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home decor 2

Decisions and the playroom

A while ago on my blog I mentioned some changes that had been consuming me.  Kenny and I have been looking at homes now for over a year and after not finding anything we loved we decided that we were going to build.  We found a lot and a builder that we were excited about and started planning our dream home.  The lot was in a different area than the one we live in now, so last December was a crazy month for us.  Aside from usual Christmas activities, we were busy talking to lenders, crunching numbers, and dreaming about cute kitchen cabinets and built in’s for a scrapbook room (ok – Kenny was busy crunching numbers…I was the one doing the dreaming).

I was also busy that month looking into other things in the area – schools, church, gym, grocery store (does the peppered turkey taste good enough?), best place nearby to get a pedicure.  You know – all the important stuff.  :)

Then the day before we were going to meet with the builder to put down our deposit I was seriously SICK to my stomach.  I was so nervous and just had this feeling like we weren’t making the right decision.  Kenny came home from work and he wasn’t feeling good about it either.  We weren’t sure why, but we knew that wasn’t the lot for us.  I cried and was so bummed.  It is really rare to build around here because land is hard to come by (especially lots with big yards).  But deep down I knew something else would come along that was a better fit for us.

Currently we are looking at another lot that hasn’t been released yet.  Our names are at the top of the list so it’s ours if we decide to go that way, but in the meantime, we are still looking looking looking at existing homes.  I love our realtor and it’s a good thing because we have been spending a lot of time together lately!

This is the lot we are looking at as a possibility.  It’s really beautiful, but in a lot of ways we’d love to find something already built and landscaped that we can just tweak to make our own.  Kenny especially is NOT excited about building with me.  I don’t know why?  Maybe because I tend to be a bit picky and indecisive?  Maybe.  Just a bit.  It’s a pretty bad combo.  :)

I am really tired of a lot of my decor in my current house, but don’t really want to change it just in time to pack things up and move so I’m trying to be patient!  I’m going to keep posting pics of our little house we live in now so we’ll always remember our time here.  I started posting house pics here:

Home Decor #1
Home Decor #2

These are some pictures of our playroom I took last summer.  It actually wasn’t part of the house when we moved in.  It was just a tiny office with a big opening to the downstairs (and a hideous gold chandelier that made its way to goodwill with record speed!).  We had a crew come in and build the space out into a room so the girls would have a place to play.  It’s a small room, but has become one of our favorite rooms in the house.  The girls live in it and I will really miss it when we move.  My next playroom is going to have to have a bit less pink so that poor Kole has a fighting chance!

I have loved these bulletin boards over my couch.  They are from Pottery Barn Kids and have made it so easy to change and display the girls’ art work.

Same picture – with an added accessory.  :)

Many tea parties have taken place on this little white table!  I have to say that of all of the toys my kids have, the table and chairs are my #1 playroom must have.  My girls use them to play and color every single day.

And what playroom is complete without a TV?  It’s so nice having a separate place for the kids to watch a movie so I can have peace and quiet downstairs once in awhile.  Can anyone guess the movie Addison is watching?

Here’s another pic that gives it away.  What a classic.

You can see that the bulletin boards aren’t the only place the girls end up displaying their art work.
They have had a thing with tape lately and it’s driving me nuts!  They want to tape every single thing they make up on a wall somewhere.  There will never be a shortage of butterflies, hearts, flowers, and sunshines around here!

Going to look at a few more houses tomorrow.  Cross your fingers for me!  I can’t wait to have a whole house that is begging to be decorated and organized.  My kind of project for sure.  :)

xoxo, Erin
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20 thoughts on “Decisions and the playroom

  1. Well, first of all, I LOVE the lot! How amazing to be able to build. Here everyone is buying houses and tearing them down to build new (no space). I think you would really enjoy having the opportunity to plan your perfect house. But…if you find something that really speaks to you and that you can do a few touches here or there- well, that would be great, too! Either way you go, I know it will end up looking wonderful. Keep us posted, for sure! We just moved last year (in March)- and the whole thing was just so hard…but now that we’re here, I have to say- it was SO worth it!!! :-)

  2. Hi Erin – I think your playroom is gorgeous! The lot you are looking at is spectacular, but I know what you mean about not wanting to build. My sister and her husband built a new house last year and they are still kicking themselves over things they did and didn’t do in the building process. Not sure about you, but I know I would be second guessing myself the whole time! Good luck with whatever you decide!

  3. I hope all the best for you in your house search. I know that it can be fun and stressful all at the same time. I love, love your house decor…always have. I can’t wait to see what you’ll do in another house…think of all the new places you can organize. That is an adorable play room and I’m sure your girls (and Kole) have great times in there.

  4. I feel your pain! I’m currently living in the second house that we’ve built. Who knew that after building it we’d like the first house better! Oh well, guess there can always be house #3 although I said never again after the 2nd one! It’s a fun process and remember – the big expenses come at the end… cabinets, fixtures, lights, doors, trim, etc because I’m sure you’ll like the more expensive ones like I did! ;-) I remember thinking… we’re paying how much for door knobs? And the solid wood doors are nice but too heavy to slide if you have a pocket door… it’s the little things. 1st house all the rooms were upstairs, 2nd house the master is downstairs which is a lot of up and down since the kids are young but when they’re older we’ll be glad they have their own area. Ok I could go on and on. Anyway – how exciting. Love the lot. Can’t wait to see how you decorate, your current house is just darling! We’ve been in this house for a year and I’ve already redone the living room! Oh and real clawfoot tubs are cute to look at but not so fun to bathe in! I also thought about putting a washer/dryer in the master closet and didn’t but do wish I’d done the laundry chute thing. Ok… I’ll be quiet now!!!

  5. Good for you guys for following that feeling. We had a situation like that … long story short we look back on it and reflect on the missed memories and positive experiences we had and it wasn’t our time nor place to move. Later on our dream lot came. And yes, building has its pros and cons. Steve was the number cruncher.

  6. first…cute playroom! we recently turned one of our guest rooms into a playroom for sadie/scraproom for me and we love it!
    second…i’m a realtor and my husband and i build homes also, so i completely understand the dilemma between buying and building. both can be exciting and frustrating! what matters the most is that you end up in a home that feels right for your family. happy hunting!

  7. Oh the joys! We built our house 6 years ago. Swore we would never do it again, now I want to do it again. Kind of like giving birth you forget (right?). we are currenlty trying to sell our house. What a headache! I wish you all the best!

  8. You dont know me, but i follow your blog with every post! you have great ideas and such cute kids…goodlick with the move..hate moving, but love starting fresh!

  9. Congratulations on the opportunity for a new home! That is hard determining whether or not it is the “meant to be” home. Thankfully, you and your hubby both felt like it wasn’t right BEFORE it happened. Who knows what mess could’ve occured. Thankfully, we have a loving God who leads us along the way.

    So, I LOVE how cheerful your home is. It is definitely on the “sunny side”. Where we now live, people decorate with such dark colors. :(

    If you don’t mind my asking; where did you find your multi-colored dinnerware? Or what brand is it? The one that has the leaves/vines patterned into it?

    I’m a new reader and former San Diegan. Love your blog.

  10. Oh my gosh, seriously such a tough decision for you! I think I had the opposite experience when we ended up building our house. We had looked at a house that was about 10 years old (with a pool!) and I wanted it SO bad! We fasted and prayed and then same thing, just didn’t feel good about it, but I was so sad! I cried and cried. BUT, I ended up being SO happy that we built! I am sure either decision will be hard for you in one way or another, but just remember this- if you do build you can have everything just the way you want it! Even if it stresses you out in the decision making process, it can be exactly what you want! I loved building and our builder was so good, he made it easier for me. Good luck deciding, can’t wait to hear either way!

  11. So exciting! Have you ever visited the blog called “August Fields?” It’s about their journey building a home, and it’s absolutely beautiful!

  12. You are off to a great start because you have trusted your gut instinct! I think you know when you know, and you’ll be really excited about it with no if’s or but’s.
    I love the playroom!

  13. Hi Erin – I love reading your posts! Reading them has made me more organized and tidy around the house=). I was looking at your decor posts and I was wondering where you got your red, yellow and green canisters? I have a earthy green accent wall in my kitchen and think that would be a nice way to add a few other colors. Happy house hunting =)

  14. Good luck with those decisions- they are so hard to make. I love the thought of starting fresh, but man, the thought of moving is a little less than desirable. I will be anxious to hear and see what you do. I have been tired of some of my decor too, but haven’t quite decided what I want to do yet.

  15. Good Luck with all of those decisions. I totally know where you are coming from. We would love to move out of our house too, but can’t find anything that is worth the money or we love. I LOVE our house, it is just a little on the small side now. The basement is the girls play room too, but I need to change it up a bit, because I am getting sick of it…love the boards…I think I might need to make some for their art! Good luck!

  16. And yet again I am asking myself….how is it possible that there are no marker or crayon markings on that cute table and chair set?????

    I absolutely love it and I love the holder you have for your crayons/markers.

    Erin, we have got to get together dang it. I should not be hearing about all this stuff through your blog!

  17. We moved into our current house almost 4 years ago and couldn’t love it more…but it was a bumpy journey to get here. We experienced a very similar story to yours, and I am so glad we listened to our uneasy feeling and waited. It turned out so much better in the end and it seems that the Lord has more blessings in store for you sometimes that you can imagine for yourself.

    I am confident that you will find the right fit for your family when the time is right – be it building or finding the perfect house to tweak. Exciting stuff for sure! I LOVE thinking of all the possibilities! So very happy for you!

  18. Amelia (4) saw the second picture of the potential lot and said, “Is that Barbie and the Diamond Castle?” Looks like a dream, for sure!

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