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Ellie and Addison

I think I can…

This last week happened so fast that everything is still a bit of a blur.  We had Addison’s birthday party last weekend and not long after drove to Utah for a few days.  It was one of the quickest trips we’ve made but I had to be there!  I’ll explain why later, but let me just say that while our trip was fabulous, the traveling to Utah part was far from fabulous.  One of our worst road trips yet that included a stop outside of Las Vegas, Nevada to completely unload our car and re-arrange the seats so that NONE of our three kids were sitting next to each other.  After just a couple of days in Utah, we drove back to San Diego (a MUCH better trip this time around), unloaded the car, and then geared up for a weekend of dance rehearsals.  

(While these bags have been moved from the kitchen to the bedrooms they are still not unpacked and probably won’t be anytime in the near future.  Aside from my laptop of course.  Funny how I can always squeeze in a minute or two for blogging… I’m all about priorities…)   :)

I spent the last two days downtown with my little dancers and all of their friends.  Six hours of practice and waiting to practice on dress rehearsal day and six hours of dancing and waiting to dance on performance day (they put on the show twice).

It was a long weekend to say the least!  

I volunteered to stay the whole time and help entertain the little ones while they were waiting for their turn to dance.  While most of the girls colored and played games, I put Addie right to work on her birthday thank you notes.

 Multi task much?  :)

And it’s show time!  Oh my word they were cute.  SO cute.  Both of my girls did a darling job.  I didn’t take a single picture of them dancing because I didn’t want to take my eyes off of them and miss a thing.  But this dance extravaganza weekend wore me out.  I told Kenny tonight we are so NOT taking dance next year.  And I mean it.  Right up until I change my mind next week and sign the girls up again.   The whole time I was watching the first show I was thinking about how many hours my parents spent watching me dance.  I danced from age 4 all the way through college.  All of the recitals, practices, football and basketball games, competitions… how did they do it!?  Funny how much more you appreciate your parents once you become a parent yourself.  (Love you mom and dad)

My girls still have two more weeks of school left and then life should finally calm down.  At least that’s what I keep telling myself.  I think I can make it to summer… I think I can I think I can….

I have something going on almost every night this week so I’m apologizing in advance if blogging is slow.  One night I’m speaking in our ward (church group) on organization.  I’ve done it before for another ward and it was so much fun.  I’m excited.  Once I start talking about organization it’s hard to get me to stop so my church friends are in for a long night.  ;)

Enjoy your Monday everyone!  

xoxo, Erin
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23 thoughts on “I think I can…

  1. Erin, I love how you keep it real but keep it positive all at the same time. Such a gift :)

    My favourite part of the post is Addison writing her thank-you notes. I get SUCH a kick from seeing that. You’re training her beautifully.

    All the best with your talk! You’ll do a fabulous job as always.

  2. It has been crazy busy here too. I finally got my house back in its clean state. It seems like the last there weeks have been non stop. I have to say that every minute was amazing. I even managed to get in a Zumba class. “Don’t ask me how.”…lol.
    I love watching my daughter in her dance class, I always get choked up.
    Addison was so cute writing her thank you notes. I am a stickler on thank you notes!
    I hope things slow down a little for you. Happy to hear that you got to visit with your family.
    Have a great week.

  3. Glad to know we’re not the only family that have to split the kids up in the car sometimes!! Oh and I know all about dance weekends! We just spent our long weekend at dance competitions for our 4 & 5 year old! Would love to here some organising tips regarding dance comps/recitals? I bring a million things just in case! I really want to invest in a good dance bag but they’re so exspensive!! Courtney – Australia :)

  4. Your life sounds like mine! I can’t wait for school to get out! Could you post your talk to the blog? Will someone be taping it? Also, you refer to your church as a ward – are you Mormon?

  5. We have our dance recitals this weekend- rehearsals tonight! I think it’s so much fun, but ours isn’t nearly as long as yours! That would be tough! I agree, it’s so much work but it’s so cute that I always sign up again!

    The girls are so cute!

    AND YES to the thank you notes! Very good Addison, important skill!

  6. Thanks everyone!

    Anonymous – yes. I’m a Mormon. :) I’ll post the outline to my talk if I have time this week, but if you’ve been reading my blog for a while you’ve pretty much heard it all! :)

  7. Could you please share what dance classes you girls go to? I send my almost 5 y/o daughter to dance but it’s only 30 minutes a week and they don’t do shows or recitals. Although it sounds like a lot of work my little performer would love something like that.

    Thanks for sharing!


  8. Hi Erin! Can’t wait to hear more about your trip. I’m glad you got to go, and oh, I hear ya on the making sure no kids can touch each other. too funny. HOpefully I’ll see you this week! at least on Thursday!
    missed you!

  9. Hi Erin,

    It was our ballet weekend as well! Six hour dress rehersal, Friday folowed by two shows Saturday. Although mine is a teenager now she does still need a little help as she was in five dances and since I can’t help myself I was backstage with another class and acting as a runner. And run I did! It’s all worth it when you see them en pointe, carrying the performance and ending it with a beautiful finale. Year end with all the costumes, hair and stage makeup as well as the backstage rush are mine and my girl’s favourite!

    Keep dancing and enjoy the time with your girls!

    ~Wendy in Vancouver

  10. The last few weeks before school gets out is always crazy busy. And I hear you on the dance, my daughter took it for years.
    I always look SO forward to summer, I love having the kids home & enjoying the beach & time together ;)
    We are disney bound this July too !

  11. Happy Jubilee from the UK. We’ve been celebrating the queen’s 60th year for the past few days & it’s been very emotional.

    Thanks for a great blog.

    I could of questions I have: how do you do family scripture study with your children, especially a toddler?

    What kinds of things do you do for family night?

    I hope your Relief Society talk goes well. What callings do you & your husband have?

    Has Kole settled in nursery now?

    Cheerio for now from the UK:)

  12. I am so impressed by your daughter’s writing skills. My 5 yo boy is just finising pre-school and writes neatly, but only upper case. Do you practice at home? or is this just something she like to do, she’s seen Ellie do? She’s off to a good start!

  13. Thanks everyone! I know – all those little girls in tutus are so adorable, aren’t they!?

    A few quick answers to your questions:

    Melissa – I actually have two green laptop bags in that picture but I think you’re talking about the more stylish purse/laptop bag? It’s a Franklin Covey bag and I love it too! Check Franklin Covey on-line. They have so many fun things!

    Paulina – my 8 year old has been taking a hip hop class and my 6 year old takes tap/ballet. Each of their classes are one hour each. Do you live in San Diego? If you do and want to e-mail me I can tell you about different studios/options for dance around here. Some places do the big recital at the end of the year and some don’t.

    Julie- Kenny is the ward clerk and I teach the sunbeams in primary. :) For scripture study right now Kenny reads with the girls at night while I put Kole in bed. At some point we’ll do it as a family, but for now Kole needs a lot of extra attention so that is working for us! And yes! He is doing much better in nursery. Thanks for asking. :)

    MML – Thank you! And don’t worry at all! My girls wrote mostly in uppercase by the end of pre-school too. Their writing skills grow SO much during the year of Kindergarten! I do extra stuff with Addison at home, (I’ll have to do a post on that sometime) but her handwriting has improved so much just from this one year of school.

  14. Oh wowie – busy, busy!

    The girls looked beyond darling in their dance costumes. Love the multi-tasking – that’ll so be me!! I’m impressed with Addie’s writing skills. She just turned 6, right? It’s hard for me to imagine Audrey will be able to do that in 2 years. no way!

    You speaking about organization seems the perfect gig :)

    Hope things calm down soon!

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