite too. :)
Have a great weekend everyone!
xoxo, Erin
Another Wheels on the Bus family here…over in Oz. We are on our second copy =)
love your blog
I love this post Erin! Keeping doing posts like this please. I’m going to try the Bran Chex-I am like you and just like the automatic routine of eating the same thing every day. Love the book choices and I will be waiting patiently for the makeup post. You are awesome.
thanks for posting the stainless steel cleaner, i’ve been looking for a way to keep mine clean. Ill have to get the wheels on the bus book for my girls, they’d love that! have a great weekend!
I used to use the Painterly Paint Pot, then stopped bothering with eye shadow once the kids were born. I think it’s time to get back in the habit of trying to look nice– this is a good place to start!!
OK – I just ordered a copy of The Wheels On the Bus for my two precious grandbabies! We have an app on our iPad that they love, so I know they will love this book. Thank you for providing the link! I love Amazon.com, don’t you? Have a great weekend!!
You are too cute and I just started reading your blog a few days ago. I added you to my morning blog reads:) I want to try that cereal and hopefully I can find it around here. Where does your mom find the Natural Ice? I need to add this one to my lip collection!
Glad I’m not the only one who doesn’t take pictures while driving;)
Thanks everyone!
Beth – so nice to “meet” you! My mom finds natural ice at her local grocery store but I can’t ever find it where I live. I added links to all of the things in my post where you can find them on amazon. Hope that helps!
Enjoy your day! :)
Thanks for sharing some of your favorite things! Just wanted to let you know that there are two other cute books by Carmela Coyle: Do super heroes have teddy bears? and Do princesses have best friends forever?. They are both cute too!
PS Love reading your blog and I’m a Chex cereal girl too :)
I love “favorite things” posts! Martha’s Staples products are so pretty that I’ve been trying to come up with ways to use them.
Happy weekend!
P.S. Just recently found you via Pinterest and have been having fun reading back through your posts! You’re a girl after my own organization-loving heart! :)
You should get paid for these posts because I totally go out and buy the stuff you recommend. I love love love when other people do my research for me!
Can’t wait to try the tan lotion but need to know if it has a ‘smell.’ Butch can’t stand the tanning lotion smell and I can’t stand to hear him complain about it!
P.S. Got your cute message the other day. Have had ZERO time to call you back. Sorry.
I really like your blog and I want to follow, do you have twitter or facebook??
If you want some Swedish décor inspiration, you can check out my blog:)
Have a great week
LOVE Maria at inredningsvis.se
Yes this was a fun post! I love San Diego for the beaches, you are incredably lucky to live there! One thing Im really looking forward to, is the paint colors you end up using in your new home! Please do more favorite items posts in the future!
So glad you all liked the post! :) I’ll definitely have to do more “favorites on friday.” in the future.
Shari – yes – the tanning lotion does have a smell, but it’s not as bad as other tanning lotions I’ve tried. I hate the fake tan smell too! This one really isn’t that bad. Try it and then CALL ME to tell me what you think! ;)
Maria – working on a facebook page!
Unknown – thanks for the other book suggestions! I’m going to check them out! :)
I love your blog, and wont use the facebook or twitter page, its just to much. I kinda like that you have been so simple and down to earth, it says a lot about you.
Sorry I should have elaborated, simple in respect to just having a blog.
Hey, Erin…we have never met but I have been reading your blog ever since you were mentioned on Becky Higgins’ blog years ago, while you were pregnant with your son, I think. Anyway, I too have a curly headed daughter named Addison, and I wanted to share 2 things that have become my favorites with regard to her hair. One is called the Knot Genie, and as long as she is alive, she will own this. It is a brush made to get knots out of hair, and has been a life saver for us. you can find it at KnotGenie.com. The other is a line of hair products for curly hair, called Ouidad (ouidad.com). in both cases, they are a bit pricy, so sign up to receive their emails and wait for the sales.
Hey random question. Seeing your fashion friday posts included some cleaning stuff. What brand of laundry detergent/ softner do you use? Have you tried the downey unstopables? Thanks for answering! Love your blog! :)
Anonymous – thanks for saying that! I agree – keeping it simple is always better. Twitter will never happen around here and the facebook page is just going to be set up so that people have another way to follow my blog because of all of the requests I’ve received. I’m just planning on popping in once a day to announce when I’ve posted on my blog. :)
Hi Suz! I’m going to look into both of your suggestions! Thank you!
Anonymous – I just use tide to wash my clothes and sometimes I’ll add a little downy. I’ve never even heard of the downy unstopables! I’ll have to check those out too. Thanks for the suggestion and for the sweet comment about my blog! :)
Great post! Do this again please :) I like it better than Fashion Friday- don’t have to be jealous of spring/summer clothes year round ;)
my mother in law has that wheels on the bus book! it’s really cute.
I just bought MAC Painterfly for the first time…then saw this post. Coincidence!
I love both of the Resolve products you mentioned in your blog. I clean up a lot of stains on carpet (being a cleaning lady) and it works great. I also use the Resolve laundry stain remover for my own laundry. I’ll have to try the stainless steel wipes out on my client’s stainless steel appliances. I love all of your cleaning tips.
I had a minute to catch up on Sunny Side Up and before I knew it I had clicked the link to The Wheels on the Bus book and then clicked buy :) My little one will LOVE it! Whenever I begin singing the song she starts dancing like crazy. Thank you for the suggestion!
Thanks everyone! :)
Kara – you won’t regret it! It’s been our favorite toddler book by far!